Belleville West Invitational 2013

--, IL

Complete Results

  Endurance Race Timing, LLC - Contractor License                                             Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER Page 1
                                                    Belleville West Invitational - 4/6/2013
                                                          Entries by TRXC Timing
                                                                Belleville, IL
  Event 1 Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals Points
  1 Kretchmer, Justin         JR Waterloo             6-06.00    6-08.00   10
  2 Harvey, Julian            SR Edwardsville         6-06.00    6-06.00    7
  2 Pierce, Antonio           SR Cahokia              6-06.00    6-06.00    7
  4 Wiggins, Chris            SR O'Fallon             6-04.00    6-02.00    4.50
  4 Andre, Michel             JR Carbondale           6-04.00    6-02.00    4.50
  6 Douglas, Jessie           JR East St. Louis       6-06.00   J6-02.00    3
  7 Niebrugge, Kyle           JR Effingham            6-00.00   J6-02.00    2
  8 Hill, Brian               JR Belleville (West)    6-00.00    6-00.00    1
  9 Davis, Fontez             SO Edwardsville         6-00.00   J6-00.00
 10 Piening, Alex             JR St. Louis Un. High   6-02.00   J6-00.00
 11 Green, Kris               SR Houston              5-10.00    5-08.00
 12 Perry, Aaron              JR Houston              5-10.00   J5-08.00
 -- Ingold, Harrison          JR Freeburg             5-08.00         NH
 -- Lewis, Anthony            FR Belleville (West)    5-08.00         NH
 -- Payne, D'Armani           SR Ft. Zumwalt West     5-02.00         NH
 -- Enderlin, Gavin           FR Normal               5-06.00         NH
 -- Kemp, Jake                FR Normal               5-08.00         NH
 -- Brown, Judson             SR Cahokia              5-10.00         NH
 -- Jackson, Xavier           SO O'Fallon             5-08.00         NH
 -- Peraud, Alex              JR St. Louis Un. High   5-08.00         NH
  Event 2 Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals Points
  1 Riley, Pat                JR O'Fallon            13-06.00   13-00.00   10
  2 Klopfenstein, Jack        SR O'Fallon            14-00.00 J13-00.00     8
  3 Bramstedt, Zach           SR Highland            11-06.00   12-00.00    6
  4 Williamson, Clark         SR Effingham           12-00.00   11-06.00    4
  4 Gusewelle, Austin         JR Edwardsville        12-00.00   11-06.00    4
  4 Lee, Mason                SO Highland            11-06.00   11-06.00    4
  7 Smith, Alex               JR Collinsville        11-06.00 J11-06.00     2
  8 Payne, Evan               SO Houston             11-06.00 J11-06.00     1
  9 Gatchalian, Devon         JR Ft. Zumwalt West    10-00.00   10-06.00
  9 Moritz, Brandon           JR Houston             11-00.00   10-06.00
 11 Peraud, Alex              JR St. Louis Un. High 12-06.00 J10-06.00
 12 Ferrarai, Nick            SR Edwardsville                  J10-06.00
 13 Schootman, Jeffery        JR Ft. Zumwalt West     9-06.00   10-00.00
 13 Lunsfordhodson, Brandon   SR Troy (Triad)        10-00.00   10-00.00
 -- Blaylock, Chris           SO Freeburg             8-06.00         NH
 -- Grawitch, Nick            JR Mascoutah            9-06.00         NH
 -- Vasquez, Drew             FR Effingham           11-00.00         NH
 -- Olsen, Mitch              SO Normal              11-06.00         NH
 -- Dunlap, Hunter            FR Normal              12-00.00         NH
 -- Hancock, Joe              SR St. Louis Un. High 10-06.00          NH
  Endurance Race Timing, LLC - Contractor License                                             Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER Page 2
                                                    Belleville West Invitational - 4/6/2013
                                                          Entries by TRXC Timing
                                                                Belleville, IL
  Event 3 Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals Points
  1 Ward, Ja'Mari             FR Cahokia             23-00.00   23-02.50   10
      23-02.50 21-06 23-00 FOUL
  2 Moore, Chris              SR Cahokia             23-00.00   22-11.50    8
      22-11.50 FOUL 22-09.50 FOUL
  3 Boone, Damon              SR O'Fallon            20-10.00   22-11.00    6
      19-09.50 21-06.50 21-04 22-11
  4 Harvey, Julian            SR Edwardsville        22-05.00   22-09.00    5
      22-05 21-03.50 21-03.50 22-09
  5 Davis, Antoine            SO Belleville (West)   22-06.00   22-05.00    4
      22-04 FOUL FOUL 22-05
  6 Franklin, Tae'Mon         JR O'Fallon            22-01.00   22-04.00    3
      21-05.50 22-01.50 21-07.50 22-04
  7 Dunn, Aaron               SR Belleville (East)   20-00.00   20-11.00    2
      20-11 FOUL 19-06 FOUL
  8 Nishida, Kohdai           JR Effingham           21-09.75   20-07.50    1
      20-07.50 18-08 FOUL FOUL
  9 Holmes, Kerry             SR Belleville (West)   21-01.00   20-06.00
      19-11 20-06 19-00 20-03
 10 Smith, Devonta            JR East St. Louis      21-00.00   20-05.00
      FOUL FOUL 20-05 FOUL
 11 Cleveland, Knox           SO Houston             20-01.25   20-03.00
      20-03 19-00 FOUL 19-10
 12 Davis, Fontez             SO Edwardsville        20-00.00   19-07.00
      FOUL 19-07 FOUL FOUL
 13 Stroder, Brett            SR Freeburg            17-10.00   19-06.00
      19-06 18-08 18-10 18-07.50
 14 Bosslet, David            JR St. Louis Un. High 18-07.00 J19-06.00
      19-06 FOUL FOUL FOUL
 15 Green, Kris               SR Houston             19-10.00   19-05.00
      18-00 FOUL 19-01 19-05
 16 Mason, JaRob              JR Alton               18-07.00   19-02.00
      18-08 FOUL 19-02 FOUL
 17 Cross, Greg               JR Alton               18-07.00 J19-02.00
      19-02 18-05 FOUL FOUL
 18 Forrest, Dajour           FR Normal              19-05.00   18-10.50
      FOUL FOUL 18-10.50 FOUL
 19 Hicks, Donovan            SR Belleville (East)   19-00.00   18-10.00
      18-07 18-10 FOUL FOUL
 20 Richardson, Barry         SO Mascoutah           18-07.00   18-08.50
      18-08.50 18-07 FOUL FOUL
 21 Lasher, Thomas            SR Effingham           18-10.00   18-07.50
      18-07.50 18-06 FOUL FOUL
 22 Kemp, Jake                FR Normal              18-08.00   18-06.00
      17-09 18-06 FOUL FOUL
 23 Crone, Bailey             FR Collinsville                   18-04.50
      18-03 FOUL 18-04.50 FOUL
   Name                  Year                 School                  Seed               Finals Points
24 Barr, Alex              JR                 Granite City              18-00.00       18-03.00
     18-03 FOUL FOUL FOUL
25 Gary, Mykel             JR                 Carbondale                19-02.00       18-02.00
     FOUL 18-02 FOUL FOUL
26 Albers, Mitch           SR                 Freeburg                  18-02.00       18-01.50
     FOUL FOUL FOUL 18-01.50
27 Thoele, Nick            JR                 Trenton                   17-11.00       17-07.50
     17-07.50 FOUL FOUL FOUL
28 Payne, D'Armani         SR                 Ft. Zumwalt West          17-06.00       17-03.00
     17-03 FOUL FOUL FOUL
29 Caval, Virgel           SO                 Mascoutah                 17-04.00       16-04.50
     16-04.50 FOUL FOUL FOUL
30 Hilmes, Travis          FR                 Trenton                   17-03.00       15-11.00
     15-11 FOUL FOUL FOUL
31 Bates, Rashad           SO                 Southeast                                15-06.50
     15-06.50 FOUL FOUL FOUL
-- Piening, Alex           JR                 St. Louis Un. High        20-06.00              FOUL
  Event 4 Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals Points
  1 Moore, Chris              SR Cahokia             47-03.00   48-01.75   10
      47-08.75 48-01.75 PASS PASS
  2 Ward, Ja'Mari             FR Cahokia             46-09.00   47-03.75    8
      46-06.50 47-03.75 PASS PASS
  3 Nash, Jamion              SR Belleville (West)   46-11.00   47-00.50    6
      FOUL 47-00.50 FOUL FOUL
  4 Dunn, Aaron               SR Belleville (East)   45-00.00   45-06.25    5
      45-06.25 43-06.75 42-01 PASS
  5 Garwood, Deion            SR Troy (Triad)        44-01.25   44-06.00    4
      44-04 FOUL 44-06 43-07.75
  6 Stacker, Ramon            SO Belleville (West)   43-00.00   43-00.00    3
      FOUL 43-00 42-05.75 FOUL
  7 Lambert, TJ               FR O'Fallon            42-01.00   42-05.00    2
      42-05 41-07.25 41-11.50 41-06.75
  8 Covington, Garret         SR Edwardsville        42-00.00   41-11.50    1
      41-11.50 FOUL 41-01.75 FOUL
  9 Yakubu, Prince            SR St. Louis Un. High 42-10.00    41-09.25
      40-06.25 41-06.25 41-04 41-09.25
 10 Smith, Steve              SR East St. Louis      44-00.00 J41-09.25
      41-00.50 41-09.25 40-11.25 FOUL
 11 Coffman, Landon           SR O'Fallon            42-07.00   40-09.00
      40-06.50 40-09 40-07 FOUL
 12 Minor, Tariq              FR Edwardsville        42-00.00   40-08.00
      39-05.50 40-05 40-03.50 40-08
 13 Lasher, Thomas            SR Effingham           40-07.50   40-00.50
      37-06.75 39-01 40-00.50
   Name                  Year School                  Seed                               Finals Points
14 Green, Kris             SR Houston                                   40-07.00       39-07.75
     37-04.75 39-07.75 38-08
15 Thoele, Nick            JR Trenton                                   38-10.00       39-06.75
     38-08.25 38-05.25 39-06.75 PASS
16 Albers, Mitch           SR Freeburg                                  39-03.00       39-06.25
     37-07.50 FOUL 38-08 39-06.25
17 Cleveland, Knox         SO Houston                                   40-07.50       39-05.00
     39-05 FOUL FOUL FOUL
18 Bosslet, David          JR St. Louis Un. High                        38-10.00       39-00.00
     36-00 39-00 FOUL FOUL
19 Crone, Bailey           FR Collinsville                              37-08.00       38-05.25
     38-02 38-05.25 FOUL PASS
