2025 MileSplit IL Team Power Rankings-Preseason Edition...

Data driven and non biased. These are not dual head to head rankings. Performances will be c...

By The Numbers: Final Freshmen Boys 3 Mile Rankings...

Let us take a peek at the final three-mile boys rankings from the freshmen level...

3A Girls: Sirois and Barrington Headline Deep Field...

Check out our 3A girls cross country state championship preview...

By The Numbers: Top 200 IL Senior Boys As Of 10.23...

Here is an excerpt of the top 200 Illinois boys cross country runners...

By The Numbers: A Deeper Look At The Top 100 3-Mile Boys...

We breakdown the top 150 cross country boy performers to date...

IL 3A Preseason Unranked/Early Dividend Players Preview...

The final boys stanza- preseason team rankings are here. Check out the deep cast of teams we...

2024 3A Girls Preseason Cross Country Preview: #20-11...

The next stanza of the 3A girls preseason previews move to number 11....

By The Premium Numbers: Top Returning XC Sophomore Boys...

Here are the top 100 returning sophomore boys cross country runners by the numbers...

By The Numbers: Top Returning XC Sophomore Girls...

Check out the top returning 100 sophomore girls by the numbers...

Final Top 50 Girls Relays Rankings: A Deeper Look Inside...

It is time that we dive into the rankings on the girls side- relays version!...

Rethinking the IL State Meet: Team Scoring Makeover...

How can the Illinois state track meet better reward the best teams?...

A Deeper Look Inside: The Final Top 50 Boys Relays...

We profile the final relays of the season. All 50 from the boys section...

Inside The Numbers: Top Freshmen Boys Entering May...

We are entering the homestretch of the 2024 track and field season....

2024 MileSplit IL Team Power Rankings: Week 1...

Data driven and non biased. These are not dual head to head rankings, performances are compa...

2024 By The Numbers: Top Returning Girls Indoor 200m...

A premium look at some of the fastest returning 1 lappers in the state...

Aden Bandukwaka Named IL Boys XC Player Of The Year...

Aden Bandukwala is voted the 2023 Illinois boys Gatorade Player of the Year for cross countr...

2024 By The Numbers: Top Returning Boys Indoor 200m...

Let's take a look at some of the top returning half lappers...

2024 By The Numbers: Top Returning Boys Indoor 1600m...

The top 150 returning "milers" are chronicled as part of our premium series...

2024 By The Numbers: Top Returning Boys Indoor 800m...

We take a quick look at some of the top returning under cover half milers...

2024 By The Numbers:Top Returning Boys Indoor 60m...

Check out the top returning 60 meter runners by the numbers...

2023 Final Girls Cross Country 5000 Meter Rankings...

We tally the top 300 performances in the 5000 meter category...

2023 Final Boys Cross Country 5000 Meter Rankings...

We collect data and present the top 300 boys performers for the 5000 meters...

Final 3 Mile Rankings Defined: Top 500 Sophmore Girls...

It is time to look at the top 500 girls three mile harriers from the 2023 season...

Final Boys 3 Mile Rankings: A Deep Look Into The Soph Class...

We go in depth regarding the sophomore harrier class. This will be one to remember....

Final Freshmen Girls 3 Mile Rankings: The Future Is Bright...

We take a look at many of freshmen girls from the season who competed and earned stats...

Final Rankings: Freshmen Boys 3 Mile Inside Look...

We take a final look inside the rankings of the freshmen boys class...

Championship Division Recap: Nike Cross Regionals Midwest...

Highlighting top team and individual performances from an electric day of competition at the...

Previewing the 2023 Boys NXR Midwest Regional...

Check out some of the top talent in the midwest and who may be up front at the 2023 Boys NXR...

3A Girls State Preview: York Girls Ready To Rock And Roll...

a quick fast breakdown of the 2023 girls state championship at Detweiller Park...

3A Boys State Preview: Surprises Will Come In Many Forms...

The official 3A boys state championship preview. We breakdown the ins and outs...

Naperville Twilight Preview: Downers North Ready To Deal...

Check out the 2023 Naperville Twilight Invite meet preview...

