St.Rita Co-Ed Open #2 2021

Chicago, IL

Athlete Entries

Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Kaleb 10.90 St. Rita High School
Autman, Quaevon 10.97 Kankakee High School
Lerus, Caleb 11.04 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Pittman, Aveon 11.40 Kankakee High School
Norton, Nikolas 11.59 St. Rita High School
Nwagwu, Ej 11.66 St. Rita High School
Hemmersmeier, Luke 11.80h Montini Catholic
Sample, Merrick 11.87 Leo Catholic High School
Durr, Timothy 11.89 Leo Catholic High School
Billinglsey, Jihad 11.9 Hyde Park High School
Abu-Ghazaleh, Victor 11.90 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Treadwell, Alexander 11.90 David Speer Academy
Porter, Malichi 11.99 David Speer Academy
Figaroa, Miguel 12.00 David Speer Academy
Waters, Antonio 12.01 Chicago High School for Agricult
Ray, Marcus 12.02 Leo Catholic High School
Triplett, Coby 12.09 Leo Catholic High School
Seguin, Shaun 12.13 Providence Catholic High School
Coleman, Kylee 12.14 Kenwood High School
Bender, Tyrice 12.16 Kankakee High School
Turner Jr., Demere 12.2 Kankakee High School
Campbell, Aleem 12.20h Hyde Park High School
Figueroa, Omar 12.21 David Speer Academy
Wallace, Robert 12.23 Kenwood High School
Dal, Louis 12.3 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Seguin, Matt 12.35 Providence Catholic High School
Goff, Jonathan 12.36 Montini Catholic
Watkins, Darius 12.44 Kenwood High School
O'connor, Patrick 12.50h Montini Catholic
Cole, Jacob 12.60 Providence Catholic High School
Copeland, Christian 12.62 Kenwood High School
Williams, Romerion 12.63 Chicago High School for Agricult
Saffold, Raymone 12.70h St. Rita High School
Burris, Carson 12.73 Providence Catholic High School
Caldwell, Darion 12.78 Chicago High School for Agricult
Block, James 12.80 Providence Catholic High School
Mclauren, Walter 12.90 David Speer Academy
Stapleton, Israel 12.94 Chicago High School for Agricult
Chalmers, Ethan 12.94 St. Rita High School
Lewis, Brandon 13.00 Kenwood High School
Kuchan, Gabriel 13.14 DePaul College Prep
Johnson, Elijah 13.16 Kenwood High School
Norris, Kendall 13.18 Kenwood High School
Costello, Patrick 13.24 DePaul College Prep
Zumarraga, Brandon 13.24 DePaul College Prep
Garza, Gabriel 13.28 DePaul College Prep
Buino, Daniel 13.30h DePaul College Prep
Culver, Isaac 13.39 Providence Catholic High School
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lugo, Armando 17.42 David Speer Academy
McDonnell, Dylan 17.54 Providence Catholic High School
Martin, Jalil 18.34 Kenwood High School
Ondracek, Ryan 18.41 Providence Catholic High School
Stafford, Nicholas 18.43 Providence Catholic High School
Baumhardt, James 19.22 Providence Catholic High School
Moreno, Malachi 19.53 Kenwood High School
Easley, Elijah 20.94 Kenwood High School
ONeal, Anthony 22.43 Leo Catholic High School
Strawder, Darien 23.50h Leo Catholic High School
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richardson, Charlie 4:36.56 DePaul College Prep
Kittrell, Mac 4:45.68 DePaul College Prep
Beebe, William 4:53.00h DePaul College Prep
Subra, Kieran 4:55.1 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Cortes, Christopher 5:04.80 David Speer Academy
Dominguez, Emilio 5:08.50 David Speer Academy
Fry, Jack 5:29.13 DePaul College Prep
Chavez, Micheal 5:38.40 David Speer Academy
Watson, Christopher 5:39.36 Kenwood High School
Ceravolo, John 5:40.71 DePaul College Prep
Dau, Andrew 5:42.98 Providence Catholic High School
Contreras, Antonio 5:44.09 Chicago High School for Agricult
Stoub, Xander 5:44.18 Providence Catholic High School
Dean-Wheeler, Arian 5:48.83 Leo Catholic High School
Hannah, David 5:52.44 Leo Catholic High School
Ortiz, Benito 5:58.71 St. Rita High School
Teneyuque, Jacob 6:00.00h St. Rita High School
Bratton, Alexander 6:01.80 Chicago High School for Agricult
Mccormick, Luke 6:02.60 St. Rita High School
Wilson, Timothy 6:14.92 Leo Catholic High School
Ryan, Jack 6:30.00h Providence Catholic High School
