Hinsdale Central has been a devasting team in Illinois over the past 12 months (Steven Bulgarin image)
The final weekend of freedom is upon us after this one. After this one will be a big lull in competition and the first leg to the run of the state meet will commence: conference championships (more on that and more at a later time). Count this "Locktober affair" as a build up for what is to come later in the month and in November and possibly December for the state's cream of the crop boys teams.
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2014
Place: Dellwood Park; Route 171 and Parkview
Distance: 5000m (5k)
Race times:
9:00 AM Freshman/Sophomore Race
9:40 AM Varsity Race
10:20 AM Open Race
11:00 AM for Awards at Performing Arts Center
Key teams: #1 Hinsdale Central, #2 Naperville (Neuqua Valley), #4 LaGrange (Lyons Township), #7 Downers Grove North, #10 Glen Ellyn (Glenbard West), #12 Plainfield South, # 14 Buffalo Grove, #15 Naperville North, #20 New Lenox (Lincoln-Way Central), #21 Chicago Whitney Young, #25 Edwardsville, #25 Wheeling
On the low some coaches don’t want to admit how hard they want to go in arguably the weekend’s deepest if not most compelling race. Some teams like Hinsdale Central, Neuqua Valley, and Downers Grove North have either conference dual meets or corporate sponsored affairs that they need to be cognizant about. In order words there better be some gas left in the tank when the time comes to pay the piper.
Lyons is one of those teams that must adhere to mid-week conference competition requirements that is mandated by the West Suburban Conference. The competition in the WSC Silver division is so fierce that sometimes high powered invites seem tame. Perhaps that why the Lions were cool, calm and collected in upsetting Hinsdale Central and Neuqua Valley last year for the Locktoberfest title. Depending on the lineups it could happen again. Last weekend at the prestigious Culver Military Academy Invitational in Culver, Indiana, the Lions surprised then Indiana’s top ranked team Columbus North and third ranked team West Lafayette. Despite losing all five starters from last year’s third place state squad, head man Mike Danner quickly ushered a new set of able bodied runners from the JV ranks. The 32 second scoring led by junior Connor Madell was more than enough to get the job done over two nationally ranked teams.
Hinsdale Central is coming off of a two week invitational racing break as the first the First to the Finish Invitational was team’s last competition. They are not exactly rusty because of stiff WSC competition. But at the same time there is a difference between running in a high tilt invite where are several hundred runners and a half-distance teams of supreme quality as opposed to a dual or tri-meet with 30 competitors. The Red Devils have proven to be the best team in Illinois since the start of last year’s state series, but they are going to earn the Locktoberfest title. This team is stout and is usually led by a tight knit committee. Matt McBrien (Sr.), Chris Brenk (Jr.), Blake Evertsen (So.), and Josh Feldman (Sr.) could all be the team’s top runner when called upon. The team turned in a 21-second scoring split and netted a 14:59 per man 3-mile average. When it’s all said and done Hinsdale Central will be incredibly hard to beat if not impossible.
After having a nice break from competition, Neuqua Valley’s schedule for the month of October will be loaded. After Saturday’s competition, the Wildcats will host the Naperville Nike Twi-light Invite on October 8 and then compete in the Nike Northside/Southside Challenge on Sunday October 12. So don’t be surprised if Neuqua Valley shuffles its varsity line-up a bit the next three meets. It will only mean that depth is going to play a strong part in staying afloat.
The depth of the field will show its face once the final results come trickling in. Downers Grove North is no slouch and battling fellow conference foes Hinsdale Central and Lyons will be hard but add in WSC Silver mates Glenbard West, it will make matters feel like a mini conference championship. Senior Ryan Clevenger will give his team a low number for sure. Glenbard West will counter with a senior of their own in Paul Christian. Both teams will look to neutralize the competition with their strong packs.
Plainfield South, Buffalo Grove, Naperville North, and Whitney Young will seek to move the rankings meter. In a match that is rare as a 2-dollar bill, Edwardsville and Wheeling will have to break the Milesplit Illinois Power Rankings tie. Both teams are locked into the #25 spot.

Kevin Salvano beat Connor Horn, Brydon Groves-Scott, and Chris Brenk down the stretch at FTTF. Can he do it once more?
Individually, Ryan Clevenger is arguably the third best runner in the state of Illinois. He will at least be the best runner toeing the line at Dellwood Park. Buffalo Grove junior Kevin Salvano will give it a good try though. Salvano took over as the team’s top runner nearly a year ago when his older brother Steven Salvano went down with sickness and injury. Kevin went on to become of the top runners in the state. Connor Horn (Jr., Neuqua Valley) is running well in first season back after missing all of 2013. Horn has clocked 14:45 this season. Brydon Groves-Scott (Sr., Edwardsville) is bringing his talent to the Southwest suburb of Chicago and he should be in the top five mix. Hinsdale Central will have a bevy of talent with Brenk, McBrien, and Evertsen taking to the field. Also don’t forget Peter Johnsrud (Sr., Oswego) who will challenge the top runners to be honest on the rugged course. Let's throw Lincoln-Way Central senior Tommy Lolacki in the firestorm too.