20 Bumpus, Cole            JR Normal                                    39-02.00       38-03.75
     38-03.75 FOUL FOUL FOUL
21 Caval, Virgel           SO Mascoutah                                 36-08.00       37-00.50
     37-00.50 FOUL FOUL FOUL
22 Williams, Yansay        JR Normal                                    38-03.00       36-11.00
     36-11 PASS PASS PASS
23 Akuoko, Kwadjo          JR Southeast                                 38-00.00       36-05.75
     36-05.75 FOUL FOUL FOUL
24 Stroder, Brett          SR Freeburg                                  38-10.00       36-04.00
     36-04 FOUL FOUL FOUL
25 Burress, DeVonn         JR Alton                                     35-02.00       36-03.00
     36-03 FOUL PASS PASS
26 Burnom, Eddie           SR Southeast                                                35-11.50
     35-11.50 FOUL FOUL FOUL
27 Barr, Alex              JR Granite City                              36-00.00       33-02.50
     33-02.50 FOUL FOUL FOUL
  Event 5 Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals Points
  1 Duncan, Brendan           JR Waterloo              170-00     173-09   10
      173-09 FOUL FOUL 172-07 172-03 169-10
  2 Gee-Tucker, Pierre        SR Belleville (West)     168-04     154-05    8
      147-01 FOUL FOUL 136-01 149-08 154-05
  3 Kempka, Sam               JR Houston               146-08     154-01    6
      150-04 141-05 154-01 143-08 148-02 FOUL
  4 Ryan, Dan                 JR O'Fallon              154-08     149-04    5
      136-09 140-00 140-00 144-00 146-09 149-04
  5 Bernard, Demetrius        SR Ft. Zumwalt West      144-00     145-09    4
      136-06 145-09 145-00 126-10 126-08 120-01
  6 Mitchell, Martinus        JR Collinsville          146-10     145-02    3
      FOUL 142-03 145-02 FOUL FOUL FOUL
  7 Uyehara, Harry            JR Collinsville          156-00     143-09    2
      143-09 140-06 142-11 143-01 FOUL FOUL
  8 Schmidt, Ry               JR Carbondale            145-04     141-00    1
      137-00 135-10 138-00 136-09 141-00 FOUL
   Name                  Year School                  Seed                               Finals Points
 9 Soriano, Johan          JR Ft. Zumwalt West                            118-00        J141-00
     FOUL 132-07 141-00 FOUL FOUL 117-09
10 Tucker, Kyrin           JR Normal                                      161-00         136-00
     FOUL 136-00 FOUL
11 Weiss, Kavan            JR Edwardsville                                138-00         135-10
     131-03 129-11 135-10
12 Lochmann, Jacob         JR O'Fallon                                    133-11         129-10
     129-10 FOUL 119-10
13 Schneider, Tristen      FR Freeburg                                    123-02         127-03
     FOUL 119-01 127-03
14 Cherry, Marquis         SR Belleville (West)                           148-00         127-02
     FOUL 127-02 124-11
15 Gutterman, Neil         SO Edwardsville                                128-00         123-03
     123-03 116-10 119-02
16 Cuthrell, Austin        SR Granite City                                139-00         122-06
     122-06 FOUL 110-00
17 Odom, Cory              JR Granite City                                115-00         120-05
     120-05 115-05 118-03
18 Akins, Daniall          SO Cahokia                                     138-00         120-03
     102-03 117-00 120-03
19 Gasch, Jim              JR St. Louis Un. High                          110-00         118-06
     118-06 112-04 FOUL
20 Washington, L.C.        SO East St. Louis                              150-00         118-00
     FOUL 118-00 FOUL
21 Michael, Levi           SR Effingham                                   127-04         116-07
     116-07 FOUL FOUL
22 Belles, Tim             SO Houston                                     112-10         113-11
     FOUL FOUL 113-11
23 Nance, Kyle             SR Alton                                       110-00         112-08
     FOUL FOUL 112-08
24 Arndt, Billy            SO Effingham                                   114-10         112-01
     103-09 112-01 FOUL
25 Anielak, Nate           SR Troy (Triad)                                100-00         111-07
     102-00 FOUL 111-07
26 Klay, Anderson          JR Normal                                      121-00         109-06
     FOUL FOUL 109-06
27 Jackson, Erik           SR East St. Louis                              155-00         108-04
     FOUL 108-04 FOUL
28 Uhe, Aaron              SR Highland                                    101-10         100-02
     100-02 FOUL FOUL
    Name                 Year School                  Seed                                  Finals Points
29 Flores, Isaac           SO Carbondale                                  120-00             97-10
     FOUL 97-10 FOUL
30 Fricke, Jared           SR Freeburg                                    116-00             96-10
     96-10 FOUL FOUL
30 Harris, Malik           JR Southeast                                    85-00             96-10
     FOUL 96-10 FOUL
32 Geoffroy, Jim           JR St. Louis Un. High                          112-00             96-09
     96-09 FOUL FOUL
   Name                  Year School                  Seed                                   Finals Points
33 Llewellyn, Zach         FR Alton                                        105-00             94-00
     94-00 FOUL FOUL
34 Robinson, Malcom        SR Southeast                                     84-00             91-09
     91-09 FOUL FOUL
35 Kennedy, Brendan        FR Mascoutah                                    101-10             77-03
     FOUL FOUL 77-03
-- Howard, Jakari          SO Cahokia                                      125-00             FOUL
-- Toves, Jerrick          SR Mascoutah                                    117-08             FOUL
  Event 6 Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals Points
  1 Duncan, Brendan           JR Waterloo            59-06.00   57-09.00   10
      57-09 57-01.50 55-11.50 55-11 FOUL FOUL
  2 Bernard, Demetrius        SR Ft. Zumwalt West    53-00.00   55-07.50    8
      50-07.50 55-07.50 51-04.50 FOUL 52-04.50 FOUL
  3 Mitchell, Martinus        JR Collinsville        55-01.50   54-00.50    6
      50-08 54-00.50 53-02.50 FOUL FOUL 52-02
  4 Tucker, Kyrin             JR Normal              58-02.00   53-11.50    5
      53-00 53-11.50 FOUL FOUL FOUL FOUL
  5 Johnson, Taron            SR Belleville (West)   49-00.00   51-08.00    4
      47-03 51-05.50 51-08 FOUL FOUL 49-08
  6 Weiss, Kavan              JR Edwardsville        48-06.00   49-10.50    3
      FOUL 46-09.50 49-10.50 47-09 FOUL FOUL
  7 Compton, Matt             SR Edwardsville        49-00.00   48-11.50    2
      48-07.50 FOUL 48-07 FOUL 47-11 48-11.50
  8 Cooper, Marques           SO O'Fallon            46-05.00   48-05.50    1
      48-05.50 FOUL FOUL FOUL 47-08.50 45-07
  9 Lochmann, Jacob           JR O'Fallon            45-10.00   47-09.00
      46-06.50 47-09 46-11
 10 Nelson, Ricky             SO Belleville (West)   44-00.00   45-09.50
      44-07.50 FOUL 45-09.50
 11 Toves, Jerrick            SR Mascoutah           44-03.00   45-09.00
      43-04 44-04.50 45-09
 12 Uyehara, Harry            JR Collinsville        44-00.00   45-04.50
      FOUL 44-06.50 45-04.50
 13 Kempka, Sam               JR Houston             53-06.50   45-02.50
      FOUL 42-04.50 45-02.50
 14 Schmidt, Ry               JR Carbondale          45-03.00   44-08.50
      FOUL 44-08.50 FOUL
 15 Akins, Daniall            SO Cahokia             48-11.00   44-04.50
      FOUL 44-04.50 FOUL
 16 Gasch, Jim                JR St. Louis Un. High 44-07.00    43-05.50
      43-05.50 43-04 42-05
 17 Granberry, Nick           SR St. Louis Un. High 44-03.50 J43-05.50
      43-05.50 40-02.50 41-06
   Name                   Year               School                          Seed         Finals Points
18 Howard, Jakari           SO               Cahokia                     44-00.00       43-05.00
     43-05 FOUL FOUL
19 Nance, Kyle              SR               Alton                       45-09.00       43-04.00
     42-08 FOUL 43-04
20 George, Zach             FR               Waterloo                    42-01.00       42-04.50
     42-04.50 FOUL 41-11.50
21 Betcher, Anthony         SR               Mascoutah                   41-05.00       42-01.50
     42-01.50 41-02.50 41-02
22 Strong, Natereace        SO               East St. Louis              48-00.00       41-10.00
     41-10 40-06 FOUL
23 Cuthrell, Austin         SR               Granite City                41-00.00      J41-10.00
     41-10 FOUL FOUL
24 Boggs, Evan              SO               Effingham                   41-01.00       41-05.00
     41-05 FOUL FOUL
25 Uhe, Aaron               SR               Highland                    42-05.00       40-11.50
     40-03 FOUL 40-11.50
26 Fricke, Jared            SR               Freeburg                    38-03.00       40-09.50
     38-03.50 39-10 40-09.50
27 Jackson, Erik            SR               East St. Louis              45-00.00       40-08.00
     39-10 39-08 40-08
28 Brigham, Keith           SO               Normal                      42-03.00       40-04.50
     40-04.50 FOUL 40-01.50
29 Roseman, Jordan          FR               Carbondale                  42-02.00       40-03.00
     FOUL 39-09 40-03
30 Belles, Tim              SO               Houston                     41-11.00       40-02.00
     38-04 39-04.50 40-02
31 Arndt, Billy             SO               Effingham                   40-01.00       39-03.50
     38-04 FOUL 39-03.50
32 Cox, Tarron              SR               Belleville (East)           45-00.00       38-10.00
     FOUL FOUL 38-10
33 Kiely, John              JR               Ft. Zumwalt West            42-00.00       38-04.00
     38-04 FOUL FOUL
34 Snipes, Ja'Von           SR               Alton                       40-00.00       37-05.00
     37-05 FOUL FOUL
35 Sylvester, Nathan        SO               Belleville (East)           37-00.00       36-11.00
     FOUL 36-11 FOUL
36 Anielak, Nate            SR               Troy (Triad)                39-08.00       36-09.50