MileSplit IL Top 300 Boys Three-Milers: A Deeper Look Inside

It's time to look inside the numbers of the top boys 3-milers...

Who Won The Girls Weekend: Aug 28-Sept 2...

There was a ton of hot cross country action that popped off during the past weekend!...

Who Won The Boys Weekend: Aug 28-Sept 2...

The first weekend of the school season is well underway. Check out the boys action...

3A Preseason Preview: Downers Grove North Boys Billed #1...

It could be another magical year of cross country in the state of Illinois...

3A Girls Preseason Team Preview: #25 to #11 Explodes...

We enter the realm first set of rankings realm of the 3A girls previews...

By The Numbers: Top Returning 300 Sophomore Girls Harriers...

We take a look at the top returning 300 sophomore girls cross country runners by the numbers

Dan Watcke Named IL Boys Gatorade Player Of The Year...

Dan the man racks up another award- this one is the grandest of them all...

The Gift That Keeps Giving: Dan Watcke Takes Down 800m Mark...

There is only one Dan Watcke of Hinsdale Central and he is now the king of IL 800m...

Patrick Hilby: Is Ready For One Last Hurrah At NBNO...

Patrick Hilby has turned into one of the nation's best kept secret in 2023...

Freshmen Boys Rankings (5/17): Sectional Version...

It's time to check out the latest and greatest freshmen boys in a myriad of events...

Freshmen Girls Rankings (5/10): A Deeper Look Inside...

Here is another edition of the top statistical freshmen girls...

Sophomore Boys Rankings (5/5): A Deeper Look Inside...

We are looking at a very good class on the horizon that will keep IL in the mix...

Sophomore Girls Rankings (5/4): A Deeper Look...

Check out the group of high flying talent from a group of 10th graders...

Freshmen Boys Rankings (5/2): A Deeper Look...

The latest episode of solid freshmen in the state in one place...

Freshmen Girls Rankings (5/2): A Deeper Look...

We are almost at the peak of the season and there have been some great strides made...

Sophomore Girls Rankings (4/21): A Deeper Look...

Check out the rocket fuel sophomore girls track and field class...

2023 Team Power Rankings- Outdoor Week 2...

Data-driven and non-biased. These are not dual rankings, performances are compared to the re...

Sophomore Boys Rankings (4/19): A Deeper Look...

We take a stab at the sophomore class and the best of the best...

Freshman Boys Rankings (4/18): A Deeper Look...

The class of 2026 is ready to keep the long line of great track and field moving...

Illinois Top Times Girls Merge...

Here are the merged results from all three classes: 3A, 2A, 1A...

2023 MileSplit IL Team Power Rankings-Week 2...

Data-driven and non-biased. These are not dual rankings, performances are compared to the re...

National Title Contenders - Episcopal Academy Boys 4x800m...

An inside look at Episcopal Academy's 4x800m relay team....

New Names Top STAR Teams Rankings Entering Power Weekend...

The indoor season is three weeks old now, and the highest-performing teams in all three divi...

Indoor Girls Preview: The 4x800 Is The Golden Relay...

There is a dominant preseason favorite for the distance relay on the Girls' side, but who el...

STAR Teams Rankings (2/9): Kenwood Tops both Genders...

The first edition of the STAR Team Rankings have dropped, and the early returns show some ex...

Previewing the Illinois Perspective of Team Nationals...

The cross country season finally ends for IL athletes this weekend in Portland. Read here ab...

Team Nationals: A Loaded National Boys Field Is Ready To Go...

Team Nationals will play host to some of the best boys teams across the country Saturday mor...

Final Stats: Freshmen Boys Three Mile Peformances...

We chronicle the 300 performances of the 2022 cross country season...

Midwest Team Regionals Recap and Highlights...

Recap and highlights from the Midwest Team Regionals that took place at the LaVern Gibson cr...

2022 IHSA Sectional Predictions...

It's time to predict the ihsa sectional teams and individuals...

Top 250 Sophomore Boys Entering 10/12...

Check out the top rated sophomore boys entering the conference weekend...

Naperville North: Beware Of The Twilight Invitational...

