Minooka Smith Strong Invitational 2021

Minooka, IL
Hosted by Minooka

Athlete Entries

FS Boys 4 x 100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.53 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Relay Team A 44.84 Andrew High School
Relay Team A 45.20h Batavia High School
Relay Team A 45.50 Plainfield North High School
Relay Team A 45.62 York High School
Relay Team A 45.73 Minooka High School
Relay Team A 45.87 Lockport Twp. High School
Relay Team A 46.19 Plainfield South High School
Relay Team A 46.20 Huntley High School
Relay Team A 46.89 Oswego High School
Relay Team A 47.52 Normal West High School
Relay Team A 48.00h Neuqua Valley High School
Relay Team A 50.85 Waubonsie Valley High School
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FS Boys 4 x 200 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:35.12 Andrew High School
Relay Team A 1:35.95 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Relay Team A 1:36.00h Neuqua Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:36.32 Plainfield North High School
Relay Team A 1:36.40h Batavia High School
Relay Team A 1:36.60 Minooka High School
Relay Team A 1:37.90 Plainfield South High School
Relay Team A 1:39.42 Lockport Twp. High School
Relay Team A 1:40.00h Kaneland High School
Relay Team A 1:42.00h Huntley High School
Relay Team A 1:42.70 Normal West High School
Relay Team A 1:43.28 Oswego High School
Relay Team A 1:47.16 Waubonsie Valley High School
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FS Boys 4 x 400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:38.67 Jones College Prep
Relay Team A 3:39.55 Plainfield North High School
Relay Team A 3:40.00h York High School
Relay Team A 3:40.00h Neuqua Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:41.24 Downers Grove North High School
Relay Team A 3:41.50 Lockport Twp. High School
Relay Team A 3:42.15 Minooka High School
Relay Team A 3:44.74 Normal West High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00h Kaneland High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00h Batavia High School
Relay Team A 3:45.53 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Relay Team A 3:47.50 Andrew High School
Relay Team A 3:47.90h Waubonsie Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:48.71 Plainfield South High School
Relay Team A 3:55.00h Huntley High School
Relay Team A 3:56.18 Oswego High School
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FS Boys 4 x 800 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:39.75 Lockport Twp. High School
Relay Team A 8:27.00 Jones College Prep
Relay Team A 8:31.65 Minooka High School
Relay Team A 8:37.00h Waubonsie Valley High School
Relay Team A 8:40.00h Neuqua Valley High School
Relay Team A 8:40.72 Plainfield North High School
Relay Team A 8:42.61 York High School
Relay Team A 8:48.50h Plainfield South High School
Relay Team A 8:48.50h Downers Grove North High School
Relay Team A 9:00.00h Sandburg High School
Relay Team A 9:02.70h Oswego High School
Relay Team A 9:15.00 Batavia High School
Relay Team A 9:16.87 Normal West High School
Relay Team A 9:30.00h Kaneland High School
Relay Team A 9:31.55 Andrew High School
Relay Team A 9:36.75 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
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Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ellis, Marshall 10.56 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Kerber, Paul 10.94h Huntley High School
Colwell, Tyler 11.03 Minooka High School
Bowens, Kivan 11.14 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Patterson, Lavell 11.16 Plainfield North High School
Stanton, Brian 11.22 Plainfield South High School
Anderson, Darren 11.22 Minooka High School
Gronewold, Evan 11.24h Huntley High School