     36-09.50 FOUL FOUL
37 Robinson, Malcom         SR               Southeast                   38-00.00       36-08.50
     36-08.50 FOUL FOUL
38 Anderson, Brad           SO               Granite City                39-00.00       36-08.00
     36-08 FOUL FOUL
39 Allen, Drew              JR               Freeburg                    35-00.00       35-07.50
     35-07.50 FOUL FOUL
40 Harris, Malik            JR               Southeast                   41-03.00       34-02.50
     34-02.50 FOUL FOUL
  Endurance Race Timing, LLC - Contractor License                                             Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER Page 8
                                                    Belleville West Invitational - 4/6/2013
                                                          Entries by TRXC Timing
                                                                Belleville, IL
  Event 7 Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Fr/So
    School                                               Seed      Finals H#
  1 Edwardsville 'A'                                  1:33.04     1:34.70  3
     1) Colley, Chris FR                2) Pizzini, Austin SO
     3) Ryan, Brandon SO                4) Davis, Fontez SO
  2 Belleville (West) 'A'                             1:35.24     1:34.90  3
     1) Buchanan, Deshon FR             2) Lewis, Anthony FR
     3) Moton, Jaylon SO                4) Carter, Vantezz SO
  3 Cahokia 'A'                                       1:38.00     1:35.63  3
     1) Crosby, Chrishwan FR            2) Henderson, Orlandis FR
     3) Hare, Jamauri SO                4) Hinkle, Davonta FR
  4 East St. Louis 'A'                                1:33.24     1:36.70  3
     1) Jones, Jayni FR                 2) Pearson, Keonta FR
     3) Johnson, Kevin FR               4) Baldwin, Dashawn FR
  5 Highland 'A'                                      1:37.94     1:37.20  3
     1) Geiger, Gage SO                 2) Geiger, Logan SO
     3) Riggs, Grant SO                 4) Sands, Brendan SO
  6 O'Fallon 'A'                                      1:35.98     1:38.00  3
     1) Aquino, Ryan SO                 2) Ferguson, Shamin SO
     3) Chapple, Jacob JR               4) Casey, Phillip FR
  7 Effingham 'A'                                     1:42.94     1:38.55  2
     1) Durbin, Travis SO               2) Denton, Tucker FR
     3) Howell, Alex FR                 4) Miller, Zach SO
  8 Trenton 'A'                                       1:40.34     1:40.79  2
     1) Robinson, Jason FR              2) Hilmes, Travis FR
     3) Mugele, Ryan FR                 4) Stempel, Adam SO
  9 Granite City 'A'                                  1:37.74     1:41.14  3
     1) Bobo, Raishon FR                2) Clark, Dominique FR
     3) Flemons, Darrion FR             4) Riggins, Juwan FR
 10 Waterloo 'A'                                      1:40.24     1:41.55  2
     1) Garza, Peter FR                 2) Bean, Antonio FR
     3) Moehrs, Greyson FR              4) Freehill, Nick FR
 11 Mascoutah 'A'                                     1:40.54     1:42.01  2
     1) Machado, Devantre FR            2) Ignacio, Isaiah FR
     3) Koharik, Eddie FR               4) Little, Keith FR
 12 Alton 'A'                                         1:42.00     1:42.08  2
     1) Calvin, Larry SO                2) Gilchrese, Ronald FR
     3) Holmes, Corey SO                4) Muhammad, Mark FR
 13 Carbondale 'A'                                                1:43.18  1
     1) McDonald, Brian SO              2) Jackson-Rowe, Jalen SO
     3) McCormick, Tyler FR             4) Sawar, Kinan SO
 14 Freeburg 'A'                                      1:42.74     1:44.98  2
     1) Secker, Nathan SO               2) Jester, Jacob FR
     3) Migneron, Brandon SO            4) Blaylock, Chris SO
 15 Springfield (Southeast) 'A'                                   1:46.06  1
     1) Ayers, Braedyn FR               2) White, Jayni SO
     3) Schaad, Andrew SO               4) Walker, Ladarius SO
  Endurance Race Timing, LLC - Contractor License                                             Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER Page 9
                                                    Belleville West Invitational - 4/6/2013
                                                          Entries by TRXC Timing
                                                                Belleville, IL
  Event 8 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Fr/So
    School                                                Seed     Finals
  1 Belleville (West) 'A'                             8:50.24     8:57.02
     1) Cason, Hunter FR                2) McMath, Thomas SO
     3) Lovett, Clifton FR              4) White, Demond SO
      8:57.019 (8:57.019)
  2 O'Fallon 'A'                                      8:26.39     8:58.98
     1) Goldschmidt, Lucas SO           2) McMillan, Erik SO
     3) Scagliarini, Romeo SO           4) Hartmann, Bryson FR
      8:58.976 (8:58.976)
  3 Edwardsville 'A'                                  9:00.24     9:08.56
     1) Shannon, Joe SO                 2) Pyarali, Zain SO
     3) Hessler, Hunter SO              4) Lickert, Jay SO
      9:08.552 (9:08.552)
  4 Houston 'A'                                       8:45.24     9:19.74
     1) Norment, Naaman SO              2) Exley, Harrison FR
     3) Randle, Andrew FR               4) Beard, Nicolas FR
      9:19.733 (9:19.733)
  5 Troy (Triad) 'A'                                  9:46.58     9:21.17
     1) McKinney, John FR               2) Donovan, Sam FR
     3) Brannon, Collin FR              4) Sparks, Eddie FR
      9:21.166 (9:21.166)
  6 Mascoutah 'A'                                     9:57.24     9:27.42
     1) Pearson, Daniel FR              2) Zurbragg, Parker FR
     3) Johnson, Julian FR              4) Ritt, Micah FR
      9:27.415 (9:27.415)
  7 Ft. Zumwalt West 'A'                              8:55.24     9:32.55
     1) Neske, Jack SO                  2) Stansberry, Alex SO
     3) Ciolek, RJ SO                   4) Sinkey, Caleb SO
      9:32.543 (9:32.543)
  8 Freeburg 'A'                                      9:10.24     9:42.48
     1) Kramper, Patrick SO             2) Worley, Kyle SO
     3) Lindauer, Dan JR                4) Belt, Chandler SO
      9:42.471 (9:42.471)
  9 Collinsville 'A'                                  9:48.24    10:08.95
     1) Brown, Daniel FR                2) Boyer, Thomas SO
     3) Claxton, Drake FR               4) Drake, Jared FR
         10:08.942 (10:08.942)
 10 Effingham 'A'                                    10:12.24    10:10.83
     1) McGammon, Josh FR               2) Rhodes, Tristen FR
     3) Mills, Dylan FR                 4) Durbin, Travis SO
         10:10.822 (10:10.822)
 11 Highland 'A'                                      9:30.24    10:21.87
     1) Foppe, Ben SO                   2) Langhauser, Trevor SO
     3) Kaufman, Zeke FR                4) Prott, Nathan FR
         10:21.865 (10:21.865)
  Endurance Race Timing, LLC - Contractor License                                             Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER Page 10
                                                    Belleville West Invitational - 4/6/2013
                                                          Entries by TRXC Timing
                                                                Belleville, IL
  Event 9 Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                   Seed     Finals H# Points
  1 Perrier, Patrick          JR O'Fallon              9:13.14    9:33.02  2 10
      1:07.086 (1:07.086) 2:18.703 (1:11.617) 3:30.219 (1:11.516) 4:42.469 (1:12.250)
      5:55.445 (1:12.976) 7:10.048 (1:14.603) 8:23.742 (1:13.694) 9:33.011 (1:09.269)
  2 Martin, Chris             SO Mascoutah             9:03.24    9:39.82  2   8
      1:11.652 (1:11.652) 2:28.007 (1:16.355) 3:42.311 (1:14.304) 4:56.022 (1:13.711)
      6:08.808 (1:12.786) 7:23.043 (1:14.235) 8:33.328 (1:10.285) 9:39.815 (1:06.487)
  3 Rogers, Greg              SR Granite City          9:48.74    9:48.35  2   6
      1:11.953 (1:11.953) 2:28.091 (1:16.138) 3:42.332 (1:14.241) 4:56.043 (1:13.711)
      6:08.817 (1:12.774) 7:23.090 (1:14.273) 8:35.878 (1:12.788) 9:48.342 (1:12.464)
  4 Nicholson, Matthew        SR St. Louis Un. High    9:40.94    9:54.56  2   5
      1:11.903 (1:11.903) 2:28.187 (1:16.284) 3:42.620 (1:14.433) 4:56.388 (1:13.768)
      6:09.297 (1:12.909) 7:25.130 (1:15.833) 8:43.330 (1:18.200) 9:54.560 (1:11.230)
  5 Townzen, Ethan            FR Edwardsville          9:57.64    9:58.31  2   4
      1:12.238 (1:12.238) 2:28.378 (1:16.140) 3:42.822 (1:14.444) 4:56.869 (1:14.047)
      6:11.313 (1:14.444) 7:28.802 (1:17.489) 8:46.104 (1:17.302) 9:58.310 (1:12.206)
  6 Becker, Adam              JR O'Fallon              9:58.24   10:08.45  2   3
      1:13.175 (1:13.175) 2:29.505 (1:16.330) 3:45.871 (1:16.366) 5:02.797 (1:16.926)
      6:20.544 (1:17.747) 7:37.643 (1:17.099) 8:54.664 (1:17.021) 10:08.446 (1:13.782)
  7 Fatheree, Taylor          SR Effingham             9:54.24   10:08.95  2   2
      1:13.758 (1:13.758) 2:28.678 (1:14.920) 3:43.389 (1:14.711) 4:57.608 (1:14.219)
      6:15.817 (1:18.209) 7:36.867 (1:21.050) 8:56.489 (1:19.622) 10:08.941 (1:12.452)
  8 Seaton, Josh              JR Houston               9:49.29   10:14.91  2   1
      1:12.293 (1:12.293) 2:28.462 (1:16.169) 3:43.475 (1:15.013) 4:58.762 (1:15.287)
      6:18.826 (1:20.064) 7:40.411 (1:21.585) 9:01.417 (1:21.006) 10:14.906 (1:13.489)
  9 Sullivan, Jack            SO St. Louis Un. High    9:55.04   10:16.80  2
      1:12.432 (1:12.432) 2:28.397 (1:15.965) 3:43.096 (1:14.699) 4:58.073 (1:14.977)
      6:15.562 (1:17.489) 7:36.384 (1:20.822) 8:59.690 (1:23.306) 10:16.791 (1:17.101)
 10 Cherry, Micah             FR Carbondale           10:18.94   10:18.32  2
      1:13.622 (1:13.622) 2:29.198 (1:15.576) 3:46.092 (1:16.894) 5:04.778 (1:18.686)