All eyes will descend on Naperville North High School for the annual twilight invitational o...

Results Hub: Wisconsin Cross Country - Week 5...

Find complete results from the fifth week of the 2022 Wisconsin high school cross county sea...


Bosley nearly breaks 15:00, Oconomowoc Boys and Waunakee Girls bring home team titles. Catch...

Palatine MOC Invite Boys Preview: #1 Plainfield S Is Ready...

The top dog invitational in the state is about to go down! Check the vibes!...

Richard Spring Invite '22: Peoria Notre Dame Will Be Fire!...

Every year the Richard Spring "Peoria Notre Dame" is one of the top invites in the country...

By The Numbers: Top 500 boys 3-milers as of 9/14...

The results are coming in and the times are compiling on a daily basis...

MileSplit Illinois Team Rankings: Week 3...

Week three brings us another set of enjoyment. The mainstays are here but there are a few su...

Weekly Boys Merge (wk 2): Top 500 Three-Milers By Time...

We drop the top overall cross country performers of the past week by time....

The Hornet-Red Devil Invite Is Like 'America's Most Wanted'...

This could be the meet of the weekend. Just in case it does, we will have you covered!...

3A Boys Preseason Team Preview: The Full Monty Is Here!...

The full 3A Boys preseason preview preview released in its entirety...

Class 3A Girls Preseason Preview: All Eyes On The Dukes...

We reach the pinnacle of the 3A Girls previews and it is a very good read!...

By The Numbers: Top 150 Returning Girls Harriers...

This season is expected to be as fruitful for the girls as it was in 2021...

By the numbers: top returning sophomore boys 3-milers...

The class of 2025 proved to be another good one coming out of the deep covid period....

Premium Stats: Top 100 Returning Sophomore Girls 3 Milers...

It is time to forecast the top returning sophomore cross country girls in the three mile...

Final Edition: 2022 Boys Relays Outtake...

A breakdown of the top 50 relays of 2022. This is the 4x1, 4x2, 4x4, and 4x8...

2022 Girls Final: Top 100 Distance Performers By The Numbers

Here is the final stats of the girls 800, 1600, and 3200 meter runs...

IL Contingent: NSAF Nationals start list...

This is the official list of state entrants to the 2022 Nike Outdoor Nationals...

Top 100 boys distance aces updated and explained: 6/8...

Check out the top 100 boys distance runners in the 1600, 3200, and 800...

2022 MileSplit IL Boys Team Power Rankings-Final...

The Final Team Power Rankings Of The Season, Post Sectionals....

2022 IHSA Girls State Championship Merge Explained...

there were hundreds of performances from the girls state meet. We captured all of them!...

The Lockport Boys 4x800 hit like an atomic bomb!...

Secretly it was so good that we could believe it! Watch and decide for yourself...

2022 MileSplit IL Boys Team Power Rankings-Post Conference...

the penultimate version of the weekly boys power team rankings...

VOTE: Girls performer of the week #16 (5/2-5/8)...

The conference week dominated the performances of the past seven days...

2022 MileSplit IL Team Power Rankings-Week 9...

It's time to acknowledge the week nine teams in the power rankings as outdoor season has com...

2022 Milesplit IL Team Power Rankings Week 8...

It's time to acknowledge the week eight teams in the power rankings as outdoor season has co...

2022 MileSplit IL Team Power Rankings-Week 7...

It's time to acknowledge the week seven teams in the power rankings as outdoor season has co...

Future Star: Aden Bandukwala is earning his way to stardom...

Aden Bandukwala has been progressing well for the Hinsdale Central program...

2022 Preseason Boys Preview: The Relays!...

The relays offer that team spirit that track and field often hides behind the individual mod...

2022 Preseason previews: top projected girls relays...

We take a look at some of the top returning relay units from the 2021 season...

3A Boys preseason preview: Sandburg gets the #1 bill...

Here it is! We drop all 25 3A boys teams at once for your total enjoyment...

3A Girls preseason preview: #1 York Dukes ready to shine...

We have reached the pinnacle of girls preseason previews. Enjoy the wrap up of the final top...

