Take a look at the time improvements among the top senior girls cross country runners in Illinois since their freshmen year times.
Take a look at the time improvements among the top senior boys cross country runners in Illinois since their freshmen year times.
Check out the top girls junior performances from the Illinois State Cross Country Meet.
Check out the top boys senior performances from the Illinois State Cross Country Meet.
Check out the top girls senior performances from the Illinois State Cross Country Meet.
Check out the top boys junior performances from the Illinois State Cross Country Meet.
Check out the top boys sophomore performances from the Illinois State Cross Country Meet.
Check out the top girls sophomore performances from the Illinois State Cross Country Meet.
Check out the top girls freshman performances from the Illinois State Cross Country Meet.
Check out the top 500 girls cross country times in the state of Illinois following the state meet.
Check out the top 500 boys cross country times in the state of Illinois following the state meet.
video highlight action of the 2016 state championship

Rayprepster recaps the state champipnship 2A/3A races

3A championship full recap
Boys results merge from all 3 class races at Saturday's IHSA State Cross Country Championships at Detweiller Park in Peoria, Illinois.

Mahomet Seymour boys and Belvidere North girls are champs

check out the collection from the 3A

Check out the weekend's fastest performers
Check out the top 500 girls cross country times across the country at the 5K and 3 mile distances from meets held between October 31st thru November 6th.
Check out the top 500 boys cross country times across the country at the 5K and 3 mile distances from meets held between October 31st thru November 6th.

check out the action and fun from Friday's Detweiller course walk through

1A Boys State Championship By Matthew Jortberg
IHSA XC 1A Girls State Championship Awards By Matthew Jortberg
3A Boys IHSA XC Championship By Matthew Jortberg
A look back to last year's race video coverage of this upcoming weekend's state championships across the country. Flashback Friday video coverage from 2015 state cross country meets in Georgia, Florida, Illinois, Maine, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and South Carolina.
Neuqua Valley is #1
Check out the top boys performances all-time at the Illinois XC State Meet in the MileSplit database.