Musing of a High School Father: This Is The End Doug Ackerman May 29, 2013

This is the end, my only friend, the end. The words and title are my tribute to recently deceased member of The Doors, keyboardist Ray Manzarek. We have also come to The End of senior year and the end of high school running for the females in this family. This end is not my friend; in fact, I’d prefer it never ended.

Musing of a High School Father: Risky Business Doug Ackerman May 21, 2013

On Thursday before leaving for Charleston I put a few thoughts on paper with the title, The Final Musing, as I decided this would be my farewell blog. But, a brief encounter after the 3,200 with talented Glenbard East freshman, Lindsay Graham, has giving me the motivation to extend this blubbering one more week.

Musing of a High School Father: Happy Anniversary Doug Ackerman May 01, 2013

The 12 team Trevian Invite took place this past Saturday. Jessica, running the 3,200 for the first time this abbreviated outdoor season is still fighting shin pain but was able to squeak out the win. Courtney experienced a minor muscle strain earlier in the week and sat the meet out. This ideal senior season is not on the projected path we would have hoped for in January. With three weeks left in the season we are all hoping to get back on track very quickly. On the other hand, Mimi Smith set a PR of 5:02 in the 1,600 to take the win.

Musing of a High School Father: Birthday Edition Doug Ackerman Apr 24, 2013

The past week was one of the oddest weeks I have ever experienced in Chicago. Monday had the Boston Marathon tragedy; Thursday had six inches of rain which produced a “rain day” for our local schools and major flooding in the area. Friday had the Boston bombing capture which had people glued to their TV’s, Saturday had our meet at Lake Park get delayed so the snow could melt off the track and Sunday we celebrated the 18th birthday of our daughters.

Musing of a High School Father: Ahhhh, the Warmth of Spring... Doug Ackerman Apr 17, 2013

The countdown to State in Charleston stands at one month. Where has the time gone? This is the time of year that the times start dropping due to the warmer weather. The problem is that winter still has us in its cold, breezy grasp. New Trier girls ran in Barrington on Friday night and there were multiple trips to the car so the wimpy parents could sit with the heater on full-blast.

Musing of a High School Father: Every Team Needs A Karl Doug Ackerman Apr 08, 2013

No, I’m not talking about Carl Spackler, the groundskeeper from Caddyshack, but that would make for an interesting caretaker of our home course. We met our Karl through our church when my daughters were in 6th grade. Karl caught wind that they would run an occasional 5K in about 24 minutes and was excited about the prospect of Courtney and Jessica running for John Burnside someday soon at New Trier.

Musing of a High School Father: Training Buddies Doug Ackerman Apr 03, 2013

If you have been a regular reader of my weekly blog (MileSplit tells me there are six of you out there based on # of web hits), you have hopefully realized I have a unique (somewhat immature) writing style. My neighbor, Maureen, likes to tell me that I stopped maturing at age 19. Picture John Belushi; Toga! Toga! Toga!

Musing of a High School Father: Spring Break Edition Doug Ackerman Mar 26, 2013

Why is track the greatest spring high school sport? Because we can get away for Spring Break! Does your high school child play baseball or woman’s soccer? Have fun sitting on those cold bleachers this week. The New Trier coaches will offer up the training schedule and turn everybody loose to train on their own until April 1st. So as a track family, we’ll pack the running shoes, load up the SUV that just hit 100,000 miles and drive 15 hours to Panama City Beach, the Redneck Riviera, to a cozy condo.

It's Time To Run Doug Ackerman Mar 19, 2013

I actually have some running to report. The indoor conference championship meet was last Thursday night at Glenbrook South High Schooland I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from my girls. I know Courtney and Jessica set goals for each race, but I didn’t ask what they were. Five minutes before the start of her race I decided to tell Jess that the indoor conference record for the 800 was 2:19 set in 2000. Her eyes immediately went to the record board and I saw the look on her face that told me one thing; she’s going for it. 2:17 later and she holds the new indoor conference record. She also ran the fourth leg of the 4 x 400 relay in 61 seconds to give New Trier the win.

No I Didn't Run Doug Ackerman Mar 13, 2013

There were no meets this week for Court and Jess and when I ask what happened at practice this week, I get the extremely enlightening answer, “We ran.” Instead of ending my weekly blog here, I’d like to take you back a bit.

The 8th Season: Musings From A Father Of Senior Runners Doug Ackerman Mar 04, 2013

I received an email from Todd (editor of MileSplit IL) asking if my daughters would be interested in writing a blog through the end of the track season. Todd was the second person to ask this question. Before I asked them, I knew they would have no interest in this. They like zero attention on them. They get this from their mother; the same place they get their determination, drive, desire, competitiveness, humbleness, brains, and looks. I replied to Todd with this answer, jokingly adding that I would have jumped on this if I were in their shoes. Todd jokingly replied that a blog from the parent’s perspective might be interesting. I’m game.