Rising Stars: Underclassmen Boys Make An Impact This Season...

There are a handful of underclassman boys who left their mark in track and field this season...

St. Charles E Boys Starts #1 In Class 3A Preseason Preview...

The previews are now in the book, take some time and enjoy this prologue...

Class 3A Girls Preseason Preview Begins Numbers Game...

A very talented and bevy full of teams are here in which you all are able to peruse and marv...

2020 Milesplit Illinois Power Rankings: The Indoor Finale...

It is time for the MileSplit Illinois team power rankings, due to cancellations of many meet...

2020 Milesplit Illinois Power Rankings: Preseason Edition...

It is time for for the MileSplit Illinois team power rankings, this is the preseason version...

Caleb Brown Talks Decision To Join Badgers...

Division 2 State Champion, Caleb Brown will be off to Madison next year to represent the Uni...

3A Girls Preview: This Is Katelynne Hart's Swan Song...

Katelynne H for the individual scene and Naperville North will patrol the team block...

St. Charles E Boys Aiming For 1st State Title in 3A...

St. Charles East has been going HAM all season long. Can they continue the surge one more da...

Flashback: Girls Varsity Races From The 2017 Tiffin Carnival

Shaker Heights grad, Sophie Carrier took a first place finish in the Division 1 Varsity A ra...

3A Boys Team Preseason Preview: #25-11...

Class 3A is incredibly deep this season. Check out this next group of teams!...

3A Girls Team Preseason Preview: #25-11...

Rankings are subjective in nature as we all know, but it's fun to follow the trail of this p...

Head Of The Class: Ohio's Top 500 Returning Senior Girls...

Jodie Pierce enters the 2019 cross country campaign as the No. 2 ranked returning senior due...

Girls Pre-Season Poll: Who Will Be The 2019 State Champions?

Vote for who you think will take the individual state meet wins in Division 1, 2 and 3. ...

2019 Milesplit Illinois Power Rankings: Week 11...

Week 11 Team Power Rankings Are In Effect!...

2019 Milesplit Illinois Power Rankings: Week 9...

It is time for the MileSplit Illinois Team Power Rankings, Week Eight Is Here To Open Outdoo...

2019 Milesplit Illinois Power Rankings: Week 8 It's Outdoor...

It is time for the MileSplit Illinois Team Power Rankings, Week Eight Is Here To Open Outdoo...

2019 Milesplit Illinois Power Rankings: Week 6...

It is time for for the MileSplit Illinois Team Power Rankings, Week Four Is Here! Our ranki...

2019 Milesplit Illinois Power Rankings: Week 5...

It is time for for the MileSplit Illinois Team Power Rankings, Week Four Is Here! Our ranki...

2019 Milesplit Illinois Power Rankings: Week 2...

It is time for for the MileSplit Illinois team power rankings, Week Two Is Here!...

Naperville North Girls Ready For Resistance In 3A Battle...

Could see records fall here...

3A Wheaton-Warrenville South Boys Is Stamped Pre-Season #1...

The verdict is in: #1 Wheaton South is top team in all of Illinois...

3A Naperville North Girls Are Pre-Season Numero Uno...

The countdown to the #1 team is here...

Breaking Down The IL Premium National Stats Part 3...

The description of the top 100 IL placers nationally...

2018 Power Team Rankings Opens Outdoor Ready Or Not...

The first power team rankings of the 2018 outdoor season...

The Final Indoor Edition Power Team Rankings...

Final indoor team power rankings...

Power Team Rankings by MileSplit Illinois: Week 5...

Check out the hot week 5 power team rankings...

Power Team Rankings by MileSplit Illinois: Week 4...

Week 4 Team Rankings...

Power Team Rankings by MileSplit Illinois: Week 2 Power Week

Week 2 Power Team Rankings by Milesplit Illinois...

2018 3A Girls Power Team Rankings: Pre-Season Edition...

3A girls pre-season power rankings set...

What Does Pre-Season Cross Country Rankings Tell Us In The End?

Let's play the pre-season rankings game...

Class 3A Girls State Championship Preview: It Could Be An Ep...