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Autman, Quaevon 22.86 Kankakee High School
Green Jr, John 23.43 Chicago High School for Agricult
Henderson, Jahad 23.87 Leo Catholic High School
Nwagwu, Ej 24.00h St. Rita High School
Norton, Nikolas 24.01 St. Rita High School
Conley, Wayne 24.02 St. Rita High School
Porter, Malichi 24.20 David Speer Academy
Russette, Matthew 24.44 DePaul College Prep
Mai, Kaleb 24.51 Kenwood High School
Ceravolo, Cole 24.52 DePaul College Prep
Dace, Matthew 24.72 DePaul College Prep
Davidson , Ra Shaun 24.91 Leo Catholic High School
Pierce, DMari 24.94 Kenwood High School
Figaroa, Miguel 24.99 David Speer Academy
Waters, Antonio 25.00 Chicago High School for Agricult
Figueroa, Omar 25.00 David Speer Academy
Hill, Jyaire 25.00h Kankakee High School
Washington, Julius 25.24 Kenwood High School
Seguin, Matt 25.42 Providence Catholic High School
Roth, Adam 25.50h DePaul College Prep
E’akles , James 25.67 Leo Catholic High School
Billinglsey, Jihad 25.70h Hyde Park High School
Wallace, Robert 25.84 Kenwood High School
Watkins, Darius 25.88 Kenwood High School
Gibson, Alex 26.30h Providence Catholic High School
Chalmers, Ethan 26.65 St. Rita High School
Abu-Ghazaleh, Victor 26.71 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Campbell, Aleem 26.80h Hyde Park High School
Turner Jr., Demere 27.00 Kankakee High School
Burris, Carson 27.07 Providence Catholic High School
Block, James 27.20h Providence Catholic High School
Muhammad, Mustafa 27.44h Chicago High School for Agricult
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Townsend, Jalen 44.90 Kankakee High School
Martin, Jalil 45.04 Kenwood High School
Lugo, Armando 45.14h David Speer Academy
McDonnell, Dylan 45.27 Providence Catholic High School
Moreno, Malachi 45.90 Kenwood High School
Stafford, Nicholas 45.98 Providence Catholic High School
Seguin, Matt 47.78 Providence Catholic High School
Seguin, Shaun 48.68 Providence Catholic High School
ONeal, Anthony 49.90h Leo Catholic High School
Strawder, Darien 50.00h Leo Catholic High School
Sestak, Mike 50.33 Providence Catholic High School
Easley, Elijah 55.86 Kenwood High School
Caldwell, Darion 56.00 Chicago High School for Agricult
O'Malley, Jack 58.00 Chicago High School for Agricult
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Subra, Kieran 10:06.44 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Kittrell, Mac 10:10.77 DePaul College Prep
Flannery, Mick 11:05.10 Montini Catholic
Dominguez, Emilio 11:11.36 David Speer Academy
Malkowski, Bryan 11:48.73 DePaul College Prep
Chavez, Micheal 11:58.23 David Speer Academy
Dziallo, Cody 12:00.00 Chicago High School for Agricult
Bailey, Maddux 12:00.00 DePaul College Prep
Fleming, Matt 13:12.00 Providence Catholic High School
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gomez, Diego 1:00.85 David Speer Academy
Phillips, Eligiboor 1:01.33 Leo Catholic High School
Campbell, Derrick 1:01.91 Leo Catholic High School
Almheim, Maximus 1:02.80 DePaul College Prep
Harvey Jr., Matthew 1:03.66 Leo Catholic High School
Muhammad, Mustafa 1:05.00 Chicago High School for Agricult
O'Malley, Jack 1:09.40 Chicago High School for Agricult
Lerus, Caleb 51.32 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Morrow, Jayon 51.48 Kankakee High School
Billinglsey, Jihad 53.40h Hyde Park High School
Morris , Sidney 54.18 Kenwood High School
Veugeler, Billy 55.00h St. Rita High School
Wafer, Denver 55.00h St. Rita High School
Green Jr, John 56.31 Chicago High School for Agricult
Clark, Jayln 56.64 Kenwood High School
Dal, Louis 57.8 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Martinez, Daniel 58.00 David Speer Academy
Pape, Ford 58.00h DePaul College Prep
Meza, Ian 58.01 St. Rita High School
Cole, Jacob 58.80h Providence Catholic High School
Drew, Jaylin 58.84 Kenwood High School
Reynaert, Charlie 59.00h DePaul College Prep
Lanz, Christian 59.00h DePaul College Prep
Block, James 59.80 Providence Catholic High School
