Winnebago Lands Class A Girls Pre-Season Top Spot

1. Winnebago

Head Coach/Assistant Coaches: Joe and Janet Erb (Head)/Shawn Maher (assistant) and Jeremy Stevens (assistant)
Last Year's Finish: STATE CHAMPIONS
Projected Top 7: Martino, Woolery, Katie Erb, Grace Erb, Roggensack, Rittmeyer, Sophia Martino... Natalia ran 5:13 for the 1600m. We have had very good efforts from many runners.  
Coach Janet Erb's thoughts: We feel like the girls are a better team than they were a year ago. Not really sure what the COVID 2020 season is going to look like and if it will be completed. But we feel individually and collectively as a team we have improved.
Additional thoughts: If the analytics don't lie, this was possibly been the best team in Class A history a season ago once the dust settled. If the 'Bagos were placed in across all classes, they might have placed as the 5th or 6th best team! Look at for this year- stay out of Winnebago's path.