Class 3A girls state championship is going to be an epic one...

Meet Records Outshine Team Hype At Naperville Twilight...

Naperville Twilight recap is here!...

#1 Downers North Boys Is Ready For Naperville Twilight Test...

It should be a magical evening in Naperville at the Naperville Twilight Invitational...

Palatine Meet of Champions Overcomes The Oppressive Climes...

Palatine turned out to be consistent and well round as usual...

Palatine MOC Promises To Be A Scorcher...

Palatine Invite Meet Of Champions preview...

The 37th Annual Hinsdale Hornet-Devil Invite Shines Bright...

Neuqua Valley boys, Hinsdale Central girls pull out victories...

Hinsdale Hornet Devil Invitational Snap Recap...

It was fun times at Hinsdale...

Hinsdale Hornet Devil Invitational Meet Preview...

It will be a great one in Hinsdale this weekend...

Why You Should Do Track By Coach Noah Lawrence...

“Young man, walking down the hallway, you should do Track.” “Who me?” “Yes, you.�...

Palatine Invitational Preview: It Is Time For The Meet Of Ch...

Palatine meet of champions...

First To The Finish Invitational Preview: The Battle Of The ...

The showdown at FTTF is about to go down...

Blake Evertsen, Lindsey Payne Repeat At Hinsdale Hornet Devi...

Blake and Lindsey repeat as meet champions...

Hinsdale Hornet Devil Invite Snap Recap...

The 36th Annual Hinsdale Hornet-Devil Invitational was anything but soft on a glorious Satur...

Hornet Red Devil Invitational Will Feature Unanimous Boys An...

Hinsdale Hornet-Devil Invitational will be the state's top invitational this weekend...

Class 3A Boys Pre Season Rankings Verdict: Neuqua Valley #1...

Neuqua Valley starts the season as the #1 team in Illinois...

Final Girls 4x800 Rankings: Hinsdale Central Leads Charge...

State Champion Hinsdale Central rated number 1 in Illinois all season long...

Neuqua/Hinsdale Summer Milk Mile Lives Up To Hype...

All in all the Neuqua Hinsdale Milk Mile was met with flying colors...

Hinsdale Central Boys Sectional Featured Photo Album by Stev...

Check out the amazing HC Featured photo album by Steve Bugarin...

Re-live The WSC Silver Boys Championship Race...

Every state in the Union can brag about their best team or set of best teams. That is a give...

Naperville Twilight Invite Recap: North Girls, Neuqua Boys M...

It was a magical Wednesday evening at Naperville North High School......

Naperville Twilight Cross Country Preview: The Rankings Busters

This mid-week invitational is expected to be classic, especially on the girls with the top f...

The 28th Annual First To The Finish Invitational Showbill...

It is expected to be 69 degrees, breezy with periods of sun when mid-day strikes upon histor...

3A Boys Cross Country Team Preview: #15-#1...

The last several years at the top of the 3A food chain has seen Hinsdale Central (enjoying t...

3A Girls Cross Country Team Preview: #15 to #1 Countdown...

The Illinois girls have stormed on to the national stage in recent years with respect. It wa...

Proviso West Boys 50th Annual Invitational Preview: Relays...

No matter what you are doing at a track meet, whether it's taking a trip to the bathroom or ...

Proviso West Boys #3 Highlights Friday Evening...

The opening scene Friday evening inside the Proviso West High School Field House in suburban...

The Ray Lewis Theory: NXN Recap, Thoughts, and Looking Ahead

Throughout the 2014 cross country season, as weekly national rankings were published and dom...

NXN Midwest Highlights & Coverage...

Sarah Kettel (17:28) & Jesse Reiser (15:01) individual champs. Carmel girls & Sandburg boys ...

NXN Midwest Preview: Jesse Reiser And Illinois Mates Look To...

The record breaking field of entrees (over 1700) is expected to be the deepest and best in m...

Saucony Flo50 Boys Teams: Good to Be State Champs...

Being state champs has a lot of rperks including a likely rise in the latest Saucony Flo50 B...

Class 3A Boys XC State Odyssey...

Highlight action and interviews of the flagship championship of the day...

