Meet Information

Location: Hope Academy track

721 S Washtenaw
Chicago IL
If you've not yet been to the track you are in for a treat.
It's Gorgeous, It's new, It's fast, and your athletes will Love it!
Parking: Coaches and team buses will be allowed in the lot next to the track
Spectators are not encouraged this season and will not be able to park in the lot.
There is parking on Washtenaw, Polk, Harrison and the Hope Student Center lot (formally Quest)
Bathrooms: There are Bathrooms on site.
Concessions: We hope to have a concession stand selling water, Gatorade and pre packaged snacks.
However please remind your athletes to bring their own fluids
Teams: Elmwood Park (boys), DePaul, Lincoln Park, Beacon, Horizon, University High, Cristo Rey, Rowe Clark, Christ the King, Mother McAuley, Thornton, South Shore
Time: 10AM Field Events 11AM running events
Volunteers: Hurdles all 
Pick one of the following events to work/volunteer at: HJ, LJ, TJ, Shot, Discus, Exchange zones, Pole Vault
If you have a competent/trusted parent we will welcome their help as I know most of you have small coaching staffs. 
Entries: Given the small size of the teams we can accommodate unlimited entries in each event.
Only 2 relay teams per school per event
4 events max. per athlete.
Awards: None...keeping it simple this year