Harris, Jamir 11.30 Waubonsie Valley High School
Gramley, Dylan 11.31 Plainfield North High School
Bradley, Anthony 11.35 Batavia High School
Hohmann, Jacob 11.40 Batavia High School
Vassilakis, Angelo 11.53 Lockport Twp. High School
Johnson, Jaron 11.64 Andrew High School
Pitman-phillips, Elijah 11.68 Normal West High School
Hobbs, Charles 11.72 Waubonsie Valley High School
Reichard, Dylan 11.73 Oswego High School
Barberi, Michael 11.78 Andrew High School
Briones, Ethan 11.85 Neuqua Valley High School
Collins, Jake 11.89 Lockport Twp. High School
Alzoubi, Sami 11.94h Sandburg High School
Jackson, Danny 11.99 Sandburg High School
Natonek, Lance 12.01 Oswego High School
Miskel, Miles 12.01 Neuqua Valley High School
Mastrino, Marco 12.03 York High School
Forcade-perkins, Alex 12.03 Normal West High School
Cramer, Ryan 12.50h Plainfield South High School
Pennington, Nick 12.78 Kaneland High School
Branson, Wyatt 12.91 Kaneland High School
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Czako, Gabe 14.90 Lockport Twp. High School
Kirkwood, Sean 15.46 Waubonsie Valley High School
McEntee, Jake 15.85 Lockport Twp. High School
Wiley, Alex 15.96 Waubonsie Valley High School
Phillips, Jordan 16.04h Sandburg High School
Forrest, Collin 16.12 Minooka High School
Schultz, Tyler 16.12 Plainfield South High School
Iii, Jerry Hester 16.21 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Lansdowne, Jake 16.29 Neuqua Valley High School
Conroy, Porter 16.32 Kaneland High School
Givan, Jalyn 16.33 Plainfield North High School
Bartuch, Vince 16.49 Minooka High School
Parker, Scot 16.72 Batavia High School
Nguy, Ben 16.84 Normal West High School
Monarrez, Manases 16.84 Batavia High School
Aagesen, Chandler 16.91 Oswego High School
Perry, Jelani 17.00 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Kim, Enoch 17.22 Neuqua Valley High School
Bell, Jayden 17.40 Huntley High School
Gianni, Antonio 17.42 York High School
Lawrence, Connor 17.54 York High School
Mangruem, Jayden 17.95 Normal West High School
Borzych, Logan 19.09 Huntley High School
Hickman, Braden 19.24 Plainfield South High School
Smith, Nick 20.05 Andrew High School
Upchurch-Mims, Jordan 20.34h Sandburg High School
Bailitz, Carter 21.00 Andrew High School
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dovalovsky, Nicolas 4:15.00h Neuqua Valley High School
Vreeland, Mickey 4:21.20 York High School
Niser, Andy 4:22.94 Jones College Prep
Van Eck, Vincent 4:24.58 Minooka High School
Hill, Colin 4:24.64 York High School
Burke, Austin 4:25.00h Neuqua Valley High School
Maseman, Ryan 4:25.24 Plainfield North High School
Watcke, Dan 4:26.10h Hinsdale Central High School
Lowe, Quintin 4:26.24 Batavia High School
Mclawhorn, Charlie 4:27.14 Lyons Township High School
Benes, Luke 4:27.49 Jones College Prep
Llewellyn, Roy 4:27.8 Downers Grove North High School
Lehnhardt, Griffin 4:29.00h Sandburg High School
Anderson, Trent 4:29.75 Sandburg High School
Doud, Balin 4:32.26 Oswego High School
Dallal, Isaiah 4:34.53 Kaneland High School
Trentz, Grant 4:34.95 Plainfield South High School
Molitor, Austin 4:35.50 Lockport Twp. High School
Cardamone, Braden 4:36.23 Oswego High School
Sweeney, Joey 4:37.98 Waubonsie Valley High School
McNally, Kyle 4:38.37 Downers Grove North High School
Ivancevic, Dane 4:38.48 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Nielsen, Tim 4:44.74 Lockport Twp. High School
Young, Dylan 4:45.00 Plainfield North High School
Snedden, Luke 4:47.35 Andrew High School
Solis, Angel 4:48.1 Waubonsie Valley High School
Kucz, Charlie 4:49.31 Huntley High School
Reade, Hunter 4:49.49 Minooka High School
Morrey, Ben 4:50.19 Andrew High School
Perry, Josh 4:52.18 Normal West High School
Grubbs, Luke 4:52.52 Huntley High School