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.13 Kankakee High School
Relay Team A 44.75 Leo Catholic High School
Relay Team A 46.07 Kenwood High School
Relay Team B 46.29 Kenwood High School
Relay Team A 47.01 St. Rita High School
Relay Team A 47.89 DePaul College Prep
Relay Team A 48.24 Providence Catholic High School
Relay Team A 50.49 Chicago High School for Agricult
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Varsity Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:37.92 Kenwood High School
Relay Team A 1:38.00h DePaul College Prep
Relay Team A 1:38.58 Leo Catholic High School
Relay Team A 1:39.85 David Speer Academy
Relay Team A 1:40.00h Kankakee High School
Relay Team B 1:40.21 Kenwood High School
Relay Team A 1:42.63 Providence Catholic High School
Relay Team A 1:43.81 St. Rita High School
Relay Team A 1:48.88 Chicago High School for Agricult
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:36.67 Kankakee High School
Relay Team A 3:48.00h DePaul College Prep
Relay Team A 3:48.96 Kenwood High School
Relay Team A 3:54.19 David Speer Academy
Relay Team A 3:56.66 Providence Catholic High School
Relay Team A 3:56.71 St. Rita High School
Relay Team A 4:02.08 Leo Catholic High School
Relay Team B 4:02.78 Kenwood High School
Relay Team B 4:26.71 St. Rita High School
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:03.06 Chicago High School for Agricult
Relay Team A 10:07.68 Kenwood High School
Relay Team A 8:45.00h DePaul College Prep
Relay Team A 9:02.90 David Speer Academy
Relay Team A 9:55.90h Providence Catholic High School
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richardson, Charlie 2:00.00h DePaul College Prep
May, Tommy 2:02.90h Montini Catholic
Castette, Ethan 2:04.00h DePaul College Prep
Coleman, Rash’had 2:10.95 Leo Catholic High School
Norberg, Trenton 2:15.00h DePaul College Prep
Acevedo, Jose 2:15.10 David Speer Academy
Roberts, Kobe 2:16.25 Leo Catholic High School
Luz, Armando 2:16.50 David Speer Academy
Herrmann, Lupe 2:18.00h Montini Catholic
Dau, Andrew 2:19.21 Providence Catholic High School
Stoub, Xander 2:20.20 Providence Catholic High School
Phillips, Eligiboor 2:24.50h Leo Catholic High School
Castro, Luis 2:27.68 David Speer Academy
Mendoza, Vincente 2:28.12 Chicago High School for Agricult
Gomez, Diego 2:29.90 David Speer Academy
Watson, Christopher 2:30.53 Kenwood High School
Thomas, Nicholas 2:30.99 Kenwood High School
Morris, Logan 2:34.31 Kankakee High School
Ortiz, Benito 2:34.52 St. Rita High School
Yameogo, Jayden 2:37.38 Kenwood High School
Pietka, Matt 2:38.20h Providence Catholic High School
Mccormick, Luke 2:39.17 St. Rita High School
Marfia, Patrick 2:45.50h Providence Catholic High School
Teneyuque, Jacob 2:52.46 St. Rita High School
Fleming, Matt 2:56.20 Providence Catholic High School
Chonillo, Ziel 3:00.00h St. Rita High School
Zamorano, Benjamin 3:18.98 St. Rita High School
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Varsity Boys Discus 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mcwhinney, Jackson 136-1 Montini Catholic
Redmond, Jimmy 121-2.75 Providence Catholic High School
Aguire, Tony 90-11 Providence Catholic High School
Wilson, Jakobi 90-0.25 Leo Catholic High School
Barry, James 85-4 Providence Catholic High School
Brandon, Khalifah 83-8.75 Leo Catholic High School
Townsend, Jalen 75-5 Kankakee High School
King, De'leon 75-5 Kankakee High School
Lagunas, Eddie 70-0 David Speer Academy
Melendez, Mason 70-0 David Speer Academy
Maldanado, Aiden 70-0 David Speer Academy
Buino, Aidan 55-1 DePaul College Prep
Ortiz, Jonathan 50-6.25 DePaul College Prep
Barron, Byron 44-03 DePaul College Prep
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Varsity Boys High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morris , Sidney 5-8 Kenwood High School
Martin, Jalil 5-8 Kenwood High School
Washington, Julius 5-6 Kenwood High School
Baumhardt, Joe 5-5 Providence Catholic High School
Digiovanni, Jason 5-4 Providence Catholic High School