Boys Team Scores Merge from Illinois State Meet...

Merged boys team scores from all 3 class races at the 2014 Illinois State Cross Country Cham...

Illinois State Meet: Maryjeanne Gilbert #2 All-Time at Detwe...

Naperville North girls take down US #11 Glenbard West & US #15 Hinsdale Central. Jesse Reise...

IHSA State Cross Country Championship Reprise...

It was a record breaking and fun filled day at beautiful Detweiller Park in Peoria, IL... ge...

Class 3A Boys State Championship Cross Country Preview...

State week! Historic Detweiller Park in Peoria has held a special place in my heart ever sin...

Class 3A Girls State Championship Cross Country Preview...

Every state championship seems to bring out the best in Illinois runners. Could it be that h...

Total flip around for the Girls Rankings...

See how some in-state battles at State Champs have affected the Saucony Flo50 Rankings...

Who's #1: It's Time To State Case At State Meet...

Jimmy evaluates the top boys teams in the nation as State meets heat up...

Milesplit Illinois Week #9 Power Team Rankings...

Power rankings explanation: This week’s rankings are taken in with consideration to where...

Milesplit Illinois Week #8 Power Team Rankings...

Power rankings explanation: This week’s rankings are taken in with consideration to where...

MileSplit Illinois Week #7 Power Team Rankings...

Power rankings explanation: This week’s rankings are taken in with consideration to where...

Illinois MileSplit Week #6 Power Team Rankings...

Power rankings explanation: This week’s rankings are taken in with consideration to where...

Lockport "Locktoberfest" Headlines Key Weekend Tilt...

The final weekend of freedom is upon us after this one. After this one will be a big lull in...

Illinois MileSplit Week #5 Power Team Rankings...

Power rankings explanation: This week’s rankings are taken in with consideration to where ...

Newly minted national ranked Avon & Hinsdale Central girls c...

In a matchup between two girls squads who recently debuted in the US top 25 rankings, the U...

Who's #1? Girls Teams (9/18)...

After almost a month of XC action, there are some shakeups in the Saucony Flo50 team ranking...

Who's #1? Boys Teams (9/17)...

After almost a month of XC action, there are some shakeups in the Saucony Flo50 team ranking...

Milesplit Illinois Week #4 Team Rankings...

Week #4 rankings for the week of Sept 16, 2014...

Milesplit Illinois Week In Review: Week #3...

Milesplit Illinois Week in review spanning Sept. 7-13, 2014...

WATCH Alexa Haff & Hinsdale Central move up Illinois state l...

Led by race champion and sophomore Alexa Haff (16:41), the Hindale Central girls of Illinois...

Coach Westphal has Hinsdale Central boys as heavy hitters in...

Video interview with plenty of insight from Hinsdale Central (IL) boys coach Jim Westphal af...

The 27th Annual First To The Finish Invitational Showbill...

Here is your showguide to the 27th Annual First To The Finish Cross Country Invitational hel...

Class 3A First To The Finish Invitational Preview...

Last weekend at the Hinsdale Hornet-Devil Invitational, the competition and atmosphere was i...

Milesplit Illinois Week #3 Team Rankings...

Rankings by Tony Jones and Alex Goodlad- Week of 9/9/2014...

Hinsdale Central Boys, Glenbard West Girls Proves They Are R...

They say the hardest thing in sports to do is defending a championship. In Hinsdale Central ...

Hinsdale Hornet-Devil Invite Highlights...

The mega hyped Hinsdale Hornet-Devil Invitational lived up to the billing and churned out so...

Hinsdale Central boys & Glenbard West girls not ready to giv...

Defending Illinois 3A state champions in the Hinsdale Central boys and Glenbard West girls s...

Hinsdale Red Devil-Hornet Invite Sets Off Hot Weekend Of Com...

The barometer reading in the Chicago area (where the majority top notch competition will be)...

National Preseason XC Rankings - Boys Teams...

We teased you with a top 10 watch list article and a Who's #1?" video ranking the to...

Class 3A Boys: Super 30 Pre-Season Preview...