Nyland, Anders 4:53.14 Batavia High School
Irwin, Quentin 4:54.47 Normal West High School
Valkanov, David 5:07.51 Kaneland High School
Kramer, Adam 5:11.40 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ellis, Marshall 21.71 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Mitchell, Maxwell 22.28 Neuqua Valley High School
Colwell, Tyler 22.44 Minooka High School
Bowens, Kivan 22.65 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Harris, Jamir 22.66 Waubonsie Valley High School
Stanton, Brian 22.93 Plainfield South High School
Hiser, Cael 22.94 Minooka High School
Parker, Scot 22.97 Batavia High School
Eskridge, Mason 23.08 Plainfield North High School
Wheatley, Reese 23.33 Batavia High School
Garrett, Chris 23.39 Plainfield South High School
Orban, Will 23.46 Lockport Twp. High School
Gramley, Dylan 23.47 Plainfield North High School
Ayash, Sami 23.53 York High School
Phillips, Corey 23.78 Kaneland High School
Pitman-phillips, Elijah 23.78 Normal West High School
Ketza, Benjamin 23.86 Andrew High School
Bass, Lucas 24.00 Kaneland High School
Phillips, Jordan 24.04h Sandburg High School
Reichard, Dylan 24.09 Oswego High School
Thomas, Jalen 24.10h York High School
Miskel, Miles 24.25 Neuqua Valley High School
Lopresti, Andrew 24.38 Lockport Twp. High School
Natonek, Lance 24.44 Oswego High School
Zastrow, Jacob 24.50 Huntley High School
Mazza, Vinny 24.64 Andrew High School
O'Hara, Owen 24.69 Waubonsie Valley High School
Llauderes, Marc 24.70 Huntley High School
Espino, Christian 24.82 Sandburg High School
Kimbrough, T'qori 26.55 Normal West High School
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roti, Frankie Andrew High School
Czako, Gabe 39.89 Lockport Twp. High School
Crawford, Davonte 40.43 Normal West High School
Kirkwood, Sean 40.80 Waubonsie Valley High School
Givan, Jalyn 41.02 Plainfield North High School
Bartuch, Vince 41.48 Minooka High School
Phillips, Jordan 41.74h Sandburg High School
Aagesen, Chandler 41.77 Oswego High School
Allen, Ted 41.93 Kaneland High School
Lansdowne, Jake 42.26 Neuqua Valley High School
Nguy, Ben 42.97 Normal West High School
Conroy, Porter 43.02 Kaneland High School
Woloszczuk-Mrugala, David 43.04 Minooka High School
Aagesen, Alex 43.47 Oswego High School
McEntee, Jake 43.54 Lockport Twp. High School
Kim, Enoch 43.59 Neuqua Valley High School
Perry, Jelani 43.95 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Miller, Alex 43.96 Waubonsie Valley High School
Monarrez, Manases 44.51 Batavia High School
Cardillo, Nick 44.80 Plainfield North High School
Gianni, Antonio 44.83 York High School
Sharp, Jaden 45.35 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Lawrence, Connor 45.52 York High School
Hickman, Braden 45.81 Plainfield South High School
Bell, Jayden 46.21 Huntley High School
Schultz, Tyler 46.40 Plainfield South High School
Stavropoulos, Bill 47.07 Sandburg High School
Bailitz, Carter 47.50 Andrew High School
Mathews, Ben 47.54 Batavia High School
Borzych, Logan 49.84 Huntley High School
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Adam 10:01.00 Batavia High School
Marshall, Ethan 10:01.11 Waubonsie Valley High School
Schalk, Daniel 10:01.28 Minooka High School
Schalliol, Noah 10:02.31 Neuqua Valley High School
Perez, Andres 10:05.85 Waubonsie Valley High School
Snedden, Luke 10:11.67 Andrew High School
Kics, Cole 10:14.47 Minooka High School
Crabb, Scott 10:16.10 Plainfield South High School
Close, Zac 10:16.91 Neuqua Valley High School
Graham, Matthew 10:23.27 Plainfield South High School
Porsche, Chase 10:30.65 Huntley High School
Cunz, Logan 10:31.34 Kaneland High School
Taylor, Harrison 10:35.56 Normal West High School
Rasmussen, Ty 10:40.83 Huntley High School
Gauthier, Jaxson 10:41.57 Lockport Twp. High School
