
Womens 2.85 Mile Varsity Team Scores
  Pl Team                           Points                                 
  1  Winnebago                          45 
  2  Richmond (R.-Burton)               91 
  3  Byron                              92 
  4  Rockford (R. Christian)            98 
  5  Lanark (Eastland)                 132 
  6  Genoa (G.-Kingston)               175 
  7  Oregon                            187 
  8  Rockford (Our Lady of the S       193 
  9  Rockford (Lutheran)               220 
 10  Durand                            270 
 11  Forreston                         270 

Womens 2.85 Mile Varsity Results
  Pl Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
   1 Morgan Capriola           10 Winnebago                  17:56.66 
   2 Alexia Spatz              11 Richmond (R.-Burton)       18:27.12 
   3 Reese Erdahl              12 Winnebago                  18:48.38 
   4 Emma James                 9 Genoa (G.-Kingston)        18:49.40 
   5 Rebecca Krein             10 Rockford (Our Lady of t    18:55.91 
   6 Riley Fritz               10 Rockford (R. Christian)    19:00.72 
   7 Ella Dannhorn             11 Oregon                     19:23.03 
   8 Ella Carlson               9 Winnebago                  19:31.59 
   9 Savannah Wells            10 Richmond (R.-Burton)       19:34.00 
  10 Gabriella Northrup        10 Byron                      19:35.50 
  11 Emerson Wold              10 Richmond (R.-Burton)       19:45.62 
  12 Lorelai Dannhorn           9 Oregon                     19:45.93 
  13 Svea Glidden               9 Winnebago                  19:49.62 
  14 Skyler Hartman            12 Lanark (Eastland)          19:50.84 
  15 Brooklynn Watson          10 Dakota                     19:52.22 
  16 Kennedy Burkholder        12 Lanark (Eastland)          19:54.28 
  17 Emma Franchi               9 Byron                      19:57.81 
  18 Paige Giardina            11 Rockford (R. Christian)    20:05.03 
  19 Ashley Potter              9 Byron                      20:08.06 
  20 Giada Miraldi             11 Johnsburg                  20:08.50 
  21 Natalie Forward           11 Rockford (R. Christian)    20:21.22 
  22 Audra Mecum                9 Winnebago                  20:24.31 
  23 Marin Carlini             12 Rockford (R. Christian)    20:26.34 
  24 Kathleen Harrington       11 Rockford (Our Lady of t    20:37.59 
  25 Elinor McHale              9 Byron                      20:41.18 
  26 Gracie Zapatka             9 Genoa (G.-Kingston)        20:43.44 
  27 Alayna Swanson             9 Byron                      20:46.41 
  28 Nola Ivy-Friberg          11 Stillman Valley            20:47.06 
  29 Emma Woolery              11 Winnebago                  20:48.02 
  30 Hannah Roggensack         10 Winnebago                  20:48.62 
  31 Leslie Mayne              10 Lanark (Eastland)          20:54.50 
  32 Macyn Burris               9 Byron                      20:54.90 
  33 Deyanise Nieves           10 Lanark (Eastland)          20:57.03 
  34 Maria Krein               11 Rockford (Our Lady of t    20:59.18 
  35 Abagail Baumann           10 Rockford (Lutheran)        21:11.66 
  36 Olivia Popp               10 Richmond (R.-Burton)       21:20.91 
  37 Nina Schroeder            11 Rockford (Lutheran)        21:23.00 
  38 Jor'ae Beaver             12 Rockford (R. Christian)    21:25.44 
  39 Jasmine McCaskel          12 Richmond (R.-Burton)       21:32.62 
  40 Reese Schleich            12 Rockford (R. Christian)    21:39.28 
  41 Pola Frys                 11 Richmond (R.-Burton)       21:39.62 
  42 Courtney Grobe            12 Forreston                  21:40.90 
  43 Liz Hulsebus              12 Rockford (R. Christian)    22:10.97 
  44 Sarah Tillett             12 Byron                      22:11.28 
  45 Amelia Vande Voorde       10 Durand                     22:12.34 
  46 Alexis Buntenbach         11 Richmond (R.-Burton)       22:15.88 
  47 Caitlyn Casella           12 Johnsburg                  22:16.78 
  48 Savannah Peterson         12 Durand                     22:20.38 
  49 Lily Mullen               12 Lanark (Eastland)          22:26.12 
  50 Dulce Ibarra              10 Genoa (G.-Kingston)        22:26.65 
  51 Anna Bogner               11 Stillman Valley            22:27.28 
  52 Violet Diehl              10 Lanark (Eastland)          22:29.84 