Cole, Jacob 4-10 Providence Catholic High School
Burris, Carson 4-8 Providence Catholic High School
Doogan, Jack 4-6 Providence Catholic High School
Amos, Zinn 4-6 Providence Catholic High School
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Autman, Quaevon 22-3.75 Kankakee High School
Green Jr, John 19-3 Chicago High School for Agricult
Pierce, DMari 18-7 Kenwood High School
Lanz, Christian 18-4 DePaul College Prep
White, Terrence 18-3 Kenwood High School
Lloyd, Emiel 17-8.5 Kenwood High School
Culver, Isaac 17-1 Providence Catholic High School
Conley, Wayne 17-0 St. Rita High School
Waters, Antonio 16-7.5 Chicago High School for Agricult
Gibson, Alex 16-5.25 Providence Catholic High School
Martin, Camden 16-4.75 St. Rita High School
Jordan, Michael 16-4.75 Kankakee High School
Norton, Nikolas 16-4.75 St. Rita High School
Treadwell, Alexander 16-4 David Speer Academy
Davenport, Levante 16-0 Kankakee High School
Amos, Zinn 15-5 Providence Catholic High School
Davenport, Ricky 15-4 Leo Catholic High School
Triplett, Coby 15-3 Leo Catholic High School
Harvey Jr., Matthew 14-3 Leo Catholic High School
Roth, Adam 11-11 DePaul College Prep
Ciriaco, Luis 9-4 David Speer Academy
Stapleton, Israel Chicago High School for Agricult
Gauger, Finely DePaul College Prep
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mcwhinney, Jackson 42-0 Montini Catholic
Mezger, Dan 37-6 Providence Catholic High School
Wilson, Jakobi 34-11.75 Leo Catholic High School
Aguire, Tony 33-4.75 Providence Catholic High School
Ortiz, Jonathan 33-1.25 DePaul College Prep
Lubinski, Alex 31-9 Providence Catholic High School
Brandon, Khalifah 31-5.5 Leo Catholic High School
Valdez, Luis 30-4 Providence Catholic High School
Johnson, Tyson 28-9 Kenwood High School
Piazza, Chris 28-8 Providence Catholic High School
Rivas, Giavanni 28-0 David Speer Academy
Melendez, Mason 27-3 David Speer Academy
Buino, Aidan 26-2.5 DePaul College Prep
Maldanado, Aiden 23-1.5 David Speer Academy
Barron, Byron 21-4 DePaul College Prep
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Conley, Wayne 36-3.5 St. Rita High School
Lloyd, Emiel 36-1.75 Kenwood High School
Digiovanni, Jason 36-0 Providence Catholic High School
Lugo, Armando 35-5.25 David Speer Academy
White, Terrence 35-2.5 Kenwood High School
Dantzler, Da'Mon 35-0 St. Rita High School
Culver, Isaac 34-1 Providence Catholic High School
Martin, Camden 34-0 St. Rita High School
Sestak, Mike 32-3 Providence Catholic High School
Roberts, Kobe 30-2 Leo Catholic High School
Massey, Damarisn 28-3 Leo Catholic High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas', Asia 12.12 Kenwood High School
Weaver, Sydney 12.23 Kenwood High School
Lowe, Nevaeh 12.66 Kankakee High School
Miller, Lindsey 12.66 Simeon High School
Jenkins, Jamaya 12.72 South Shore International Colleg
Harrison, Amia 12.75 Simeon High School
Eickhoff-Brown, Jayden 13.01 Whitney Young High School
Santiago, Dianaris 13.20 David Speer Academy
Baker, Jakiya 13.22 Simeon High School
Davis, Kashay 13.44h Phillips Academy
Shepherd, Jaliyah 13.50 Kenwood High School
Stewart, Saniah 13.60 Kankakee High School
Lerus, Layla 13.73 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Becton, Elyse 13.95 Morgan Park High School
Mallare, Aria 13.96 Whitney Young High School
Davis, Alicia 14.05 South Shore International Colleg
Pintoy, Emily 14.41 Providence Catholic High School
Luter, Rachaele 14.45 Racine Case
Sinclair, Bria 14.45 Kenwood High School
Starling, Katrina 14.63 Chicago High School for Agricult
Shores, Angelina 14.63 South Shore International Colleg
Grubbs, Dyani 14.64h Chicago High School for Agricult
Lobbins, Shayla 14.67 Eisenhower High School
Williams, Lauryn 14.75 Eisenhower High School
Jackson, Victoria 14.75 Racine Case
Irving-smallwood, Princess 14.77 South Shore International Colleg
McIntosh, Lauren 14.79 Kankakee High School
Hallom, Gabrielle 14.82 Racine Case
Bejarano, Nayilea 14.92 Eisenhower High School
