Illini Open 2010

Champaign, IL

Women's 5K

University of Illinois                                     HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                            Illini Open - 10/22/2010
                      Upper 60's; Clear Sky; Light Wind;Dry
                                U of I Arboretum
                              Last Completed Event
Event 1  Women 5k Run CC
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Hague, Kathryn            SR Lewis                    17:36    1
  2 Frigo, Meghan             FR Illinois                 18:11    2
  3 Schmidt, Melissa          FR Illinois                 18:14    3
  4 Oliver, Nicole            FR Northwestern             18:15    4
  5 Tracy, Abby               JR Northwestern             18:22    5
  6 Neuschel, Lauren          SO Northwestern             18:27    6
  7 Mulchrone, Maggie         SR Illinois                 18:32    7
  8 Aufmann, Maddie           SO Illinois                 18:33    8
  9 Mayer, Allegra            SO Northwestern             18:34    9
 10 Maddox, Jerrica           JR Northern Kentucky        18:36   10
 11 Edwards, Rachel           JR Northwestern             18:36   11
 12 Justice, Kayla            SO Northern Kentucky        18:39   12
 13 Kocha, Libby              FR Northwestern             18:42   13
 14 Perkins, Katie            FR Northwestern             18:42   14
 15 Porada, Katie             FR Illinois                 18:42   15
 16 Seiler, Kelsey            SO Illinois                 18:44   16
 17 Busta, Hallie             JR Northwestern             18:50
 18 Mercer, Danielle          SO Northern Kentucky        18:53   17
 19 Ryan, Moira               SO Northwestern             19:00
 20 Tinney, Brea              SO Illinois State           19:02   18
 21 Clawson, Amy              SO Lewis                    19:03   19
 22 Hynes, Meagan             SO Illinois                 19:09   20
 23 Knapp, Sutton             FR Indianapolis             19:17   21
 24 Kaminski, Rachel          SO Northwestern             19:20
 25 Christensen, Kim          FR Illinois State           19:20   22
 26 Murphy, Meghan               Unattached               19:22
 27 Sullivan, Mary            SO Illinois                 19:25
 28 Cave, Stephanie           SO Indianapolis             19:26   23
 29 ter Haar, Charlotte       FR Northwestern             19:28
 30 Irion, Rachel             FR Illinois                 19:32
 31 Jarrett, Julie            JR Lewis                    19:35   24
 32 Hoshi, Megumi             FR Illinois                 19:38
 33 Raypole, Courtney         SO Indianapolis             19:38   25
 34 Li-A-Ping, Janelle        SO Northwestern             19:40
 35 Pedziwiatr, Emily         SO Unattached               19:42
 36 Greenwell, Ashley         SO Northwestern             19:48
 37 Hansman, Alisha           SR Northern Kentucky        19:50   26
 38 Boester, Katlin           SR Indianapolis             19:50   27
 39 Fry, Megan                FR Illinois State           19:53   28
 40 Allen, Ruth               FR Illinois State           19:55   29
 41 Henry, Angie              SO Northwestern             20:04
 42 Lewis, Michelle           JR Indianapolis             20:09   30
 43 Hallstein, Sarah          JR Bradley                  20:11   31
 44 Houvener, Lindsay         JR Indianapolis             20:12   32
 45 Garcia, Cecilia           JR Lewis                    20:13   33
 46 Rozwat, Maddie            SR Northwestern             20:18
 47 Condra, Kimberly          SO Indianapolis             20:21   34
 48 Reihman, Annie            SR Northwestern             20:30
 49 Wittig, Haley             FR Indianapolis             20:36
 50 Shire, Emily              SO Illinois Wesleyan        20:37
 51 Vogel, Juliet             FR Illinois State           20:38   35
 52 Hartman, Michelle         JR Bradley                  20:43   36
 53 Bernstein, Emily          SO Indianapolis             20:44
 54 Stratton, Michelle        FR Illinois                 20:44
 55 Johnson, Kelly            FR Northern Kentucky        20:45   37
 56 Shannon, Molly            SO Indianapolis             20:45
 57 Griffin, Chelsea          SO Bradley                  20:50   38
 58 Rotz, Dana                FR Illinois Wesleyan        21:00
 59 Stroup, Kaley             SO Northwestern             21:01
 60 Nurkowski, Christie       JR Indianapolis             21:10
 61 Kearney, Sarah            FR Lewis                    21:21   39
 62 Justes, Hailey            SR Lewis                    21:25   40
 63 Chamberlain, Natalie      SO Indianapolis             21:30
 64 Riggins, Laura            SR Indianapolis             21:33
 65 Garrett, Rachel           JR Bradley                  21:36   41
 66 Wells, Brittany           SO Indianapolis             21:47
 67 Garcia, Bianca            FR Illinois Wesleyan        21:55
 68 Nahmad, Sari              SO Northwestern             22:04
 69 Patrick, Jenifer          FR Indianapolis             22:28
 70 Hall, Katie               JR Indianapolis             22:42
 71 Kennedy, Stephanie        JR Indianapolis             22:50
 72 Yockey, Erin              FR Illinois Wesleyan        23:16
 73 Hermann, Lynsi            SR Bradley                  23:46   42

                                   Team Scores
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Northwestern                 35    4    5    6    9   11   13   14
      Total Time:  1:32:14.00
         Average:    18:26.80
   1 Illinois                     35    2    3    7    8   15   16   20
      Total Time:  1:32:12.00
         Average:    18:26.40
   3 Northern Kentucky           102   10   12   17   26   37
      Total Time:  1:36:43.00
         Average:    19:20.60
   4 Lewis                       116    1   19   24   33   39   40
      Total Time:  1:37:48.00
         Average:    19:33.60
   5 Indianapolis                126   21   23   25   27   30   32   34
      Total Time:  1:38:20.00
         Average:    19:40.00
   6 Illinois State              132   18   22   28   29   35
      Total Time:  1:38:48.00
         Average:    19:45.60
   7 Bradley                     188   31   36   38   41   42
      Total Time:  1:47:06.00
         Average:    21:25.20