Fountain, Chris 10:43.33 Kaneland High School
Betancourt, Michael 11:08.00 Normal West High School
Bressanelli, Aidan 11:35.97 Andrew High School
Tunney, Declan 9:24.94 Sandburg High School
Niser, Andy 9:27.84 Jones College Prep
Cummins, Evan 9:29.71 Downers Grove North High School
Summer, Ethan 9:31.00 York High School
Rice, Brock 9:32.00h Sandburg High School
Mansour, Ryan 9:33.09 Batavia High School
Forsell, Ethan 9:37.8 Oswego High School
Kiley, Wil 9:40.08 Lockport Twp. High School
Sommese, Michael 9:44.19 Jones College Prep
Shetty, Karan 9:45.56 Downers Grove North High School
Luka, Jeff 9:46.92 York High School
Everix, Jacob 9:48.4 Oswego High School
Burns, Oliver 9:50.07 Plainfield North High School
Shelton, Cooper 9:58.60 Plainfield North High School
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Varsity Boys 4 x 200 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:29.97 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Relay Team A 1:31.54 Minooka High School
Relay Team A 1:31.92 Lockport Twp. High School
Relay Team A 1:32.19 Batavia High School
Relay Team A 1:32.89 Huntley High School
Relay Team A 1:33.09 Neuqua Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:33.31 Plainfield South High School
Relay Team A 1:33.50h York High School
Relay Team A 1:33.74 Andrew High School
Relay Team A 1:33.89 Kaneland High School
Relay Team A 1:34.10 Oswego High School
Relay Team A 1:34.32 Plainfield North High School
Relay Team A 1:36.94 Waubonsie Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:38.64 Normal West High School
Relay Team A 1:40.17 Sandburg High School
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Varsity Boys 4 x 800 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 7:58.30 Neuqua Valley High School
Relay Team A 7:59.38 Minooka High School
Relay Team A 8:00.21 York High School
Relay Team A 8:04.18 Sandburg High School
Relay Team A 8:06.74 Lyons Township High School
Relay Team A 8:16.81 Plainfield South High School
Relay Team A 8:17.15 Plainfield North High School
Relay Team A 8:19.53 Downers Grove North High School
Relay Team A 8:26.97 Waubonsie Valley High School
Relay Team A 8:27.93 Normal West High School
Relay Team A 8:30.00h Jones College Prep
Relay Team A 8:30.58 Oswego High School
Relay Team A 8:32.93 Lockport Twp. High School
Relay Team A 8:40.43 Batavia High School
Relay Team A 8:41.54 Andrew High School
Relay Team A 8:45.00h Kaneland High School
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trammell, Ethan 1:00.45 Oswego High School
Mitchell, Maxwell 49.94 Neuqua Valley High School
Schultz, Niko 49.94 Plainfield South High School
Gronewold, Evan 50.18 Huntley High School
Heuer, Will 51.18 York High School
Conniff, Patrick 52.50 Neuqua Valley High School
Bedford, Josh 53.00 Plainfield North High School
O'Shea, Owen 53.13 Plainfield South High School
Piron, Tyler 53.21 Batavia High School
Rizk, Michael 53.32 Jones College Prep
Welke, Wade 53.88 Lockport Twp. High School
Rehmani, Armaan 53.99 Plainfield North High School
Alzoubi, Sami 54.04h Sandburg High School
Allen, Nolan 54.05 Kaneland High School
Cunico, Nicholas 54.17 Andrew High School
Hiser, Colin 54.58 Minooka High School
Hosea, Wyanye 54.74 Normal West High School
Bozen, Dylan 54.75 Lockport Twp. High School
Martell, Luke 54.81 Huntley High School
Solano, Vincie 54.90h Batavia High School
Loudermilk, Ian 54.98 Minooka High School
Offord, Dylan 55.20 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Zufan, Charlie 55.47 Andrew High School
Natonek, Lance 55.62 Oswego High School
Beer, Jimmy 55.64 Waubonsie Valley High School
Manzella, Frankie 55.68 Waubonsie Valley High School
Hogan, Aaron 55.69 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Johnson, Brady 55.70 Kaneland High School
Menninger, Alan 57.50 Jones College Prep