"There are so many good teams but not enough time"- a wise quote from a high school historia...

3A Girls Team Cross Country Pre-Season Preview: #1-#15...

The cross country scene on Illinois' biggest stage is expected to be MAJOR this season. ...

Top 25 Fastest Returning Boys XC Teams in NXN Midwest Region

A list of the top 25 fastest returning boys cross country teams within the states of the NXN...

Cross Country 2014... On The Verge!...

The build up to the official start date of the 2014 cross country season has already been in...

Hinsdale Relays: Gone With The Wind Part II...

The 16th Annual Hinsdale Relays featured 14 track events of which 13 were in relay form...

Hinsdale Relays Preview...

There have not been too many days in the 2014 calendar season to celebrate when you consider...

Proviso West Boys Indoor Classic Preview...

The 49th Annual Proviso West Boys track meet has a few names that fans go by. One is the Pro...

2014 Class 3A Boys Relays Pre-Season Preview...

This season will carry many hopes and dreams for teams and their fans who love relays.  It ...

Nike Cross National Diaries: Illinois Style...

There is nothing like the human side of sports. Kids are not machines or robots. They are ki...

NXN Preview: Illinois Contingent Ready To Converge On Portla...

Perhaps the most exciting part about the Nike Cross Nationals is meeting and greeting the ki...

Illinois Harriers Make Big Headlines On Super Saturday...

The crisp Saturday morning started with sunny skies with a light brisk wind and above averag...

Super Saturday Proves Fruitful For Illinois Harriers!...

Footlocker Midwest: Jesse Reiser (Jr., McHenry)-3rd, Patrick Perrier (Sr., O'Fallon)...

NXN Midwest Preview: Can Perrier Take Home The Title?...

The best runners from across the midwest head to Terre Haute, Indiana, the sie of the NXN Mi...

3A Championship Recap: It's A West Suburban Silver Sweep!...

It was just several years ago that the Mid-Suburban League (MSL) had a strong hold on as the...

3A Boys State Championship...

The most anticipated team race in recent memory will take place two hours past  noon at the...

Tony's Weekend Regional Exposition...

Regional championship weekend has often been looked at as a throw-a-way three day period.  ...

Saucony Elite 50 Team Boys Rankings Week 6...

Conference, District, Regional and State meets are upon us and teams will begin resting up t...

Saucony Elite 50 Team Boys Rankings Week 5...

Christian Brothers Academy (NJ) rolled again this weekend to retain their perch atop the ran...

Lockport Invitational Preview...

It shall be a new meet to cover in the month long lull period for yours truly.  The Lockto...

Saucony Elite 50 Team Boys Rankings Week 3...

York (IL) made a huge move to score the #3 spot with an impressive win at the Palatine Invit...

3A Boys Team Preview: #10 - #6...

We've cracked the top ten. Did your team make the list?...

3A Girls Team Preview: #10- #6...

We've cracked the top ten. Did your team make the list?...

Hardies Finds College Home In Chapel Hill...

The recruiting process wasn't exactly easy for Hinsdale Central senior Jill Hardies. Sur...

Hardies Hoping To Bounce Back From Injuries...

It's said that pain is weakness leaving the body; when there's no pain there's n...

XC Regional Rankings: Illinois Represents - Three Boys & Two...

The first round of XC Regional Rankings, released by NSSF and produced by Marc Bloom and Ric...

Meet of the Week Preview: Hinsdale Hornet-Red Devil Invitati...

As the season gets underway, ILRunners.com will bring you a special feature each week on the...

Weekend Preview: Big Meets in Texas, New Mexico Top the Cale...

The second full weekend of the season has many of the top teams and individuals in each stat...


More Headlines
COROS MileSplit50: Boys Indoor T&F Rankings (March 6)...

With the indoor track and field season well underway, it's time to update the COROS Milespli...

Cabin Fever Invite Poses Serious Action On A Thursday Eve...

It is time for some fast Thursday track and field action at the Dr. Conrad Worrill Track an...

Toeing The Line: Week 5 Recap I Week 6 Outlook...

Check out another exciting episode of Toeing The Line with Tonyprepster and Coach P...