A high school track & field coach's job is to coach high school track and field. This sounds like an answer that a fourth grader might give when asked the question. So what really details a coach's job? Is it to teach the event? Is it to inspire? Is it to motivate? I believe that a coach has an obligation to these duties plus many more.
There are many different coaching styles and philosophies in track and field. For example I'm a fan of the Kenyan way. Train hard, race easy. I believe that practice should be harder than any race they will ever encounter. Some have the opposite mindset. To each his own.
But whatever you coaching is I believe a coach's duty is to service the athletes. It is a mutual relationship. Not do as I say or else. This is the difficult part of coaching. Coaches have to motivate and inspire their athletes on a continuous basis. Coaches have to find motivation and inspiration as well. Luckily enough I usually find it at practice or a meet. When I see athletes competing and giving it their all it inspires me to constantly pursue my dreams. It is a coach's job to fill this well as often as needed.
Many coaches think that “stud" athletes are going to be studs regardless of the training. I find that line of thinking extremely disturbing. Because if you think a stud is going to be a stud then you must think an “average" athlete is going to be average regardless as well. I think the real issue with the line of thought is that you treat certain athletes differently. A coach may not expect as much from their “average" athlete. This is a huge disservice to the athlete because they can sense what is expected of them and will respond in turn.
A coach should expect the same of each athlete. For me that is 100%. Everyday! This helps to create and ensure a culture of hard work and accountability. I personally believe in effort. My athletes know that they are not going to PR every race and that the training is not set up to run fast at certain times but they know that I expect 100% effort every day with whatever we are doing. I hold each athlete accountable for their effort. I treat my seniors the same way I treat my freshman in this regard.
A team will reflect the personality of the coach. I try to exude confidence to my team. I believe that athletes feed off that energy. I tell my athletes they can do certain things because I whole heartedly believe they can. I believe it is a coach's job to push their athletes to greatness. I believe that everybody can achieve greatness in their own right. If you are an 800m girl that is only capable of running 2:35.00 I'm going to everything in my power to help you reach your outer limits.
Now we get to the “buy in" or as I like to think of believe in what I'm selling you. If the athlete is not buying then you have a world of trouble. It is always easy for the athletes to believe in the training when they are running fast but what about when they have a bad race or two? I feel for an athlete to buy in to the training or program the coach has to fully believe in the program. If a coach has a nonchalant attitude the guess what, the athlete is going to have a nonchalant attitude.
I've always believed that competing in track and field is a microcosm of life. You get out what you put in. You can be “average" and achieve great things. You can be a “stud" and watch your talents go down the drain. Coaches need to realize the positive or negative impacts that they have on athletes and take ownership. The effects will last long after high school. My coaches had more effect on me than any teacher did. I would like to think that I've had some positive effect on each athlete that has competed under me.
I wrote this because I wanted to have a call to action for all of the coaches who know they could be better. Your athletes need you to be better. Most athletes don't have the luxury of private coaching so they depend on you. Your athletes deserve better. The sport deserves better. Become more knowledgeable about the sport. If you don't know ask. There are many coaches willing to aid and assist. Ask yourself one question. Can you give more?
Shout out to all of you overzealous coaches that get in lane 2 during a track meet to scream and motivate your athletes during races need to continue doing it. I love it!!! A coach that has that much passion needs to be allowed to spread. I am a bit bias because I am obviously one of those coaches. Athletes look forward to that motivation. It can be a bit comforting. Coaches have a special bond with their athletes that can last a lifetime.
If you want to share your opinion or chat about some ideas feel free to email me at jefferybryant1985@gmail.com or contact me on Twitter at @LTHSCoach.