      6:24.387 (1:19.609) 7:45.047 (1:20.660) 9:05.735 (1:20.688) 10:18.314 (1:12.579)
 11 Marler, Jacob             SR Freeburg             10:00.24   10:27.55  2
      1:12.183 (1:12.183) 2:28.953 (1:16.770) 3:44.762 (1:15.809) 5:00.711 (1:15.949)
      6:21.076 (1:20.365) 7:42.773 (1:21.697) 9:07.121 (1:24.348) 10:27.541 (1:20.420)
 12 Frohock, Ryker            SR Edwardsville         10:16.24   10:32.00  2
      1:12.593 (1:12.593)     1:12.616 (0.023)      1:12.888 (0.272) 2:28.970 (1:16.082)
      3:44.308 (1:15.338) 5:01.944 (1:17.636) 7:44.986 (2:43.042) 10:31.992 (2:47.006)
 13 Mueller, Lance            FR Waterloo             10:30.24   10:32.42  2
      1:12.772 (1:12.772) 2:29.493 (1:16.721) 3:48.688 (1:19.195) 5:12.967 (1:24.279)
      6:35.452 (1:22.485) 7:57.779 (1:22.327) 9:19.083 (1:21.304) 10:32.415 (1:13.332)
 14 Gibson, Dylan             SR Carbondale           10:07.24   10:42.34  2
      1:13.125 (1:13.125) 2:31.691 (1:18.566) 3:53.406 (1:21.715) 5:16.135 (1:22.729)
      6:39.387 (1:23.252) 8:02.345 (1:22.958) 9:25.319 (1:22.974)
 15 Hillegass, Alex           FR Normal               10:40.24   10:47.59  1
      1:17.444 (1:17.444) 2:37.943 (1:20.499) 4:01.184 (1:23.241) 5:27.812 (1:26.628)
      6:51.752 (1:23.940) 8:17.836 (1:26.084) 9:39.606 (1:21.770) 10:47.587 (1:07.981)
   Name                    Year School                 Seed     Finals H# Points
16 Duke, Bode                JR Houston            10:50.12   10:48.36   1
     1:18.774 (1:18.774) 2:39.301 (1:20.527) 4:01.745 (1:22.444) 5:28.013                           (1:26.268)
     6:51.779 (1:23.766) 8:18.219 (1:26.440) 9:39.147 (1:20.928) 10:48.354                          (1:09.207)
17 Reed, Alex                SO Collinsville       10:25.24   10:55.06   2
     1:12.761 (1:12.761) 2:29.361 (1:16.600) 3:48.438 (1:19.077) 5:12.649                           (1:24.211)
     6:38.010 (1:25.361) 8:03.982 (1:25.972) 9:29.851 (1:25.869) 10:55.053                          (1:25.202)
18 Manion, Zach              SO Granite City       11:31.24   11:00.81   1
     1:18.453 (1:18.453) 2:37.473 (1:19.020) 4:01.570 (1:24.097) 5:27.804                           (1:26.234)
     6:52.334 (1:24.530) 8:18.478 (1:26.144) 9:43.141 (1:24.663) 11:00.808                          (1:17.667)
19 Howe, Ryan                JR Ft. Zumwalt West   10:10.24   11:05.13   2
     2:33.155 (2:33.155) 3:57.047 (1:23.892) 5:23.366 (1:26.319) 8:14.441                           (2:51.075)
     9:41.591 (1:27.150) 11:05.123 (1:23.532)
20 Schrieber, Dustin         JR Waterloo           11:00.24   11:05.47   1
     1:19.286 (1:19.286) 2:39.366 (1:20.080) 4:02.335 (1:22.969) 5:26.836                           (1:24.501)
     6:51.343 (1:24.507) 8:18.046 (1:26.703) 9:43.522 (1:25.476) 11:05.468                          (1:21.946)
21 Troxell, Jacob            JR Highland           11:24.24   11:06.77   1
     1:18.077 (1:18.077) 2:39.072 (1:20.995) 4:01.554 (1:22.482) 5:27.263                           (1:25.709)
     6:51.555 (1:24.292) 8:18.357 (1:26.802) 9:44.122 (1:25.765) 11:06.763                          (1:22.641)
22 Wagner, Zach              JR Ft. Zumwalt West   10:30.24   11:08.82   2
     2:31.977 (2:31.977) 3:53.196 (1:21.219) 5:17.431 (1:24.235) 6:44.814                           (1:27.383)
        6:48.326 (3.512) 8:13.401 (1:25.075) 9:41.222 (1:27.821) 11:08.813                          (1:27.591)
23 Thompson, Matt            JR Mascoutah          10:59.04   11:14.12   1
     1:18.658 (1:18.658) 2:39.524 (1:20.866) 4:02.156 (1:22.632) 5:27.553                           (1:25.397)
     6:52.811 (1:25.258) 8:21.247 (1:28.436) 9:51.195 (1:29.948) 11:14.120                          (1:22.925)
24 O'Neil, Nick              FR Normal             10:57.24   11:20.70   1
     1:17.369 (1:17.369) 2:38.385 (1:21.016) 4:01.267 (1:22.882) 5:28.596                           (1:27.329)
     6:56.201 (1:27.605) 8:24.011 (1:27.810) 9:53.786 (1:29.775) 11:20.698                          (1:26.912)
25 Merz, David               JR Freeburg           11:00.24   11:28.99   1
     1:17.135 (1:17.135) 2:37.965 (1:20.830) 4:00.763 (1:22.798) 5:28.661                           (1:27.898)
     6:56.496 (1:27.835) 8:27.085 (1:30.589) 9:59.842 (1:32.757) 11:28.985                          (1:29.143)
26 Boyer, Thomas             SO Collinsville                  11:33.27   1
     1:19.463 (1:19.463) 2:40.749 (1:21.286) 4:04.070 (1:23.321) 5:33.490                           (1:29.420)
     7:04.978 (1:31.488) 8:37.421 (1:32.443) 10:07.784 (1:30.363) 11:33.263                         (1:25.479)
27 Cunningham, Daniel        JR Troy (Triad)       11:00.24   11:41.07   1
     1:19.164 (1:19.164) 2:40.236 (1:21.072) 4:03.017 (1:22.781) 5:29.755                           (1:26.738)
     7:00.285 (1:30.530) 8:34.083 (1:33.798) 10:09.756 (1:35.673) 11:41.061                         (1:31.305)
28 Vogt, Brennon             JR Alton              12:14.24   11:43.53   1
     1:19.022 (1:19.022) 2:39.924 (1:20.902) 4:03.284 (1:23.360) 5:34.177                           (1:30.893)
     7:05.943 (1:31.766) 8:41.544 (1:35.601) 10:15.340 (1:33.796) 11:43.525                         (1:28.185)
29 Shelton, Ramon            JR East St. Louis     11:00.24   12:00.64   1
     1:18.373 (1:18.373) 2:38.760 (1:20.387) 4:00.070 (1:21.310) 5:30.263                           (1:30.193)
     7:08.957 (1:38.694) 8:48.471 (1:39.514) 10:30.468 (1:41.997) 12:00.635                         (1:30.167)
30 Calvin, Josh              SR Troy (Triad)       12:45.34   13:03.44   1
     1:19.748 (1:19.748) 2:50.044 (1:30.296) 4:27.509 (1:37.465) 6:08.006                           (1:40.497)
     7:52.332 (1:44.326) 9:39.806 (1:47.474) 11:23.344 (1:43.538) 13:03.437                         (1:40.093)
  Endurance Race Timing, LLC - Contractor License                                             Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER Page 12
                                                    Belleville West Invitational - 4/6/2013
                                                          Entries by TRXC Timing
                                                                Belleville, IL
  Event 10 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                                Seed     Finals Points
  1 Cahokia 'A'                                       8:03.00    8:10.72   10
     1) Payton, Darren SR               2) Brady, Marlin JR
     3) Monigan, Micheal JR             4) Monigan, Jalon JR
  2 Belleville (West) 'A'                             8:06.24    8:12.05    8
     1) Alcorn, Evan JR                 2) Cole, James SR
     3) Freivogel, Josh JR              4) Simmonds, Nick SR
  3 East St. Louis 'A'                                8:03.24    8:12.75    6
     1) Jackson, Markus SR              2) Ackins, Devonte JR
     3) Askew, Jwauhn JR                4) Stainback, Tyshaun SO
  4 Ft. Zumwalt West 'A'                              8:26.24    8:24.55    5
     1) Bradford, Connor SR             2) Howe, Ryan JR
     3) Barker, Brandon SR              4) Brouillet, Nathan SR
  5 O'Fallon 'A'                                      8:10.24    8:29.94    4
     1) Gordon, Dorian SO               2) Phillips, Spencer SO
     3) Davidson, Dustin FR             4) Wesslund, Evan JR
  6 Edwardsville 'A'                                  8:15.24    8:33.16    3
     1) Maxwell, Chad SR                2) Mayfield, James SO
     3) Schoenthal, Wes SO              4) Groves-Scott, Brydon SO
  7 St. Louis Un. High 'A'                            8:28.14    8:38.31    2
     1) Archer, Joe SR                  2) Swan, Michael JR
     3) Arredondo, David SR             4) Rubio, Tom JR
  8 Houston 'A'                                       8:05.43    8:48.32    1
     1) Strini, Timmy SR                2) Martin, Hunter JR
     3) Moore, Marvin SR                4) Perry, Aaron JR
  9 Troy (Triad) 'A'                                  8:31.51    8:50.88
     1) Hayes, Collin JR                2) Krause, Ryan SO
     3) Lawson, Sawyer FR               4) Haller, Lucas SR
 10 Belleville (East) 'A'                                        8:57.23
     1) Anthony, Branin JR              2) Gray, Brandon SR
     3) Hicks, Donovan SR               4) McIntyre, Jalen JR
 11 Highland 'A'                                      8:25.25    9:05.96
     1) Bramstedt, Zach SR              2) Gray, Kody JR
     3) Riggs, Grant SO                 4) Smart, Hayden FR
 12 Normal (Community West) 'A'                       8:35.24    9:07.88
     1) Rice, Nick SR                   2) Murphy, Bobby FR
     3) Massy, Andrew SO                4) Henry, Reid FR
 13 Freeburg 'A'                                      8:55.24    9:20.40
     1) Mueth, Dylan JR                 2) Keleher, Riley JR
     3) Kraus, Jon FR                   4) Waller, Matt SO
 14 Carbondale 'A'                                    8:48.24    9:25.31
     1) Baker, Austin FR                2) Elkaffas, Tarek FR
     3) Beck, Fred FR                   4) Loyd, Josh FR
 15 Collinsville 'A'                                  9:17.21    9:25.55
     1) Cacioppo, Paul JR               2) Hawk, Trey JR
     3) Whitehead, Bryce SO             4) Reed, Alex SO
 16 Mascoutah 'A'                                     9:03.14    9:25.69
     1) Ford, Craig SR                  2) Ewers, Ryan SR
   School                                                                         Seed    Finals H# Points
17 Alton 'A'                                       9:56.00                               9:27.01
    1) Milliken, Kyle JR             2) Agnew, Lamar FR
    3) Murphy, Caleb JR              4) Sanders, Gregory SO
18 Springfield (Southeast) 'A'                                                           9:38.69
    1) Caldwell, Keonte SO           2) McNeal, Finis SR
    3) Portis, Bryant JR             4) Perkins, Devante JR
  Event 11 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                                Seed    Finals H# Points
  1 Edwardsville 'A'                                    42.37      42.40   3 10