Biagas, Taelyn 14.95 Racine Case
Nouvel, Camille 14.97 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Kucala, Julia 15.00 Providence Catholic High School
Cooks, Na'Kyrah 15.00h Kankakee High School
Hicks, Jalyn 15.03 Chicago High School for Agricult
Yacoub, Annamaria 15.11 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Nalls, Saana 15.15 Hyde Park High School
Eison, Tanya 15.26 Phillips Academy
Lovejoy, Grace 15.43 Providence Catholic High School
Jones, Jasmine 15.54h Phillips Academy
Kelly, McKenzie 15.60 DePaul College Prep
Trejo, Melanie 15.60 David Speer Academy
Calhoun, MaKya 15.68 Eisenhower High School
Kinds, Jamila 15.70 Phillips Academy
Figueroa, Nathaly 15.91 Solorio Academy
Baffa, Jane 16.02 DePaul College Prep
Guzman, Denise 16.10 David Speer Academy
Brown, Kaylen 16.16 Chicago High School for Agricult
Johnson, Sarah 16.20h Hyde Park High School
Reyes, Abiana 16.30 David Speer Academy
Pukala, Cameron 16.59 DePaul College Prep
Tilapa, Selena 17.00 Solorio Academy
Caracheo, Kathy 17.00 Solorio Academy
Llyod, Jakhia 17.22 Hyde Park High School
Marinescu, Alexandra 17.59 DePaul College Prep
Gresham, Bria 18.01 Simeon High School
Strong, Kiyoshi 21.29 Hyde Park High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marshall, Jordan 15.00 South Shore International Colleg
Marshall, Tianni 16.16 Kenwood High School
O'connor, Claire 19.93 Providence Catholic High School
Groves , Kaniyah 20.07 Eisenhower High School
Correa, Janely 20.74h David Speer Academy
Broderick, Lily 21.00 Providence Catholic High School
Rusiniak, Elizabeth 22.00 Providence Catholic High School
Hardin, Jayla 22.30 Kenwood High School
Costello, Samantha 22.73 Providence Catholic High School
Reyes, Isabel 23.83 David Speer Academy
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shelby, Charlatte 5:55.00 Racine Case
Francis, Kaitlyn 5:57.50 Racine Case
Fleming, Madeline 6:09 DePaul College Prep
Miletic, Kristina 6:15.00 Racine Case
Morey, Bella 6:29.94 Providence Catholic High School
Dudak, Ava 6:34.59 Providence Catholic High School
Mcgee, Ariel 6:39.16 Kenwood High School
Stevenson, Gabriella 6:58.40 DePaul College Prep
Sullivan, Grace 7:02.98 Chicago High School for Agricult
Burr, Ludie 7:05.11 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Amann, Emily 7:07.00h Providence Catholic High School
Vasquez, Jasmine 7:09.29 Eisenhower High School
Danilovtseva, Sophia 7:15.99 Kenwood High School
Mata, Gabriela 7:22.00h Solorio Academy
Barclay, Maysa 7:28.08 Kenwood High School
Rico, Carmen 7:30.12 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Palma, Dayanara 7:41.09 Eisenhower High School
Romo, Vanessa 7:45.00 Eisenhower High School
Perez, Fatima 7:49.25 Solorio Academy
Terrazas, Maria 7:50.00h Solorio Academy
Barnsdale, Emily 7:55.15 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Maya, Cynthia 8:00.00h David Speer Academy
Dominguez, Diana 8:02.50 David Speer Academy
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weaver, Sydney 25.64 Kenwood High School
Eickhoff-Brown, Jayden 26.78 Whitney Young High School
Miller, Lindsey 26.88 Simeon High School
Jenkins, Jamaya 27.18 South Shore International Colleg
Lowe, Nevaeh 27.20 Kankakee High School
Pryor, Kaylen 27.43 South Shore International Colleg
Gibson-purcell, London 27.88 Whitney Young High School
Baker, Jakiya 28.07 Simeon High School
Lerus, Layla 28.62 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Cotton, Brianna 28.77 Morgan Park High School
Poston, Sydni 28.85 Whitney Young High School
Stewart, Saniah 28.89 Kankakee High School
Santiago, Dianaris 28.94h David Speer Academy
Davis, Kashay 29.00 Phillips Academy
Fitzgibbon, Olivia 29.65 Providence Catholic High School
Hunter, Areon 29.71 Eisenhower High School
Shepherd, Jaliyah 29.71 Kenwood High School
Apaez, Jocelyn 29.89 David Speer Academy
Harrison, Breyah 30.00 Simeon High School
Parker, Chyna 30.21 Kenwood High School
Hyde, Nia 30.30 Eisenhower High School
Kucala, Julia 30.41 Providence Catholic High School