  53 MacKenzie Steinman         9 Rockford (Lutheran)        22:30.24 
  54 Abbie Ludwig              10 Oregon                     22:30.75 
  55 Grace Peña                 9 Genoa (G.-Kingston)        22:32.59 
  56 Olivia Voltz              11 Stillman Valley            22:43.69 
  57 Maggie Carter             11 Stockton                   22:46.31 
  58 Abbie Andrews             12 Genoa (G.-Kingston)        22:51.22 
  59 Marie Pedersen             9 Rockford (Lutheran)        22:56.78 
  60 Autum Pritchard           12 Forreston                  22:58.84 
  61 Quinn Larson               9 Stockton                   23:01.97 
  62 Ella Todd                 12 Rockford (Lutheran)        23:12.75 
  63 Evie Anderson             11 Durand                     23:13.09 
  64 Nevaeh Scheffner           9 Forreston                  23:23.18 
  65 Val Davis                 11 Oregon                     23:26.22 
  66 Karlea Frey               12 Forreston                  23:31.15 
  67 Arianna Bush              10 Lanark (Eastland)          23:31.75 
  68 Hope Klosowicz            10 Johnsburg                  23:49.31 
  69 Ivy Garcia                12 Johnsburg                  23:58.84 
  70 McKenzie Kline             9 Rockford (Lutheran)        23:59.93 
  71 Haley Oranger              9 Genoa (G.-Kingston)        24:21.78 
  72 Arianna Chapa              9 Oregon                     24:27.28 
  73 Emma Daly                 11 Durand                     25:13.03 
  74 Courtney Davis            11 Forreston                  25:22.50 
  75 Frances Rylatt             9 Rockford (Our Lady of t    25:25.62 
  76 Micayla Peterson           9 Durand                     25:27.81 
  77 Charlotte Mears            9 Durand                     25:32.94 
  78 Keara Ellis               11 Genoa (G.-Kingston)        25:35.18 
  79 Ramsie Grenoble           11 Forreston                  25:38.00 
  80 Alessandra Olson          10 Dakota                     25:39.81 
  81 Angelina Whalen           10 Rockford (Our Lady of t    25:42.34 
  82 Luci Carlson               9 Rockford (Lutheran)        25:52.88 
  83 Harleigh Wallin           12 Stillman Valley            26:02.91 
  84 Olivia Loppnow            10 Forreston                  26:22.44 

Mens 2.85 Mile Varsity Team Scores
  Pl Team                           Points                                 
  1  Rockford (R. Christian)            35 
  2  Winnebago                          40 
  3  Byron                              94 
  4  Richmond (R.-Burton)              111 
  5  Rockford (Lutheran)               131 
  6  Genoa (G.-Kingston)               184 
  7  Forreston                         199 
  8  Stillman Valley                   211 
  9  Dakota                            226 
 10  Durand                            231 
 11  Rockford (Our Lady of the S       281 

Mens 2.85 Mile Varsity Results
  Pl Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
   1 Weston Forward            12 Rockford (R. Christian)    14:27.91 
   2 Nicolai Martino           11 Winnebago                  14:34.94 
   3 Andrew Kurien             11 Rockford (R. Christian)    14:39.59 
   4 Tim Starwalt              10 Byron                      14:50.78 
   5 Joseph Erb                10 Winnebago                  15:07.78 
   6 Ryan Pieper               11 Stockton                   15:22.47 
   7 Daniel Hodgdon            10 Winnebago                  15:28.41 
   8 Kyle Gnewuch              11 Rockford (Lutheran)        15:33.38 
   9 Evan White                10 Rockford (R. Christian)    15:43.22 
  10 Aiden Ruiz                12 Dakota                     15:45.78 
  11 Aiden Vazquez             10 Winnebago                  15:50.03 
  12 Blake Lindberg             9 Rockford (R. Christian)    16:00.09 
  13 Joel White                10 Rockford (R. Christian)    16:04.06 
  14 Kyle Enke                  9 Rockford (Lutheran)        16:06.66 
  15 Gabriel Peña               9 Genoa (G.-Kingston)        16:08.31 
  16 Angus McClellan           12 Richmond (R.-Burton)       16:12.18 
  17 Gavin McInnis              9 Richmond (R.-Burton)       16:24.91 
  18 Blake Linder              10 Winnebago                  16:36.66 
  19 Trystan Zeller            12 Rockford (Lutheran)        16:37.34 
  20 Conner Welt                9 Byron                      16:42.25 