     1) James, Craig JR                 2) Gray, Bennett SR
     3) Michl, Isaiah SO                4) Perry, Rene SO
  2 Belleville (West) 'A'                               42.94      42.51   3   8
     1) Holmes, Kerry SR                2) Suggs, Tevin SR
     3) Jackson, Aaron SO               4) Davis, Dominic SO
  3 East St. Louis 'A'                                  43.54      42.78   3   6
     1) Jackson, Demarco JR             2) Strong, Natereace SO
     3) Harlan, Shondre SR              4) Greer, Marcus SR
  4 Cahokia 'A'                                         43.24      43.46   3   5
     1) Edwards, Shayeen SR             2) Story, Trey SR
     3) Moore, Chris SR                 4) Ward, Ja'Mari FR
  5 O'Fallon 'A'                                        43.41      43.61   3   4
     1) Cotton, Micquell JR             2) Franklin, Tae'Mon JR
     3) Robinson, Michael SO            4) Wiggins, Chris SR
  6 Houston 'A'                                         43.42      43.68   3   3
     1) Elion, Malik JR                 2) Lacey, Nick SR
     3) Lewis, Tevin SR                 4) Arrindell, Noah JR
  7 Troy (Triad) 'A'                                    43.82      43.85   3   2
     1) Harrington, Trevor SR           2) Lusk, Eddie SR
     3) Lawson, Sam JR                  4) Averill, Mike JR
  8 St. Louis Un. High 'A'                              43.59      44.07   3   1
     1) Yakubu, Prince SR               2) Groesch, Alex SR
     3) McNeil, Tyler SR                4) Wingo, Raymond JR
  9 Normal (Community West) 'A'                         44.24      44.92   2
     1) Haywood, Jeremiah SO            2) Arthur, Jared SO
     3) Forrest, Dajour FR              4) Groves, Leland JR
 10 Collinsville 'A'                                    45.50      45.23   2
     1) Reichert, Nick SR               2) Gass, Jacob FR
     3) Harvey, Lavander SO             4) Kanaske, Garrett SR
 11 Carbondale 'A'                                      44.84      45.29   2
     1) Bishop, Derrick JR              2) Gary, Mykel JR
     3) Landry, Tayvonne JR             4) Ousley, James SO
 12 Effingham 'A'                                       44.34      45.31   2
     1) Baker, Leevi JR                 2) Barnhart, Trent JR
     3) Nishida, Kohdai JR              4) Percival, Ben SO
 13 Alton 'A'                                           45.70      45.68   2
    1) Cross, Greg JR                2) Burnett, Isayah JR
    3) Mason, JaRob JR               4) Piper, John SR
   School                                                Seed                                Finals H# Points
14 Springfield (Southeast) 'A'                                                                46.18   1
    1) Akuoko, Kwadjo JR             2) Pollard, Malcolm JR
    3) English, Sean SO              4) Gorman, Jonathan JR
15 Highland 'A'                                      47.14                                    46.55   1
    1) Busch, Ryan JR                2) Geiger, Gage SO
    3) Geiger, Logan SO              4) Sands, Brendan SO
16 Mascoutah 'A'                                     45.14                                    46.79   2
    1) Garrett, Carmello SR          2) Cassity, Matt JR
    3) Sims, Mitchell JR             4) Thomas, Cedric SR
17 Granite City 'A'                                  47.44                                    47.75   1
    1) Arguelles, Francisco SR       2) Bobo, Raishon FR
    3) Clark, Dominique FR           4) Collins, Jeremy SR
18 Waterloo 'A'                                      46.24                                    48.94   2
    1) Freehill, Nick FR             2) Kretchmer, Justin JR
    3) Kanyuck, Collin SO            4) Mannino, Nolan SO
-- Ft. Zumwalt West 'A'                              45.24                                      DQ    2   Out of Zn 2-3
    1) Brew, Derrick JR              2) Williams, Bryce FR
    3) Killeen, Donovan FR           4) Harris, Kyle SR
-- Belleville (East) 'A'                                                                        DQ    1   Out of Zone 2-3
    1) Lewis, Arkim JR               2) Hoskins, Isiah JR
    3) Hines Jr., Demetrius SO       4) Ike, Ronald SO
-- Freeburg 'A'                                      47.74                                      DQ    1   Out of Zone 2-3
    1) Duke, Jared SO                2) Vall, Robby SO
    3) Davinroy, Mike SO             4) Schwaegel, Cole SO
  Event 12 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals H# Points
  1 Greer, Marcus             SR East St. Louis         14.20      14.66   5 10
  2 Boone, Damon              SR O'Fallon               14.94      14.70   5   8
  3 Michl, Isaiah             SO Edwardsville           15.84      15.14   4   6
  4 Piper, John               SR Alton                  15.40      15.25   5   5
  5 Braden, Phillip           SR Houston                15.93      15.37   4   4
  6 Session, William          FR Belleville (East)      15.64      15.40   5   3
  7 Gray, Brandon             SR Belleville (East)      15.14      15.48   5   2
  8 Session, Korrion          SO Cahokia                16.04      15.64   4   1
  9 Bliven, Jason             SR Trenton                15.94      15.67   4
 10 Drummond, Ronnie          JR Trenton                15.94      15.88   4
 11 Allen, Darnell            SR O'Fallon               16.34      15.91   4
 12 Brown, Brian              SO East St. Louis         15.74      16.14   5
 13 Niemeyer, Kurt            SR Edwardsville           15.64      16.23   5
 14 Ford, Matt                JR Troy (Triad)           16.47      16.35   3
 15 Burnom, Eddie             SR Southeast              18.24      16.44   1
 16 Yakubu, Prince            SR St. Louis Un. High     17.01      16.51   3
 17 Immke, Josh               SO Normal                 17.24      16.66   2
 18 Moehrs, Greyson           FR Waterloo               16.64      16.70   3
   Name                  Year School                  Seed                                   Finals H# Points
19 Hecht, Colin            FR Effingham                                     17.34             17.15   2
20 Schraufnagel, Logan     SO Freeburg                                      17.34             17.58   2
21 Hammel-Brown, Zach      FR Collinsville                                  17.72             17.63   2
22 Chapin, Andrew          JR Houston                                       17.83             17.71   2
23 Bobo, Raishon           FR Granite City                                  17.74             17.85   2
24 Burr, Alex              SR Ft. Zumwalt West                              15.94             18.05   4
25 Moore, Logan            JR Collinsville                                  16.94             18.50   3
26 Riggins, Juwan          FR Granite City                                  19.24             19.46   1
27 Lasley, Colton          JR Freeburg                                      19.44             19.47   1
28 Fritz, Michael          FR Troy (Triad)                                  19.00             20.69   1
-- Fox, Andrew             SR St. Louis Un. High                            16.79                DQ   3
  Event 13 Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals H# Points
  1 Wingo, Raymond            JR St. Louis Un. High     11.07      10.64   5 10
  2 James, Craig              JR Edwardsville           10.94      10.84   5   8
  3 Story, Trey               SR Cahokia                11.00      10.87   5   6
  4 Groesch, Alex             SR St. Louis Un. High     11.12      11.06   5   5
  5 Lewis, Tevin              SR Houston                11.43      11.11   4   4
  6 Lusk, Eddie               SR Troy (Triad)           11.08      11.15   5   3
  7 Elion, Malik              JR Houston                11.45      11.19   3   2
  8 Edwards, Shayeen          SR Cahokia                11.20      11.20   4   1
  9 Franklin, Tae'Mon         JR O'Fallon               11.23      11.21   4
 10 Haywood, Jeremiah         SO Normal                 11.34      11.27   4
 11 Harlan, Shondre           SR East St. Louis         11.14      11.32   5
 12 Harvey, Lavander          SO Collinsville           11.73      11.36   3
 13 Goff, Justin              SO Trenton                11.54      11.48   3
 14 Jackson, Demarco          JR East St. Louis         11.44      11.52   4
 15 Gary, Mykel               JR Carbondale             11.54      11.55   3
 16 Paraham, Ronald           SR Belleville (West)      11.64      11.60   3
 17 Gray, Bennett             SR Edwardsville           10.94      11.66   5 11.653
 18 Geiger, Logan             SO Highland               11.64      11.66   3 11.654
 19 Bunch, Troy               JR Southeast                         11.70   1
 20 Davinroy, Mike            SO Freeburg               11.84      11.80   3
 21 Groves, Leland            JR Normal                 11.44      11.88   4
 22 Howell, Alex              FR Effingham              12.24      12.02   2
 23 Averill, Mike             JR Troy (Triad)           11.89      12.03   2
 24 Turner, Kahlil            JR Southeast                         12.04   1 12.032
 25 Percival, Ben             SO Effingham              12.14      12.04   2 12.035
 26 Brew, Derrick             JR Ft. Zumwalt West       12.24      12.09   2
 27 Killeen, Donovan          FR Ft. Zumwalt West       12.24      12.15   2
 28 Lark, Shahere             FR Carbondale             11.44      12.21   4
 29 Bartels, Matt             SO Highland               12.24      12.33   2
 30 Gray, Isaiah              JR Alton                  12.60      12.38   1
 31 Calvin, Larry             SO Alton                  12.50      12.66   1
 32 Holmes, Kerry             SR Belleville (West)      11.16      13.49   4
  Endurance Race Timing, LLC - Contractor License                                             Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER Page 16
                                                    Belleville West Invitational - 4/6/2013
                                                          Entries by TRXC Timing