Smith, Justin 58.18 Normal West High School
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 42.73 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Relay Team A 43.08 Minooka High School
Relay Team A 43.23 Normal West High School
Relay Team A 43.32 Plainfield North High School
Relay Team A 43.38 Batavia High School
Relay Team A 43.42 Lockport Twp. High School
Relay Team A 43.59 Huntley High School
Relay Team A 44.03 Oswego High School
Relay Team A 44.15 Waubonsie Valley High School
Relay Team A 44.25 Plainfield South High School
Relay Team A 44.31 York High School
Relay Team A 44.41 Neuqua Valley High School
Relay Team A 44.51 Kaneland High School
Relay Team A 44.54 Andrew High School
Relay Team A 46.64h Sandburg High School
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:26.70 Neuqua Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:27.17 Batavia High School
Relay Team A 3:27.44 Plainfield North High School
Relay Team A 3:27.77 Minooka High School
Relay Team A 3:30.80 Plainfield South High School
Relay Team A 3:32.03 Huntley High School
Relay Team A 3:32.71 Normal West High School
Relay Team A 3:33.28 Oswego High School
Relay Team A 3:33.80 Lyons Township High School
Relay Team A 3:34.07 Kaneland High School
Relay Team A 3:36.82 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Relay Team A 3:39.10 Sandburg High School
Relay Team A 3:39.75 Lockport Twp. High School
Relay Team A 3:40.67 Jones College Prep
Relay Team A 3:41.24 Downers Grove North High School
Relay Team A 3:45.76 Andrew High School
Relay Team A 3:49.30h Waubonsie Valley High School
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fallon, Jonah 1:56.93 Batavia High School
Shaw, Adam 1:57.46 Minooka High School
Schultz, Niko 1:58.14 Plainfield South High School
Fayman, Emerson 1:58.83 Minooka High School
Tineh, Ismail 1:59.00h Sandburg High School
Lodwig, Aaron 1:59.05 Kaneland High School
Schwan, Garrett 2:00.40h York High School
Reinhart, Luke 2:00.89 Normal West High School
Geiger, Jackson 2:00.90h York High School
Giblin, Grant 2:01.00h Sandburg High School
Rohlwing, Nick 2:01.49 Neuqua Valley High School
Rizk, Michael 2:01.50 Jones College Prep
Rook, Charlie 2:01.50h Neuqua Valley High School
Nelson, Andrew 2:01.66 Jones College Prep
Ivancevic, Dane 2:02.69 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Gartlan, Leo 2:04.98 Downers Grove North High School
Morrison, Ian 2:05.15 Plainfield North High School
Reynoso, Ethan 2:05.63 Plainfield South High School
Oster, Aidan 2:05.71 Waubonsie Valley High School
Benziger, Zach 2:05.94 Waubonsie Valley High School
Saufley, Logan 2:06.29 Normal West High School
Biamonte, Frank 2:06.50 Lockport Twp. High School
Lee, Denzel 2:06.78 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Fisher, Hudson 2:08.50 Huntley High School
Cravens, Owen 2:08.52 Huntley High School
Ryan, Timmy 2:08.83 Andrew High School
Huey, Benjamin 2:09.37 Oswego High School
Rudek, Evan 2:09.42 Batavia High School
Benge, Jack 2:10.20h Downers Grove North High School
Smart, Michael 2:10.80 Oswego High School
Schumauderer, Matt 2:13.78 Plainfield North High School
Phillips, Christian 2:13.81 Kaneland High School
Landers, Collin 2:14.02 Andrew High School
Mikuckas, Matas 2:22.70 Lockport Twp. High School
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Varsity Boys Discus Throw 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kiefer, Martin 156-8 Neuqua Valley High School
Meyer, Dylan 144-11.7 Minooka High School
Mika, Sam 144-2 Waubonsie Valley High School
Swim, Hayden 138-11 Huntley High School
Wojtkeiwicz, Colin 138-10 Plainfield North High School
Mason, Omari 135-2.75 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Prats, Spencer 135-1 Batavia High School