Ajakaiye, Oluwalosetemi 30.79 South Shore International Colleg
Irving-smallwood, Princess 31.00h South Shore International Colleg
Nalls, Saana 31.61 Hyde Park High School
Biagas, Taelyn 31.75 Racine Case
Clark, Andria 31.78 Eisenhower High School
Jackson, Jakyra 32.00 Phillips Academy
McIntosh, Lauren 32.22 Kankakee High School
Williams, Tatyana 32.30h Hyde Park High School
Hallom, Gabrielle 32.60 Racine Case
Kelly, McKenzie 32.83 DePaul College Prep
Glover, Pam 33.00 Phillips Academy
Lovejoy, Grace 33.05 Providence Catholic High School
Sims, Asia 33.24 Morgan Park High School
Luter, Rachaele 33.35 Racine Case
Guzman, Denise 33.60 David Speer Academy
Baffa, Jane 33.62 DePaul College Prep
Pukala, Cameron 34.24 DePaul College Prep
Marcos, Celeste 34.96 Solorio Academy
Marinescu, Alexandra 35.88 DePaul College Prep
Campos, Rebeca 36.93 Solorio Academy
Perry, Khloe 37.24h Chicago High School for Agricult
Yoshimura, Angelina 37.98 DePaul College Prep
Ball, Jocelin 38.77 Chicago High School for Agricult
Holmes, Harmony 40.00 Chicago High School for Agricult
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
O'connor, Claire 1:01.85 Providence Catholic High School
Correa, Janely 1:03.54h David Speer Academy
Costello, Samantha 1:07.84 Providence Catholic High School
Broderick, Lily 1:08.22 Providence Catholic High School
Haut, Isabel 1:15.00h Kankakee High School
Reyes, Isabel 1:15.34h David Speer Academy
Johnson, Denver 1:18.94 Simeon High School
Marshall, Jordan 50.08 South Shore International Colleg
Hartley, Samaii 52.61 Kenwood High School
Landing, Aniyah 53.70 Kenwood High School
Harrison, Amia 55.00h Simeon High School
Hardin, Jayla 55.46 Kenwood High School
Groves , Kaniyah 58.16 Eisenhower High School
McGuire, Chaelyn 59.00 Chicago High School for Agricult
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Amaya, Audrey 11:45.00 Racine Case
Pacheco, Roselyn 12:55.00 Racine Case
Kulpinski, Emma 13:28.00 Providence Catholic High School
Bitunjac, Caitlin 14:00.00 Chicago High School for Agricult
Amann, Emily 16:13.00 Providence Catholic High School
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pryor, Kaylen 1:01.61 South Shore International Colleg
Marshall, Tianni 1:01.61 Kenwood High School
Gibson-purcell, London 1:03.23 Whitney Young High School
Alderson, Jae 1:03.31 Kankakee High School
Cotton, Brianna 1:03.96 Morgan Park High School
Gillespie, London 1:03.98 Kenwood High School
Frangias, Anastasia 1:05.52 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Becton, Elyse 1:06.90 Morgan Park High School
Carrillo, Audrey 1:08.50 Racine Case
Metoyer, Olyvia 1:08.75 Racine Case
Fitzgibbon, Olivia 1:09.22 Providence Catholic High School
Coleman, Keona 1:09.70 Eisenhower High School
Kucala, Julia 1:10.32 Providence Catholic High School
Sambula, Jorjanay 1:10.97 Simeon High School
Barbee, Izzy 1:11.75 Racine Case
Fernandez, Claery 1:12.00 David Speer Academy
Nalls, Saana 1:12.40 Hyde Park High School
Rivera, Evelyn 1:14.99 David Speer Academy
Martin, Tajai 1:15.00h Kankakee High School
Benison, Milani 1:15.43 Eisenhower High School
Chaney, Kamryn 1:18.00h South Shore International Colleg
Pintoy, Emily 1:18.38 Providence Catholic High School
Robinson, Makiya 1:18.45 Simeon High School
Burns, Jenascia 1:19.00h South Shore International Colleg
Grant, Tenita 1:19.36 Simeon High School
McGuire, Chaelyn 1:19.71 Chicago High School for Agricult
Lagunas, Paola 1:22.96 Eisenhower High School
Williams, Tatyana 1:24.30h Hyde Park High School
Britt, Avianne 1:24.76 Phillips Academy
Llyod, Jakhia 1:38.89 Hyde Park High School
Andrews, Tamryn 1:45.00 Chicago High School for Agricult
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.88 Chicago High School for Agricult
Relay Team A 1:03.87 David Speer Academy
Relay Team A 1:12.55 Solorio Academy
Relay Team A 48.53 Kenwood High School
Relay Team A 51.40 Kankakee High School
Relay Team A 52.98 Simeon High School
Relay Team A 53.23 South Shore International Colleg