                                                                Belleville, IL
  Event 14 Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals H# Points
  1 Maxwell, Chad             SR Edwardsville         1:58.24    2:00.12   3 10
  2 Percy, Tyler              SR Ft. Zumwalt West     2:00.34    2:00.75   3   8
  3 Hall, Xavier              SO Belleville (East)    2:09.59    2:05.19   2   6
  4 Jackson, Chris            JR Belleville (West)    2:03.24    2:05.36   3   5
  5 Monigan, Micheal          JR Cahokia              2:02.00    2:05.80   3   4
  6 Ackins, Devonte           JR East St. Louis       2:01.24    2:06.21   3   3
  7 Chorma, Steve             JR O'Fallon             2:01.34    2:06.23   3   2
  8 Haller, Lucas             SR Troy (Triad)         2:04.50    2:06.43   3   1
  9 Loy, Ben                  SR Normal               2:15.24    2:06.54   2
 10 Koester, Brennan          SO O'Fallon             2:06.24    2:06.60   2
 11 Deamer, Joyner            SO Carbondale           2:04.24    2:07.56   3
 12 McGee, Chris              FR Cahokia              2:06.00    2:08.88   2
 13 Strini, Timmy             SR Houston              2:03.25    2:09.19   3
 14 Parks, Tim                SO Mascoutah            2:05.44    2:09.38   3
 15 Heern, Jared              SR Carbondale           2:07.24    2:09.66   2
 16 Hayes, Collin             JR Troy (Triad)         2:03.80    2:10.68   3
 17 Martin, Hunter            JR Houston              2:02.21    2:10.99   3
 18 Rubio, Tom                JR St. Louis Un. High   2:06.12    2:12.03   2
 19 Mayfield, James           SO Edwardsville         2:08.24    2:12.76   2
 20 Martin, J.J.              SO Mascoutah            2:10.74    2:12.90   2
 21 Siner, Patrick            FR Effingham            2:13.24    2:13.63   2
 22 Archer, Joe               SR St. Louis Un. High   2:02.45    2:13.72   3
 23 Smart, Hayden             FR Highland             2:11.24    2:14.74   2
 24 Milliken, Kyle            JR Alton                2:15.00    2:16.20   2
 25 Waller, Matt              SO Freeburg             2:13.24    2:17.81   2
 26 Zeisset, Will             FR Waterloo             2:16.24    2:20.02   1
 27 Briagas, Tino             SR Granite City         2:18.94    2:22.28   1
 28 Steward, Chris            SR Granite City         2:09.24    2:22.90   2
 29 Murphy, Caleb             JR Alton                2:17.00    2:24.85   1
 30 Liefer, Weston            SO Waterloo             2:16.24    2:25.17   1
 31 White, Demond             SO Belleville (West)    2:13.24    2:27.97   2
 32 Kramper, Patrick          SO Freeburg             2:20.24    2:28.49   1
 33 Wagehoft, Baylor          SR Normal               2:18.24    2:29.72   1
 34 Schmidt, C.J.             FR Effingham            2:27.24    2:32.43   1
  Event 15 Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals H# Points
  1 Cahokia 'A'                                       1:31.00    1:29.29   3 10
     1) Story, Trey SR                  2) Thomas, Jalen SR
     3) Brady, Marlin JR                4) Lyons, Tyran FR
  2 Belleville (West) 'A'                             1:30.64    1:29.76   3   8
     1) Holmes, Kerry SR                2) Suggs, Tevin SR
     3) Jackson, Aaron SO               4) Davis, Dominic SO
  3 East St. Louis 'A'                                1:31.74    1:30.76   3   6
     1) Askew, Jwauhn JR                2) Harlan, Shondre SR
    3) Jackson, Demarco JR           4) Garner, Keith JR
   School                                             Seed     Finals H# Points
 4 Houston 'A'                                     1:31.13    1:30.80                            3    5
    1) Lacey, Nick SR                2) Lewis, Tevin SR
    3) Arrindell, Noah JR            4) Moore, Marvin SR
 5 Edwardsville 'A'                                1:30.25    1:31.49                            3    4
    1) Perry, Rene SO                2) Gray, Bennett SR
    3) Crowe, Brian JR               4) Harvey, Julian SR
 6 Troy (Triad) 'A'                                1:33.30    1:32.65                            3    3
    1) Harrington, Trevor SR         2) Lusk, Eddie SR
    3) Lawson, Sam JR                4) Averill, Mike JR
 7 Collinsville 'A'                                1:39.36    1:34.26                            1    2
    1) Harvey, Lavander SO           2) Kanaske, Garrett SR
    3) Wellmaker, Jamal SO           4) Reichert, Nick SR
 8 Alton 'A'                                       1:34.90    1:34.50                            2    1
    1) Cross, Greg JR                2) Mason, JaRob JR
    3) Piper, John SR                4) Smith, DaRue JR
 9 Springfield (Southeast) 'A'                                1:34.66                            1
    1) Akuoko, Kwadjo JR             2) Pollard, Malcolm JR
    3) Gorman, Jonathan JR           4) Wheatley, Monterious SO
10 Effingham 'A'                                   1:35.94    1:35.20                            2
    1) Baker, Leevi JR               2) Barnhart, Trent JR
    3) Nishida, Kohdai JR            4) Vaughn, Caydin SR
11 Ft. Zumwalt West 'A'                            1:34.24    1:35.73                            2
    1) Williams, Bryce FR            2) Matthews, Jason SR
    3) Killeen, Donovan FR           4) Harris, Kyle SR
12 O'Fallon 'A'                                    1:33.44    1:36.54                            3
    1) Curry, Jon SR                 2) Hudson, Kris JR
    3) Lambert, TJ FR                4) McCray, Demontez SO
13 Highland 'A'                                    1:37.24    1:37.68                            2
    1) Busch, Ryan JR                2) Geiger, Gage SO
    3) Geiger, Logan SO              4) Sands, Brendan SO
14 Normal (Community West) 'A'                     1:34.24    1:37.69                            2
    1) Haywood, Jeremiah SO          2) Bumpus, Cole JR
    3) Forrest, Dajour FR            4) Strong, Tyler SO
15 Mascoutah 'A'                                   1:36.44    1:42.22                            2
    1) Garrett, Carmello SR          2) Cassity, Matt JR
    3) Davis, Nick FR                4) Sims, Mitchell JR
-- Freeburg 'A'                                    1:35.54         DQ                            2   Exchange Violation 2
    1) Vall, Robby SO                2) Stroder, Brett SR
    3) Albers, Mitch SR              4) Davinroy, Mike SO
-- Carbondale 'A'                                  1:34.24         DQ                            2   Early Exhange 2-3
    1) Bishop, Derrick JR            2) Gary, Mykel JR
    3) Lark, Shahere FR              4) Ousley, James SO
-- Granite City 'A'                                1:37.74         DQ                            1   Invalid Exchange 2
    1) Moran, Joe SO                 2) Bobo, Raishon FR
    3) Riggins, Juwan FR             4) Beckwith, Willie FR
  Endurance Race Timing, LLC - Contractor License                                             Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER Page 18
                                                    Belleville West Invitational - 4/6/2013
                                                          Entries by TRXC Timing
                                                                Belleville, IL
  Event 16 Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals H# Points
  1 Brady, Marlin             JR Cahokia                50.70      49.91   5 10
  2 Monigan, Jalon            JR Cahokia                50.73      50.39   5   8
  3 Landry, Tayvonne          JR Carbondale             50.64      50.46   5   6
  4 Davis, Roosevelt          FR East St. Louis         52.24      50.70   4   5
  5 Elion, Malik              JR Houston                50.63      50.85   5   4
  6 Askew, Jwauhn             JR East St. Louis         50.84      51.88   5   3
  7 McCray, Demontez          SO O'Fallon               51.84      51.96   5   2
  8 Arguelles, Francisco      SR Granite City           52.34      52.04   4   1
  9 McCauley, Denzel          SO Carbondale             52.24      52.66   4
 10 Washington, Kaleb         SR O'Fallon               52.74      52.70   3
 11 Williams, Yansay          JR Normal                 53.24      53.40   3
 12 Streater, Tremain         FR Collinsville           52.74      53.68   4
 13 Perry, Aaron              JR Houston                52.53      53.85   4
 14 Thomas, Cedric            SR Mascoutah              53.34      53.86   3
 15 Jones, Spencer            FR St. Louis Un. High     54.02      53.94   3
 16 Voegle, Andrew            SO Troy (Triad)           54.74      54.12   2
 17 Gray, Kody                JR Highland               52.44      54.13   4
 18 Krause, Ryan              SO Troy (Triad)           51.84      54.35   4
 19 Riggs, Grant              SO Highland               53.74      54.40   3
 20 Krone, Scotty             JR Edwardsville           52.74      55.58   4
 21 Mannino, Nolan            SO Waterloo               55.24      55.68   2
 22 Ammonette, Javier         SR Alton                  56.15      55.99   1
 23 Blakeslee, Austin         FR Belleville (West)      55.14      56.28   2
 24 Durbin, Travis            SO Effingham              57.04      56.30   1
 25 Knight, D'Anthony         JR Edwardsville           54.24      56.71   2
 26 Richards, Micah           JR Southeast              58.73      57.98   1
 27 McClellan, Logan          FR St. Louis Un. High     54.22      58.29   3
 28 Caesar, Charles           SO Southeast              56.51    1:00.84   1
 29 McGammon, Josh            FR Effingham            1:03.24    1:05.11   1
  Event 17 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals H# Points
  1 Moore, Chris              SR Cahokia                40.40      38.50   5 10
  2 James, Craig              JR Edwardsville           40.64      38.68   5   8
  3 Michl, Isaiah             SO Edwardsville           40.14      39.08   5   6
  4 Boone, Damon              SR O'Fallon               40.35      40.01   5   5
  5 Braden, Phillip           SR Houston                41.42      40.16   4   4