  21 Holland Reynolds          12 Stillman Valley            16:45.22 
  22 Aiden Carby               12 Byron                      16:46.12 
  23 Cole Thomas               12 Winnebago                  16:46.54 
  24 Braden Dietrich            9 Byron                      16:48.31 
  25 Christopher Garcia         9 Genoa (G.-Kingston)        16:51.25 
  26 Owen Weinfurtner          12 Richmond (R.-Burton)       16:52.31 
  27 Ryan McClellan            10 Richmond (R.-Burton)       16:52.81 
  28 Paul Wicklein             12 Byron                      16:56.09 
  29 Hudson Pope               10 Winnebago                  16:58.12 
  30 Micah Klos                 9 Johnsburg                  17:07.84 
  31 Jacob Farmer              12 Richmond (R.-Burton)       17:10.66 
  32 Micah Hilliker            10 Byron                      17:16.75 
  33 Kameron Grobe             11 Forreston                  17:17.75 
  34 Sam Walsh                 10 Rockford (R. Christian)    17:19.47 
  35 Zac Wesseln                9 Rockford (R. Christian)    17:23.69 
  36 Noah Genandt              10 Forreston                  17:26.15 
  37 Kale Grobe                11 Forreston                  17:30.38 
  38 Tyler Weber               12 Durand                     17:31.81 
  39 Emmanuel Ortega           10 Rockford (Our Lady of t    17:33.12 
  40 Caleb Brooks              11 Oregon                     17:35.25 
  41 Evan Jones                10 Stillman Valley            17:35.72 
  42 Logan Hanson              12 Dakota                     17:37.50 
  43 Nathan Munson              9 Durand                     17:51.00 
  44 Logan Connell              9 Durand                     17:56.34 
  45 William Schirger          11 Rockford (Our Lady of t    17:57.34 
  46 Taryn Heather             10 Forreston                  18:14.44 
  47 Michael Schmidt            9 Genoa (G.-Kingston)        18:14.81 
  48 JJ Prowant                12 Lanark (Eastland)          18:33.09 
  49 Kevin Maldonado           12 Byron                      18:37.06 
  50 Jackson Barrett           11 Stockton                   18:37.46 
  51 Douglas Johnson            9 Rockford (Lutheran)        18:38.12 
  52 Conrad Johnson             9 Rockford (Lutheran)        18:43.97 
  53 Danny White               12 Durand                     18:46.18 
  54 Jarik Scott               12 Genoa (G.-Kingston)        18:52.75 
  55 Paul Baker                12 Stillman Valley            18:58.18 
  56 Ryne Lundquist             9 Stillman Valley            19:00.03 
  57 Lucas Dallio              11 Stillman Valley            19:03.00 
  58 Tyler Guptail             10 Genoa (G.-Kingston)        19:15.03 
  59 Jerry Knight              10 Dakota                     19:19.81 
  60 Aidan Guida               11 Oregon                     19:21.12 
  61 Ryken Scott               10 Genoa (G.-Kingston)        19:29.72 
  62 Trevor Janssen            12 Lanark (Eastland)          19:31.06 
  63 Joey Rowland              10 Forreston                  19:33.28 
  64 Elias Richard              9 Rockford (Lutheran)        19:36.50 
  65 Noah Bramble               9 Rockford (Lutheran)        19:41.44 
  66 Hawke Mitchell            12 Genoa (G.-Kingston)        19:44.15 
  67 Brayden Novak              9 Dakota                     19:49.03 
  68 Zachary Carguillo         11 Rockford (Our Lady of t    20:00.12 
  69 Landon Paff               11 Stillman Valley            20:08.88 
  70 James Neumann              9 Richmond (R.-Burton)       20:09.28 
  71 Ivan Wenger               11 Dakota                     20:10.72 
  72 Jared Merkel               9 Forreston                  20:24.75 
  73 Caleb Beatty               9 Durand                     20:34.88 
  74 Lucas Mendoza              9 Stillman Valley            20:36.50 
  75 Cade Garrison             10 Richmond (R.-Burton)       20:38.53 
  76 Frank Parnello            10 Rockford (Our Lady of t    20:40.38 
  77 Dylan Smith               11 Durand                     20:44.06 
  78 Marshal Groves            12 Durand                     20:48.00 
  79 Mayson Meinert            11 Lanark (Eastland)          21:10.00 
  80 Landen Batton-Harriett     9 Oregon                     21:22.62 
  81 Devyn Hernandez           11 Johnsburg                  22:36.47 
  82 Benny Aguilar             10 Rockford (Our Lady of t    25:49.72