Relay Team A 54.48 Providence Catholic High School
Relay Team B 54.53 Kenwood High School
Relay Team A 54.73 Eisenhower High School
Relay Team A 56.00 Racine Case
Relay Team A 56.58 Morgan Park High School
Relay Team B 57.00 Eisenhower High School
Relay Team B 57.23 South Shore International Colleg
Relay Team A 57.40h Hyde Park High School
Relay Team A 58.50 Phillips Academy
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Varsity Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A DePaul College Prep
Relay Team A 1:51.78 Simeon High School
Relay Team A 1:53.09 South Shore International Colleg
Relay Team A 1:53.58 Kenwood High School
Relay Team B 1:53.58 Kenwood High School
Relay Team A 1:55.22 Kankakee High School
Relay Team A 1:57.21 Providence Catholic High School
Relay Team A 1:57.93 Eisenhower High School
Relay Team A 1:58.00 Racine Case
Relay Team A 2:06.06 Morgan Park High School
Relay Team A 2:06.83 David Speer Academy
Relay Team B 2:12.63 South Shore International Colleg
Relay Team B 2:15.00h Kankakee High School
Relay Team A 2:26.88 Solorio Academy
Relay Team A 2:29.71 Chicago High School for Agricult
Relay Team A 2:40.91 Phillips Academy
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Morgan Park High School
Relay Team A 4:04.88 Kenwood High School
Relay Team A 4:31.60 Providence Catholic High School
Relay Team B 4:34.88 Kenwood High School
Relay Team A 4:34.91 Kankakee High School
Relay Team A 4:45.00 Racine Case
Relay Team A 4:48.00h DePaul College Prep
Relay Team A 4:53.97 Eisenhower High School
Relay Team B 4:55.00 Racine Case
Relay Team B 5:00.00h Simeon High School
Relay Team A 5:17.83 David Speer Academy
Relay Team A 5:45.02 Simeon High School
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:34.00 DePaul College Prep
Relay Team A 11:37.22 Eisenhower High School
Relay Team A 11:38.34 Chicago High School for Agricult
Relay Team A 11:46.82 Kenwood High School
Relay Team A 12:15.71 Providence Catholic High School
Relay Team B 12:16.82 Kenwood High School
Relay Team B 13:45.00 Eisenhower High School
Relay Team A 14:00.00 Solorio Academy
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alderson, Jae 2:29.09 Kankakee High School
Walker, Gabi 2:36.35 DePaul College Prep
Reyes, Jasmine 2:36.5 Solorio Academy
Cervantes, Aracely 2:46.86 Eisenhower High School
Mcgee, Ariel 2:46.98 Kenwood High School
Morey, Bella 2:49.14 Providence Catholic High School
Mason, Krysta 2:49.70 Simeon High School
Dudak, Ava 2:52.00h Providence Catholic High School
Montenez, Natalie 2:53.46 Chicago High School for Agricult
Wiesner, Amelia 2:54.00 Racine Case
Maya, Eva 2:56.00 Solorio Academy
Chandler, Avery 2:58.37 Kankakee High School
Lozano, Yulissa 2:58.44 Eisenhower High School
Jackson, Kilah 3:00.00h Simeon High School
Burr, Ludie 3:01.12 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Haro, Sofia 3:01.94 Eisenhower High School
Whitten, Megan 3:03.75 Providence Catholic High School
Barclay, Maysa 3:04.98 Kenwood High School
Bell, Brooke 3:05.00h Providence Catholic High School
Danilovtseva, Sophia 3:07.94 Kenwood High School
Stewart, Vashayla 3:10.00h Simeon High School
Lopez, Aracely 3:10.00h Solorio Academy
King, Marielle 3:11.25 Kankakee High School
Jones-Florian, Amara 3:11.92 South Shore International Colleg
Bitunjac, Madeline 3:12.00 Chicago High School for Agricult
Stevenson, Gabriella 3:14.80 DePaul College Prep
Morales, Arlette 3:15.00h Solorio Academy
Frangias, Anastasia 3:25.12 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Murray, Peg 3:30.00h Providence Catholic High School
Guzman, Crystal 3:31.70 David Speer Academy
Brice, Camille 3:44.14 Lycee Francais de Chicago
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Varsity Girls Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yaccino, Gabby 115-1 Providence Catholic High School
Walker, Marlesia 102-0.5 Kankakee High School
Barry, Meara 75-5.5 Providence Catholic High School
Vazquez, Itati 70-0 David Speer Academy