  6 Bliven, Jason             SR Trenton                40.44      40.19   5   3
  7 Greer, Marcus             SR East St. Louis         38.24      41.02   5   2
  8 Irving, Deandre           SR Cahokia                40.47      41.47   5   1
  9 Allen, Darnell            SR O'Fallon               43.53      41.62   3
 10 Drummond, Ronnie          JR Trenton                42.14      41.73   4
 11 Hopson, Kevin             JR Belleville (West)      42.14      42.16   4
 12 Immke, Josh               SO Normal                 44.24      42.28   3
 13 Hecht, Colin              FR Effingham              44.34      43.11   3
   Name                  Year School                  Seed                                   Finals H# Points
14 Fox, Andrew             SR St. Louis Un. High                            44.80             43.36   2
15 Hammel-Brown, Zach      FR Collinsville                                  44.77             43.47   3
16 Isom, Dan               FR St. Louis Un. High                            45.34             43.48   2
17 Session, William        FR Belleville (East)                             42.24             43.74   4
18 Smith, Deonte           SR East St. Louis                                41.24             43.82   4
19 Fanara, Dominic         SR Ft. Zumwalt West                              43.74             43.93   3
20 Chapin, Andrew          JR Houston                                       44.31             44.24   3
21 Bell, Miercoles         SR Belleville (West)                             42.04             44.77   4
22 Enderlin, Gavin         FR Normal                                        45.24             44.89   2
23 Bramstedt, Zach         SR Highland                                      44.74             45.04   3
24 Riggins, Juwan          FR Granite City                                  46.14             45.10   2
25 Burr, Alex              SR Ft. Zumwalt West                              42.14             45.16   4
26 Unkraut, Swade          SR Effingham                                     46.54             45.93   2
27 Bobo, Raishon           FR Granite City                                  46.74             46.73   2
28 Moehrs, Greyson         FR Waterloo                                      47.24             46.80   2
29 McCormick, Tyler        FR Carbondale                                    48.24             47.35   1
30 Schraufnagel, Logan     SO Freeburg                                      45.14             47.38   2
31 Lasley, Colton          JR Freeburg                                      49.24             47.62   1
32 Lewis, Matt             SO Troy (Triad)                                  51.04             49.27   1
33 Hollenbeck, Brandon     JR Troy (Triad)                                  50.04             50.90   1
34 Brunton, Ryan           JR Collinsville                                  43.44             58.26   4
  Event 18 Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals H# Points
  1 Perrier, Patrick          JR O'Fallon             4:27.24    4:34.36   3 10
      1:08.913 (1:08.913) 2:25.867 (1:16.954) 3:33.330 (1:07.463) 4:34.355 (1:01.025)
  2 Esswein, John             JR St. Louis Un. High   4:24.69    4:38.56   3   8
      1:08.713 (1:08.713) 2:26.160 (1:17.447) 3:33.706 (1:07.546) 4:38.557 (1:04.851)
  3 Rodenberg, Josh           JR Waterloo             4:28.94    4:39.07   3   6
      1:08.894 (1:08.894) 2:25.973 (1:17.079) 3:35.785 (1:09.812) 4:39.061 (1:03.276)
  4 Affolder, Murphy          JR Mascoutah            4:26.34    4:41.33   3   5
      1:09.217 (1:09.217) 2:25.894 (1:16.677) 3:35.351 (1:09.457) 4:41.327 (1:05.976)
  5 Gordon, Dorian            SO O'Fallon             4:35.24    4:41.85   3   4
      1:09.462 (1:09.462) 2:25.940 (1:16.478) 3:35.551 (1:09.611) 4:41.843 (1:06.292)
  6 Schoenthal, Wes           SO Edwardsville         4:34.24    4:46.01   3   3
      1:09.839 (1:09.839) 2:26.067 (1:16.228) 3:37.038 (1:10.971) 4:46.005 (1:08.967)
  7 Rodenberg, Cole           FR Waterloo             4:42.24    4:46.03   2   2
      1:08.971 (1:08.971) 2:26.080 (1:17.109) 3:38.183 (1:12.103) 4:46.026 (1:07.843)
  8 Swan, Michael             JR St. Louis Un. High   4:34.21    4:46.86   3   1
      1:09.278 (1:09.278) 2:26.684 (1:17.406) 3:39.665 (1:12.981) 4:46.859 (1:07.194)
  9 Groves-Scott, Brydon      SO Edwardsville         4:38.24    4:47.44   3
      1:10.135 (1:10.135) 2:25.802 (1:15.667) 3:38.577 (1:12.775) 4:47.439 (1:08.862)
 10 Seaton, Josh              JR Houston              4:42.34    4:49.74   2
      1:09.193 (1:09.193) 2:26.285 (1:17.092) 3:38.978 (1:12.693) 4:49.740 (1:10.762)
 11 Bradford, Connor          SR Ft. Zumwalt West     4:37.24    4:52.52   3
      1:09.617 (1:09.617) 2:26.247 (1:16.630) 3:39.106 (1:12.859) 4:52.520 (1:13.414)
   Name                               Year School                  Seed     Finals H# Points
12 Marler, Jacob                        SR Freeburg             4:41.24    4:53.07  2
     1:08.697 (1:08.697)             2:25.949 (1:17.252) 3:40.184 (1:14.235) 4:53.065                (1:12.881)
13 Johnson, Tommie                      SR East St. Louis       4:40.64    4:54.48  2
     1:08.929 (1:08.929)             2:25.963 (1:17.034) 3:40.117 (1:14.154) 4:54.474                (1:14.357)
14 Mueth, Dylan                         JR Freeburg             4:58.24    4:54.79  2
     1:09.640 (1:09.640)             2:26.565 (1:16.925) 3:43.072 (1:16.507) 4:54.789                (1:11.717)
15 Luetkemeyer, Owen                    SR Belleville (East)    5:01.24    4:58.10  2
     1:09.889 (1:09.889)             2:26.862 (1:16.973) 4:58.099 (2:31.237)
16 Jimison, Deran                       SR Cahokia              4:38.34    4:58.97  3
     1:08.606 (1:08.606)             2:25.719 (1:17.113) 3:40.844 (1:15.125) 4:58.962                (1:18.118)
17 Baker, Austin                        FR Carbondale           4:50.24    5:01.38  2
     1:10.567 (1:10.567)             2:29.619 (1:19.052) 3:49.165 (1:19.546) 5:01.371                (1:12.206)
18 Henry, Reid                          FR Normal               5:00.24    5:03.26  2
     3:50.142 (3:50.142)             5:03.256 (1:13.114)
19 Fatheree, Taylor                     SR Effingham            4:29.24    5:04.03  3
     1:10.643 (1:10.643)             2:28.426 (1:17.783) 3:49.049 (1:20.623) 5:04.022                (1:14.973)
20 Druhe, Zach                          FR Granite City         5:10.44    5:07.30  1
     1:10.122 (1:10.122)             2:28.211 (1:18.089) 3:49.061 (1:20.850) 5:07.294                (1:18.233)
21 Strini, Timmy                        SR Houston              4:35.20    5:07.47  3
     1:10.087 (1:10.087)             2:27.023 (1:16.936) 3:48.043 (1:21.020) 5:07.469                (1:19.426)
22 Hawk, Trey                           JR Collinsville         5:07.24    5:09.61  2
     1:12.153 (1:12.153)             2:29.443 (1:17.290) 5:09.602 (2:40.159)
23 Manion, Tyler                        SO Granite City         5:20.24    5:13.62  1
     1:14.463 (1:14.463)             2:34.532 (1:20.069) 3:56.334 (1:21.802) 5:13.611                (1:17.277)
24 Lockett, Dontay                      FR Cahokia              5:14.64    5:18.89  1
     1:13.495 (1:13.495)             2:36.296 (1:22.801) 3:58.689 (1:22.393) 5:18.883                (1:20.194)
25 Cunningham, Daniel                   JR Troy (Triad)         5:11.08    5:20.12  1
     1:15.307 (1:15.307)             2:37.690 (1:22.383) 4:00.821 (1:23.131) 5:20.118                (1:19.297)
26 Cacioppo, Paul                       JR Collinsville         5:25.24    5:23.80  1
     1:14.627 (1:14.627)             2:37.030 (1:22.403) 4:01.469 (1:24.439) 5:23.799                (1:22.330)
27 Lawson, Allen                        SO Troy (Triad)         5:16.50    5:25.25  1
     1:14.917 (1:14.917)             2:38.552 (1:23.635) 4:04.132 (1:25.580) 5:25.244                (1:21.112)
28 Bathgate, Kyle                       SO Carbondale           5:10.24    5:25.62  1
     1:14.030 (1:14.030)             2:37.595 (1:23.565) 4:02.695 (1:25.100) 5:25.616                (1:22.921)
29 Arbogast, Trevor                     SO Normal               5:05.24    5:32.31  2
     1:14.874 (1:14.874)             2:29.086 (1:14.212)     2:38.155 (9.069) 5:32.302               (2:54.147)
30 Held, Christian                      FR Alton                5:40.00    5:33.63  1
     1:15.222 (1:15.222)             2:37.879 (1:22.657) 4:03.930 (1:26.051) 5:33.623                (1:29.693)
31 Troxell, Jacob                       JR Highland             5:10.24    5:47.53  1
     1:14.900 (1:14.900)             2:39.817 (1:24.917) 4:15.483 (1:35.666) 5:47.525                (1:32.042)
  Event 19 Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals H# Points
  1 Story, Trey               SR Cahokia                22.40      21.46   5 10
  2 Wiggins, Chris            SR O'Fallon               22.74      21.89   5   8
  3 Suggs, Tevin              SR Belleville (West)      22.44      22.00   5   6
  4 Lusk, Eddie               SR Troy (Triad)           22.90      22.09   4   5
   Name                  Year School                  Seed                                   Finals H# Points
 5 Lewis, Tevin            SR Houston                                       23.21             22.47   4    4
 6 Haywood, Jeremiah       SO Normal                                        23.34             22.63   3    3
 7 Harvey, Lavander        SO Collinsville                                  23.14             22.72   4    2
 8 Harlan, Shondre         SR East St. Louis                                22.74             22.77   5    1
 9 Thomas, Jalen           SR Cahokia                                       23.69             22.78   3
10 Collins, Jeremy         SR Granite City                                  23.95             22.82   2
11 Garner, Keith           JR East St. Louis                                23.24             22.85   4   22.844
12 Piper, John             SR Alton                                         23.20             22.85   4   22.850
