Cross Country 2018 Is On The Horizon; Catch It If You Can!

2A Girls-

It has been nearly a decade since any team outside of Yorkville, Belvidere North, and Dunlap won a state title. It once again appears as though defending Dunlap may be in some trouble this fall. The Eagles lose four out of their top five girls to graduation and transfers. It means that 2016 state champion Belvidere North will fight for the right to be #1. The Blue Thunder competed in 3A during the track season which has sharpened their armor. The 4x800 relay that placed 6th in the state had several players from the country team. Top runner junior Gianna Sagona will lead the charge. Junior Madison Diercks had an outstanding track season and hopefully, she will be back to the form that propelled her to a fourth-place finish several years ago.

Vernon Hills is a squad who has been on a verge of winning a state title for several seasons now. It seems like the Cougars graduate a top runner every year to only return to the forefront. It will happen again with the loss of Lauren Katz. No matter though. Six strong state starters are back from a third-place team. Will a strong returning cast and hunger be enough to overthrow Dunlap and Belvidere North? Only if top returner junior Carly Sear can elevate herself into a top low-stick runner. She earned some battle scars competing in the 3A realm during the track season. Her teammates will then have to follow the lead to become serious contenders in November.

The first for the best would have to become a coup of Jenna Schwartz. The Waterloo senior has been on all cylinders since winning the harrier title last fall. She followed things up with a dominating track season and a 3200 crown. Now with the confidence of racing and competing well against the best in the state, there does not seem to be any roadblocks in Schwartz's path. If there are any stumbles such as injury or mental lapse, a new face could be of concern. Freshman Lianna Surtz will attend Aurora Rosary High School this fall. There was the talk of her going to Batavia and matching up with fellow great incoming freshman Katrina Schlenker. That combo would have been devastating. Surtz has a great resume, already running 17:18 for three-miles at the Detweiller at Dark meet as a 7th grader. Tons of quality runners return here: Brooke Stromsland (Lakes), junior Olivia Rosenstein of Urbana, and senior Rachel Richtman of Kaneland are just a few. Richtman ran 11:07 and competed in 3A; she is the younger sister of xc champ Matt Richtman. One final name that you must not overlook: Marianne Mihas of Chicago Latin. She got sick on the eve of last year's state championship and only placed 18th. But Mihas rebounded during the track season in a big way to win the 1A 1600 crown. She is someone with good speed and endurance (59/2:16/4:55 credentials). If the race is decided on the homestretch, you better watch out.