
Downers Grove North High School

Address: 4436 Main St., Downers Grove, IL 60515

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2024-11-07 DGN vs DGS 3200m
2024-05-10 IHSA Class 3A TRG Sectional - #9 Downers Grove (North)
2024-04-12 Bruce Ritter Girls Invitational
2023-04-26 Downers Grove North Vs Solorio & Lyons
2023-04-14 Ritter Invite
2023-02-18 DGN Girls Tri
2022-07-09 Chicago Flyers Summer Track Meet
2022-05-06 WSC Silver Championship (girls)
2022-04-14 Bruce Ritter Invitational
2022-04-14 Ritter Invite
2021-05-08 WSC Girls Distance Invite
2021-04-24 DGN Girls Quad #2
2021-04-17 DGN Girls Quad
2020-04-17 Bruce Ritter Invitational
2019-05-17 3A Downers Grove North Sectional (Boys)
2019-04-12 Bruce Ritter Invitational
2018-05-18 3A Downers Grove North Sectional (Boys)
2018-04-13 Bruce Ritter Invitational
2018-04-13 DGN Ritter Invitational
2018-04-07 Downers Grove North Girls Quad
2018-02-17 DGN Girls Quad
2017-04-18 Downers Grove North Boys Pole Vault Quad
2017-04-13 Bruce Ritter Invite
2017-04-13 DGN Ritter Invitational
2017-02-18 Downers Grove North Girls Quad
2016-05-20 2A Vernon Hills Sectional (Boys)
2016-04-15 DGN Ritter Invitational
2016-04-09 DGN Trojan Abbreviated Invitational
2016-02-20 DGN Girls Quad
2015-05-14 3A Downers Grove North Sectional (Girls)
2015-04-17 DGN Ritter Invitational
2015-02-21 DGN Girls Quad
2014-04-17 DGN Ritter Invitational
2014-02-22 DGN Girls Quad
2013-10-03 Downers Grove North vs. Glenbard West (Boys)
2013-09-26 Lyons Township, York @ Downers Grove North (Boys)
2013-05-17 3A Downers Grove North Sectional (Boys)
2013-04-12 DGN Ritter Invitational
2013-02-16 DGN Quad (Girls)
2012-05-10 IHSA 3A Downers Grove North Girls Sectional
2012-04-13 DGN Ritter Invitational
2010-05-13 Downers Grove 3a Sectional
0001-04-12 delete

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00