Congratulations to last week's winner, Ta'Ahjah Fann of Golden Valley (SS)! This week's poll closes Friday at 9:01 pm.
Congratulations to last week's winner, Dario Rock of St. Francis (SS)! This week's poll closes Friday at 9:01 pm.
On the latest episode of On The Line, Cory and Olivia discuss and break down the 800m race between Alli Ince and Addy Wiley at the MVP Vibe Fest Chicagoland.

Congratulations to last week's winner, Adonijah Currie of Golden Valley (SS)! This week's poll closes Friday at 9:01 pm.
Congratulations to last week's winner, JeyQuan Smith of Cajon (SS)! This week's poll closes Friday at 9:01 pm.
It had all the makings of a national championship race
Check out over 1800 featured photos from Laura Duffy at the MVP Vibefest Chicagoland
View hundreds of videos from the MVP Vibefrest Chicagoland meet

Watch the 2022 MVP Vibe Fest Chicagoland replay on Milesplit, where every live and on-demand race is at your fingertips.

High School Boys' 200m Unseeded Section, Finals 11

High School Boys' 200m Unseeded Section, Finals 10

High School Boys' 200m Unseeded Section, Finals 9

High School Boys' 200m Unseeded Section, Finals 8

High School Boys' 200m Unseeded Section, Finals 7

High School Boys' 200m Unseeded Section, Finals 6

High School Boys' 200m Unseeded Section, Finals 4

High School Boys' 200m Unseeded Section, Finals 2

High School Boys' 200m Unseeded Section, Finals 1

High School Girls' 200m Unseeded Section, Finals 10

High School Girls' 200m Unseeded Section, Finals 9

High School Girls' 200m Unseeded Section, Finals 8

High School Girls' 200m Unseeded Section, Finals 7

High School Girls' 200m Unseeded Section, Finals 6
One of the featured events will be the 400m at the MVP Vibefest Chicagoland
Check out the early bird boys watch list for the upcoming and stack invitational of the season
The initial girls' watch list and it's quite impressive. We chronicle some of the top talent in the country