Villarreal, Evan 134-9.75 Oswego High School
Crudele, Jack 133-10 Huntley High School
Darden, Elijah 133-10 Neuqua Valley High School
Lukas, Adam 127-11 Batavia High School
Hubbard, Isaiah 127-7 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Egly, Matthew 126-8.5 Oswego High School
Latoza, Joseph 125-10.7 Lockport Twp. High School
Holderby, Gabe 123-7.25 Normal West High School
Degracia, Joel 123-7 Minooka High School
Hatchet, Jeremiah 122-1 Waubonsie Valley High School
Pflipsen, Eli 121-9.75 Kaneland High School
Snitko, Valentine 120-7 Plainfield North High School
Winistorfer, Adam 116-7.25 Andrew High School
Young, Jonathan 116-4.75 Andrew High School
Alayan, Michael 114-2 Plainfield South High School
Jumah, Moe 113-5.5 Sandburg High School
Winiecki, Max 106-7.5 Plainfield South High School
Uddin, Razaq 102-4.75 Kaneland High School
Silzer, Cole 96-0.75 Lockport Twp. High School
Danowski, Kevin 92-6.25 Sandburg High School
Barnett, Nicholas 71-2.75 Normal West High School
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Varsity Boys High Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Findley, Jonovan 6-8 Normal West High School
Carlson, Casey 6-6 Batavia High School
Nolan, Charlie 6-6 Normal West High School
Conroy, Porter 6-5 Kaneland High School
Moore, Aaron 6-3 Batavia High School
Toheeb-lawal, Abdul-karim 6-3 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Anderson, Darren 6-2.75 Minooka High School
Spencer, Demitri 6-0.75 Sandburg High School
Rajesh, Jaisnav 6-0 Waubonsie Valley High School
Kulig, Austin 6-0 Andrew High School
Garrett, Chris 5-11.75 Plainfield South High School
Cyracus, Kendrick 5-9 Plainfield North High School
Otto, Wyatt 5-8 Waubonsie Valley High School
Ganz, Mathew 5-8 Lockport Twp. High School
Jackson, Danny 5-7 Sandburg High School
Price, Lucas 5-7 Lockport Twp. High School
Tonielli, Deakon 5-5 Oswego High School
Dempsey, Ryan 5-5 Andrew High School
McLean, Alex 5-5 Kaneland High School
McIntyre, Aaron 5-5 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Bell, Jayden 5-4 Huntley High School
Leypold, Damian 5-3 Minooka High School
Westmoreland Jr, Dwayne 5-2 Oswego High School
Campana, Tony 5-2 Huntley High School
Muscarmero, Dominic 5-1 Plainfield North High School
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Buckley, Jalen 22-0.5 Batavia High School
Wright, Caleb 21-9 Oswego High School
Toheeb-lawal, Abdul-karim 21-7.75 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Mcmillian, Jamar 21-5.75 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Fisher, Leslie 21-2.75 Normal West High School
Schmidt, Dylan 21-0.75 Huntley High School
Ammenhauser, James 20-9.25 Neuqua Valley High School
Espino, Christian 20-8 Sandburg High School
Drapeau, Liam 20-7.25 Plainfield South High School
Thomas, Jalen 20-5 York High School
Campbell, Tyrek 20-3 Neuqua Valley High School
Wilson, Jeremiah 20-2.5 Plainfield South High School
Rinella, Ryan 20-2.25 Kaneland High School
Bardol, Will 20-1 Batavia High School
Lueshen, Kevin 20-0.25 Minooka High School
Cyracus, Kendrick 19-10.25 Plainfield North High School
Johnson, Brooks 19-9.75 Kaneland High School
McEntee, Jake 19-8.25 Lockport Twp. High School
Goolsby, Jaylen 19-7.5 Minooka High School
Squires, Brody 19-7 Waubonsie Valley High School
Clark, Nik 19-3 Plainfield North High School
Jensen, Noah 19-1.5 Huntley High School
Maas, Jack 18-9.25 Andrew High School
Falcon, Jalen 18-7.5 Lockport Twp. High School
Kays, Seth 18-6.75 York High School
D'ambrosio, Domnic 18-1 Andrew High School
Harris, Jamon 18-0 Waubonsie Valley High School
Otry, Hamza 15-6.25 Sandburg High School
Trammell, Ethan 15-2.75 Oswego High School
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gatz, Aiden 15-0 Kaneland High School
Allen, Ted 15-0 Kaneland High School