Haywood, Mary 70-0 David Speer Academy
Thomas, Micah 67-7.5 Kankakee High School
Starling, Kristina 65-10.08 Chicago High School for Agricult
Castillo, Aminah 61-9.25 Eisenhower High School
Williams, Jaiden 60-10 Kenwood High School
Golden, Brooke 50-0 Eisenhower High School
Bruno, Anna 46-10.5 Providence Catholic High School
Hekpo, Erika 46-7 Eisenhower High School
Jackson, Destiny 38-7.75 Kankakee High School
Kimble, Nita 29-6.75 Kenwood High School
May, Taylor 28-3.75 Kenwood High School
Campbell, Kalena Chicago High School for Agricult
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Varsity Girls High Jump 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mallare, Aria 5-1 Whitney Young High School
Hyde, Nia 4-4 Eisenhower High School
Golden, Brooke 3-10 Eisenhower High School
Calhoun, MaKya 3-10 Eisenhower High School
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Saunders, Madison 17-6.5 Whitney Young High School
Marshall, Jordan 17-3.5 South Shore International Colleg
Jackson, Olivia 16-3 Whitney Young High School
Riggins, Shakayla 15-6.5 Kenwood High School
Ajakaiye, Oluwalosetemi 15-1.5 South Shore International Colleg
Sambula, Jorjanay 15-0.25 Simeon High School
Brown, Harmony 14-8 Kenwood High School
Hunter, Areon 14-6.75 Eisenhower High School
Baptist, Brooklynn 14-2.75 Kankakee High School
McMiller, Tyana 14-2 Simeon High School
Poston, Sydni 14-1.5 Whitney Young High School
Allen, Ka'Niya 14-0 Morgan Park High School
Grant, Shamya 14-0 Morgan Park High School
Cooks, Na'Kyrah 14-0 Kankakee High School
Johnson, Nikkel 14-0 Kankakee High School
Bejarano, Nayilea 13-9.25 Eisenhower High School
Shepherd, Jaliyah 13-8 Kenwood High School
Yacoub, Annamaria 13-6 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Fitzgibbon, Olivia 13-3 Providence Catholic High School
Nouvel, Camille 13-3 Lycee Francais de Chicago
Washington, Kamyra 13-0 Morgan Park High School
Sanders, Trinity 12-11 Simeon High School
Andrews, Grace 12-10.25 Providence Catholic High School
Correa, Janely 12-9 David Speer Academy
Ford, Mariah 12-0 Eisenhower High School
Beltran, Alex 11-5 Providence Catholic High School
Carrillo, Christie 11-3 David Speer Academy
Roman, Valeria 10-9 David Speer Academy
Kelly, McKenzie 3-91 DePaul College Prep
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yaccino, Gabby 34-10 Providence Catholic High School
Thomas, Micah 34-8.25 Kankakee High School
Walker, Marlesia 32-9.75 Kankakee High School
Williams, Jaiden 31-0 Kenwood High School
Haywood, Mary 30-5 David Speer Academy
Vazquez, Itati 26-8.75 David Speer Academy
Barry, Meara 26-5.75 Providence Catholic High School
Hunter, Blessing 26-0.5 Simeon High School
Robinson, Sarah 25-9.75 Eisenhower High School
Holmes, Tamia 24-3 Simeon High School
Dilworth, Jada 23-7 David Speer Academy
Fulton, Aaliyah 23-3.5 Kankakee High School
Castillo, Aminah 22-8.75 Eisenhower High School
Starling, Kristina 22-5.6 Chicago High School for Agricult
Ford, Mariah 22-0 Eisenhower High School
Bruno, Anna 20-8.75 Providence Catholic High School
May, Taylor 18-10.75 Kenwood High School
Kimble, Nita 17-1 Kenwood High School
Strong, Kiyoshi 16-2 Hyde Park High School
Garrett, Christina 15-9 Simeon High School
Campbell, Kalena Chicago High School for Agricult
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marshall, Jordan 38-1.75 South Shore International Colleg
Weaver, Sydney 35-6.5 Kenwood High School
Jackson, Olivia 35-2.75 Whitney Young High School
Riggins, Shakayla 31-8.75 Kenwood High School
Fitzgibbon, Olivia 30-5.75 Providence Catholic High School
Andrews, Grace 29-5 Providence Catholic High School
Calhoun, MaKya 29-0.75 Eisenhower High School
Reyes, Isabel 29-0 David Speer Academy
Roman, Valeria 27-0 David Speer Academy
Bejarano, Nayilea 26-7.25 Eisenhower High School
Golden, Brooke 25-6 Eisenhower High School
Beltran, Alex 22-0 Providence Catholic High School
Ford, Mariah 22-0 Eisenhower High School
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