13 Harris, Kyle            SR Ft. Zumwalt West                              24.14             22.91   2
14 Paraham, Ronald         SR Belleville (West)                             23.64             22.98   3   22.973
15 Landry, Tayvonne        JR Carbondale                                    22.84             22.98   4   22.974
16 Cross, Greg             JR Alton                                         23.90             23.06   2
17 Wheatley, Monterious    SO Southeast                                     24.94             23.10   2
18 Clark, Josh             SR Edwardsville                                  23.44             23.16   3
19 Goff, Justin            SO Trenton                                       23.74             23.35   3
20 Lacey, Nick             SR Houston                                       22.79             23.40   5
21 Ford, Matt              JR Troy (Triad)                                                    23.45   3
22 Franklin, Tae'Mon       JR O'Fallon                                      23.14             23.57   4
23 Williams, Bryce         FR Ft. Zumwalt West                              23.74             23.67   3
24 Stroder, Brett          SR Freeburg                                      24.34             23.68   2
25 Wellmaker, Jamal        SO Collinsville                                  23.14             23.72   4
26 Bishop, Derrick         JR Carbondale                                    23.64             23.80   3
27 Albers, Mitch           SR Freeburg                                      24.04             24.03   2
28 Kemp, Jake              FR Normal                                        25.24             24.06   1
29 Percival, Ben           SO Effingham                                     25.04             24.24   2
30 Bartels, Matt           SO Highland                                      25.24             24.97   1
31 Jackson, Alex           JR Effingham                                     26.44             25.15   1
32 Bates, Rashad           SO Southeast                                     25.04             25.93   1
33 Taylor, Xavier          SR Belleville (East)                             25.24             27.25   1
  Event 20 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Fr/So
    School                                                Seed    Finals H# Points
  1 Cahokia 'A'                                       3:30.00    3:32.00   2 10
     1) Ward, Ja'Mari FR                2) Lyons, Tyran FR
     3) McGee, Chris FR                 4) Raymond, Chris FR
  2 East St. Louis 'A'                                3:30.24    3:34.49   2   8
     1) Jones, Jayni FR                 2) Stainback, Tyshaun SO
     3) Baldwin, Dashawn FR             4) Pearson, Keonta FR
  3 Belleville (West) 'A'                             3:28.24    3:37.25   2   6
     1) Davis, Dominic SO               2) Jackson, Aaron SO
     3) McMath, Thomas SO               4) Buchanan, Deshon FR
  4 Edwardsville 'A'                                  3:33.24    3:40.05   2   5
     1) Colley, Chris FR                2) Davis, Fontez SO
     3) Ryan, Brandon SO                4) Pizzini, Austin SO
  5 O'Fallon 'A'                                      3:37.24    3:40.72   2   4
     1) Davidson, Dustin FR             2) Lambert, TJ FR
     3) McCray, Demontez SO             4) Wells, Daniel FR
   School                                               Seed    Finals H# Points
 6 Troy (Triad) 'A'                                3:36.90     3:43.76                            2   3
    1) Krause, Ryan SO               2) Lawson, Sawyer FR
    3) Voegle, Andrew SO             4) Nickerson, Clayton FR
 7 Effingham 'A'                                   3:45.14     3:44.61                            1   2
    1) Durbin, Travis SO             2) Hecht, Colin FR
    3) Howell, Alex FR               4) Miller, Zach SO
 8 Houston 'A'                                     3:40.12     3:49.40                            2   1
    1) Norment, Naaman SO            2) Exley, Harrison FR
    3) Randle, Andrew FR             4) Beard, Nicolas FR
 9 Highland 'A'                                    3:38.24     3:49.87                            2
    1) Smart, Hayden FR              2) Riggs, Grant SO
    3) Geiger, Gage SO               4) Foppe, Ben SO
10 Carbondale 'A'                                  3:40.24     3:51.68                            1
    1) Elkaffas, Tarek FR            2) McDonald, Brian SO
    3) Deamer, Joyner SO             4) Beck, Fred FR
11 Mascoutah 'A'                                   3:50.24     3:54.72                            1
    1) Parks, Tim SO                 2) Schmidt, Robert SO
    3) Pearson, Daniel FR            4) Jones, Duncan FR
12 Granite City 'A'                                3:55.24     3:59.47                            1
    1) Clark, Dominique FR           2) Druhe, Zach FR
    3) Jordan, Lucas FR              4) Flemons, Darrion FR
13 Freeburg 'A'                                    3:57.24     4:01.18                            1
    1) Waller, Matt SO               2) Schraufnagel, Logan SO
    3) Jester, Jacob FR              4) Kraus, Jon FR
14 Springfield (Southeast) 'A'                     4:10.24     4:06.17                            1
    1) Ayers, Braedyn FR             2) Caldwell, Keonte SO
    3) English, Sean SO              4) Schaad, Andrew SO
  Event 21 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                                Seed    Finals H# Points
  1 Cahokia 'A'                                       3:25.00    3:25.41   3 10
     1) Payton, Darren SR               2) Brady, Marlin JR
     3) Monigan, Micheal JR             4) Monigan, Jalon JR
  2 East St. Louis 'A'                                3:27.02    3:26.08   3   8
     1) Askew, Jwauhn JR                2) Greer, Marcus SR
     3) Jackson, Markus SR              4) Garner, Keith JR
  3 Belleville (West) 'A'                             3:24.60    3:26.73   3   6
     1) Cole, James SR                  2) Freivogel, Josh JR
     3) Simmonds, Nick SR               4) Alcorn, Evan JR
  4 Houston 'A'                                       3:22.66    3:26.95   3   5
     1) Elion, Malik JR                 2) Lacey, Nick SR
     3) Moore, Marvin SR                4) Arrindell, Noah JR
  5 Edwardsville 'A'                                  3:29.29    3:27.63   3   4
     1) Crowe, Brian JR                 2) Perry, Rene SO
     3) James, Craig JR                 4) Michl, Isaiah SO
  6 O'Fallon 'A'                                      3:33.60    3:34.05   2   3
     1) Boewe, Kyle SR                  2) Brown, Jeremiah SR
    School                                                Seed      Finals H# Points
  7 Normal (Community West) 'A'                        3:32.24     3:37.39  3   2
     1) Forrest, Dajour FR               2) Williams, Yansay JR
     3) Arthur, Jared SO                 4) Rice, Nick SR
  8 Collinsville 'A'                                   3:39.44     3:38.04  2   1
     1) Wellmaker, Jamal SO              2) Bailey, Josh SO
     3) Staves, Brandon SR               4) Streater, Tremain FR
  9 St. Louis Un. High 'A'                             3:29.32     3:39.09  3
     1) Esswein, John JR                 2) Swan, Michael JR
     3) McNeil, Tyler SR                 4) Isom, Dan FR
 10 Belleville (East) 'A'                                          3:39.14  1
     1) Hall, Xavier SO                  2) Ibarra, Remington SO
     3) Stockett, Gavin JR               4) Anthony, Branin JR
 11 Ft. Zumwalt West 'A'                               3:34.24     3:39.94  2
     1) Fanara, Dominic SR               2) Rogers, Eric SR
     3) Matthews, Jason SR               4) Bradford, Connor SR
 12 Trenton 'A'                                        3:43.79     3:41.58  2
     1) Drummond, Ronnie JR              2) Bliven, Jason SR
     3) Wilhelm, Jacob JR                4) Robinson, Jason FR
 13 Alton 'A'                                          3:44.82     3:42.39  2
     1) Smith, DaRue JR                  2) Adney, Nolen JR
     3) Ammonette, Javier SR             4) Muhammad, Mark FR
 14 Troy (Triad) 'A'                                   3:33.66     3:43.15  2
     1) Lawson, Sam JR                   2) Averill, Mike JR
     3) Hayes, Collin JR                 4) Haller, Lucas SR
 15 Springfield (Southeast) 'A'                                    3:45.48  1
     1) Pollard, Malcolm JR              2) Akuoko, Kwadjo JR
     3) Perkins, Devante JR              4) Caesar, Charles SO
 16 Granite City 'A'                                   3:48.24     3:48.95  2
     1) Clark, Dominique FR              2) Collins, Jeremy SR
     3) Steward, Chris SR                4) Arguelles, Francisco SR
 17 Carbondale 'A'                                     3:33.24     3:50.06  3
     1) McCauley, Denzel SO              2) Ousley, James SO
     3) Heern, Jared SR                  4) Lark, Shahere FR
 18 Freeburg 'A'                                       3:52.24     4:04.06  1
     1) Duke, Jared SO                   2) Gravot, Nick FR
     3) Schwaegel, Cole SO               4) Vall, Robby SO
                           Men - Team Rankings - 19 Events Scored
    1) Cahokia                     139        2) O'Fallon                  106.50
    3) Edwardsville                 93        4) Belleville (West)          73
    5) East St. Louis               61        6) Houston                    45
    7) Waterloo                     38        8) St. Louis Un. High         32
    9) Ft. Zumwalt West             25       10) Troy (Triad)               21
   11) Belleville (East)            18       11) Collinsville               18
   13) Mascoutah                    13       14) Carbondale                 11.50
   15) Effingham                    11       16) Highland                   10
   16) Normal (Community West)      10       18) Granite City                 7
 19) Alton                             6                 20) Trenton                             3