Liz Cox Blog: Can I Interview You?

Do You Have Time For A Few Questions?

I enjoy reading the Milesplit interviews with athletes about their college choices. With all of the excitement of signing day this past week, I decided to bring in someone to help interview some of my teammates and me, and he added some “unconventional questions” to spice it up a bit.

(Note:  some of the questions and answers may be fictional. The participants approve of all answers used, and no athletes were harmed in the production this interview.)

Fake Interviewer (FI):  Three-time all-State track runner Cassidy McPherson recently made her college decision. Cassidy, where will you be spending your next four years?
Cassidy:  I have committed to attend the University of Chicago. I intend to be a math major and I will compete in both Cross Country and Track & Field.

FI:  Hyde Park is the home of President Obama. Any plans to train with him after he finishes his second term?
Cassidy:  I’m not sure how much he runs. I know he likes to play basketball, so maybe we can play sometime when he gets back to Chicago. I’m also open if they need some child care for Sasha or Malia.

FI:  I notice the UC colors are Maroon and White, while your current school colors are scarlet and grey. How much of a factor was this in your decision?
Cassidy:  Darker reds are definitely in my color palette, so I would say it was a pretty important factor. I’ve worked hard on my wardrobe over the years, so not having to make a dramatic change eases the transition.

Thanks Cassidy!
FI:  Liz, why the Massachusetts Institute of Technology?
Me:  I really like its quantitative approach to both education and solving real world problems. I like science and math, and those are important components to all of the majors. I am planning to major in Management Science and Physics. I also fell in love with Cambridge and Boston.

FI:  We know you also strongly considered Illinois, Cornell, and Greendale. Why did you decide not to attend Greendale?
Me:  Greendale has been my dream school for years. But when I found out it was a fictional college on the television show Community, I figured it wasn’t going to work out. I’m also a big fan of Gilmore Girls and got interested in Yale, but now I realize it probably isn’t a real place either.
Thanks Liz!

FI:  All-State Cross Country runner Jessica Lincoln has narrowed her choices and is getting close to a decision. Any hints you care to share with us today?
Jessica:  I plan to major in Food Science, and I am deciding between two schools.

FI:  What will be the deciding factor?
Jessica:  I still need to make a visit or two, but the key won’t be school colors or a school from a TV show.

FI: Oooh, looks like she may be considering a purple school.

Thanks Jessica!

Congratulations to all of the seniors who have made their college choice, and good luck to everyone who is still working on their decision!