St. Thomas More Boys Strong At Twin City Championships

Earlier this week several teams got the chance to run on a college course at the University of Illinois for the Twin City Championships. It was a hot and humid evening in Champaign and the six to eight inch grass on the course made things even more fun. Cross country in early September, you've got to love it! 

The boys race was a battle between two teammates. Jacob Helfich and Nick Hess of St. Thomas More, went stride for stride until the finish lnie, where it was Helfrich inching him out by just one second in 16:42.00. The team put their top five runners in the top six places. Junior Reis Desantis of Centennial broke up the pack finishing fourth in 16:58. STM posts a near perfect score of 17 points, followed by Champaign Centennial and University High (Urbana) who scored 63 and 65 points respectively.

On the girls side, Champaign Central junior Hannah Wright kicked off her 2012 season with a "W". Wright dominated the race in a time of 20:21 which was fifteen seconds faster than runner-up Theresa Well of St. Thomas More. Cenrtral placed their top five runners in the top fifteen. They won the meet with thirty-nine points ahead of University (Urbana) which was led by freshman Katie Tender's fifth place performance. Champaign Centennial also had a strong showing led by junior Jaki Vipond and sophomore Rebecca Kaefring who finished third and fourth.  Centennial placed third as a team with sixty points. 

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