Aagesen, Alex 14-6 Oswego High School
Fortino, Nicholas 14-0 Batavia High School
Sobecki, Christian 13-9.25 Oswego High School
Alpert, Matthew 13-6 Huntley High School
Undesser, Andrew 12-6 Minooka High School
Ruettiger, Michael 12-2 Minooka High School
Schaer, Caden 12-0 York High School
Nguy, Ben 12-0 Normal West High School
Eppenstein, Kyle 11-6.25 Plainfield South High School
Baskaran, Goutham 11-4 Neuqua Valley High School
Birnbaum, Sam 11-0 York High School
Holstead, Erik 10-8 Waubonsie Valley High School
Pagano, Jordan 10-8 Lockport Twp. High School
Martinez, Jonathan 10-6 Neuqua Valley High School
Teeple, Brady 10-4 Waubonsie Valley High School
Swain, Aiden 10-2 Lockport Twp. High School
Benkers, Gabriel 10-0 Batavia High School
Cantrell, Andrew 10-0 Huntley High School
Gray, Randall 9-0.25 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Ajayi, Ayomide 8-0.5 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Egly, Matthew 52-6 Oswego High School
Mika, Sam 50-2 Waubonsie Valley High School
Swim, Hayden 48-11.5 Huntley High School
Meyer, Dylan 48-11 Minooka High School
Hubbard, Isaiah 48-0 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Barragan, Jose 47-1.75 Waubonsie Valley High School
Prats, Spencer 46-4.25 Batavia High School
Valente, Jack 45-6 Batavia High School
Radosavljevic, Stevan 45-5.75 Andrew High School
Berti, Evan 44-9 Minooka High School
Johnson, Matt 44-5.5 Lockport Twp. High School
Wojtkeiwicz, Colin 43-11.25 Plainfield North High School
Pflipsen, Eli 43-4 Kaneland High School
Tedder, Brandon 43-3.75 Plainfield South High School
Silzer, Cole 42-6.25 Lockport Twp. High School
Dimambro, Cameron 41-6.75 Neuqua Valley High School
Zuno, Roman 41-6 Plainfield South High School
Snitko, Valentine 40-11 Plainfield North High School
Agosto, Zach 40-6.5 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Young, Jonathan 40-5.75 Andrew High School
Kiefer, Martin 40-2 Neuqua Valley High School
Allegretti, Tyler 39-8.5 Huntley High School
Holderby, Gabe 38-3.5 Normal West High School
Betustak, Brady 37-5.5 Kaneland High School
Danowski, Kevin 36-1.75 Sandburg High School
Jumah, Moe 35-11.5 Sandburg High School
Obert, Achilles 35-7 Oswego High School
Barnett, Nicholas 34-6.25 Normal West High School
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fisher, Leslie 47-1 Normal West High School
Buckley, Jalen 44-0.25 Batavia High School
Ammenhauser, James 43-5.25 Neuqua Valley High School
Rinella, Ryan 43-0.5 Kaneland High School
Toheeb-lawal, Abdul-karim 42-9.5 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Wright, Caleb 42-0 Oswego High School
Cardillo, Nick 41-11.25 Plainfield North High School
Mcmillian, Jamar 41-2 Homewood-Flossmoor High School
jones, jalon 40-9.25 York High School
Bass, Lucas 40-8.5 Kaneland High School
Falcon, Jalen 40-7.5 Lockport Twp. High School
Lee, Jabron 40-4.5 Waubonsie Valley High School
Price, Lucas 40-4.25 Lockport Twp. High School
Baxter, Jacob 40-4.25 Batavia High School
Wilson, Jeremiah 40-2.75 Plainfield South High School
Drapeau, Liam 39-11.25 Plainfield South High School
Ireland, Nathan 38-10.25 Plainfield North High School
Danowski, Kevin 38-6.25 Sandburg High School
Anderson, Donovan 38-0.75 Minooka High School
Hosea, Wyanye 37-8.75 Normal West High School
Leypold, Damian 37-8.25 Minooka High School
Rodriguez, Thomas 37-7.5 Huntley High School
Fitzpatrick, Jack 37-7.25 York High School
Bailitz, Carter 37-6.75 Andrew High School
Smith, Nick 37-1 Andrew High School
Nallapati, Udhay 36-5.75 Neuqua Valley High School
Krenek, Isaiah 35-10.25 Waubonsie Valley High School
Campana, Tony 35-2 Huntley High School
Otry, Hamza 33-1 Sandburg High School
Trammell, Ethan 31-6 Oswego High School
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