
Heyworth High School Track

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2024-05-02 Heyworth HS Co-Ed Meet #2 (Senior Night)
2023-05-06 Central Illinois District Meet
2023-05-04 Heyworth Home Meet #3 (Senior Night)
2023-05-01 Heyworth JH vs. Fisher/Blue Ridge/Lexington
2023-04-25 Heyworth HS Home Meet #2
2023-04-24 Heyworth JH vs. Delavan, Ridgeview, Trinity Lutheran
2023-04-12 Heyworth JH vs. Blue Ridge, Cornerstone, LeRoy, Metcalf
2023-04-04 Heyworth HS Home Meet #1
2022-10-08 Heyworth Hornet Invite
2022-05-05 Heyworth HS Home Meet #3
2022-04-26 Heyworth HS Home #2
2022-04-12 HOI Mini Meet vs Fisher/GCMS/LeRoy/Ridgeview/Tri-Valley
2022-04-05 Heyworth HS vs Cornerstone/Central Catholic/Lowpoint
2021-05-24 Heyworth Quad Meet
2021-05-10 Heyworth Quad Meet
2021-04-29 Heyworth Quad Meet
2021-04-18 Heyworth JH vs. Blue Ridge/EPiphany
2021-04-03 Heyworth JH vs. Blue Ridge/Tri-Valley
2019-04-23 Heyworth Meet
2019-04-16 Heyworth HS Quad
2019-04-02 Heyworth Meet
2018-04-24 Heyworth Meet
2017-04-25 Heyworth Meet
2016-05-05 Heyworth Home Meet
2015-05-14 1A Heyworth Sectional (Girls)
2014-04-25 Heyworth Home Meet
2013-04-30 Heart of Illinois Conference Meet (McLean County)
2013-04-24 Heyworth Home Meet
2010-04-27 Heyworth High School 4/27/2010

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00