Often times we get caught up in the action and the teams at the state championship. Milesplit Illinois has decided to recognize the Top 25 Boys of 3A through the lens of a camera.
Often times we get caught up in the action and the teams at the state championship. Milesplit Illinois has decided to recognize the Top 25 Boys of 3A through the lens of a camera.
Often times we get caught up in the action and the teams at the state championship. Milesplit Illinois has decided to recognize the Top 25 Boys of 3A through the lens of a camera. Our hard working and talented photographers Colin Boyle, Mark Capapas, Beth Shied, and Lazar G present to you a collage of the action from their perspective.
It's time to see who was the best team total merge
The early morning chill and dew could not put a damper on a day meant for cross country. Detweiller Park in Peoria featured three championship races: 1A, 2A, 3A. All events coincided with the girls each hour, which makes for a festive but exhaustive day.
Check out the girls pre-state meet Odyssey directed and produced by Tony Prepster and Colin B. Photo.. Commentary from the Detweiller Park course in Peoria, IL
Milesplit Illinois is your one-stop shop for your state championship previews. Tony Prepster, Ray Lewis, and Alex Goodlad preview each class for your reading pleasure.
Ready, set, go! State is here!!
The penultimate episode may be the most important one yet. Yes, we have the usual sense of humor involved but we are serious too. Check out the state edition of Spikes and Flats!
There is nothing better a contest that is based on subjectiveness. So in the spirit of this weekend's IHSA State Cross Country Championship, we decided to drum up some extra excitement and support of the teams and individuals.