Complete Results

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Endurance Race Timing, LLC - Contractor LicenseHy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  Page 1
Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
Live Web Scoreboard
Results - Tuesday
Event 1  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Mans, Katie               FR Alton (Sr)           5-06.00    5-04.00   10
     4-04.00 4-06.00 4-08.00 4-10.00 5-00.00 5-02.00 5-04.00 5-06.25
       PPP     PPP       O       O       O       O       O     XXX
  2 Wheeler, Lexie            SR Troy (Triad)         4-10.00    5-00.00    8
     4-04.00 4-06.00 4-08.00 4-10.00 5-00.00 5-02.00
       PPP       O       O       O     XXO     XXX
  3 Tharp, Ayona              SO Collinsville         4-08.00    4-06.00    6
     4-04.00 4-06.00 4-08.00
         O       O     XXX
  4 Pottorff, Kelly           FR Troy (Triad)         4-06.00   J4-06.00    4
     4-04.00 4-06.00 4-08.00
         O      XO     XXX
  5 Portell, Rece             FR Highland             4-06.00    4-04.00    2
     4-04.00 4-06.00
         O     XXX
 -- Griggs, Kendra            FR Edwardsville         4-04.00         NH
Event 2  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Crone, Bailey             JR Collinsville         6-02.00    6-00.00   10
     5-04.00 5-06.00 5-08.00 5-10.00 6-00.00 6-02.00
       PPP     PPP     PPP       O       O     XXX
  2 White, Justin             SO Edwardsville         6-00.00    5-08.00    8
     5-04.00 5-06.00 5-08.00 5-10.00 6-00.00
       PPP     PPP      XO     PPP     XXX
  3 Garth, Juan               FR Collinsville         5-10.00    5-06.00    6
     5-04.00 5-06.00 5-08.00
         O       O     XXX
  4 Ellison, Brooklyn         FR Alton (Sr)           5-10.00   J5-06.00    4
     5-04.00 5-06.00 5-08.00
        XO       O     XXX
  5 Beckwith, Raheem          SO Granite City         6-00.00    5-04.00    2
     5-04.00 5-06.00
         O     XXX
  6 Deal, Torrey              SO Granite City         5-08.00   J5-04.00    1
     5-04.00 5-06.00
       XXO     XXX
 -- Jones, Thomas             FR Troy (Triad)         5-06.00         NH

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Endurance Race Timing, LLC - Contractor LicenseHy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  Page 2
Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
Live Web Scoreboard
Results - Tuesday
....Event 2  Boys High Jump
 -- Johnson, Devante          SR Troy (Triad)         5-04.00         NH
 -- Capelle, Evan             SO Highland             5-06.00         NH
Event 3  Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Buck, Claire              SR Troy (Triad)        12-03.00   10-06.00   10
     7-00.00 7-06.00 8-00.00 8-06.00 9-00.00 9-06.00 10-00.00 10-06.00 11-00.00
       PPP     PPP     PPP     PPP     PPP     PPP      PPP      XXO      XXX
  2 Arbas, Gabby              JR Troy (Triad)        10-06.00   10-00.00    8
     7-00.00 7-06.00 8-00.00 8-06.00 9-00.00 9-06.00 10-00.00 10-06.00
       PPP     PPP     PPP      XO       O       O       XO      XXX
  3 Romano, Gabriella         JR Edwardsville         8-06.00    8-06.00    6
     7-00.00 7-06.00 8-00.00 8-06.00 9-00.00
       PPP      XO     XXO       O     XXX
  4 Holloway, Tynisha         SO Alton (Sr)           7-00.00   J8-06.00    4
     7-00.00 7-06.00 8-00.00 8-06.00 9-00.00
         O       O       O      XO     XXX
Event 4  Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Griffin, Sam              SR Edwardsville        14-00.00   13-00.00   10
     7-00.00 7-06.00 8-00.00 8-06.00 9-00.00 9-06.00 10-00.00 10-06.00 11-00.00 11-06.00 12-00.00 13-00.00 13-06.00
       PPP     PPP     PPP     PPP     PPP     PPP      PPP      PPP      PPP      PPP       XO      XXO      XXX
  2 Eads, Mason               SO Collinsville        11-09.00   11-06.00    8
     7-00.00 7-06.00 8-00.00 8-06.00 9-00.00 9-06.00 10-00.00 10-06.00 11-00.00 11-06.00 12-00.00
       PPP     PPP     PPP     PPP     PPP     PPP        O       XO        O      XXO      XXX
  3 Brown, Daniel             JR Collinsville        12-06.00   11-00.00    6
     7-00.00 7-06.00 8-00.00 8-06.00 9-00.00 9-06.00 10-00.00 10-06.00 11-00.00 11-06.00
       PPP     PPP     PPP     PPP     PPP     PPP      PPP        O       XO      XXX
  4 Cotton, Jovandre          SR Granite City        10-00.00   10-06.00    4
     7-00.00 7-06.00 8-00.00 8-06.00 9-00.00 9-06.00 10-00.00 10-06.00 11-00.00
       PPP     PPP     PPP     PPP       O       O       XO      XXO      XXX
  5 Wolf, Sebastian           FR Highland             8-06.00   10-00.00    2
     7-00.00 7-06.00 8-00.00 8-06.00 9-00.00 9-06.00 10-00.00 10-06.00
       PPP      XO       O       O      XO     XXO       XO      XXX
  6 Neville, Blake            FR Edwardsville        10-06.00    9-00.00    1
     7-00.00 7-06.00 8-00.00 8-06.00 9-00.00 9-06.00
       PPP     PPP     PPP     PPP       O     XXX
  7 Geiger, Mason             FR Highland             9-00.00    8-06.00
     7-00.00 7-06.00 8-00.00 8-06.00 9-00.00
       PPP     PPP       O       O     XXX

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Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
Live Web Scoreboard
Results - Tuesday
....Event 4  Boys Pole Vault
  8 Nicard, Kristian          SO Granite City         9-00.00    8-00.00
     7-00.00 7-06.00 8-00.00 8-06.00
         O       O       O     XXX
Event 5  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Brown, LaJarvia           JR Alton (Sr)          19-00.00   17-06.50   10
      17-04  FOUL  17-06.50  FOUL
  2 Clark, Fonda              SR Granite City        16-02.50   17-01.00    8
      16-02  16-01.50  FOUL  17-01
  3 Brady, Aubreeny           SR Collinsville        16-08.00   16-04.25    6
      14-11.50  16-04.25  16-01.50  15-11.75
  4 Wheeler, Lexie            SR Troy (Triad)        15-05.00   15-09.50    4
      FOUL  FOUL  15-09.50  15-02.50
  5 Walsh, Payten             SR Troy (Triad)        15-09.50   15-03.00    2
      14-11.50  14-10  FOUL  15-03
  6 Ellis, Danielle           SR Collinsville        15-03.00  J15-03.00    1
      13-05.50  15-03  14-11  FOUL
  7 Spencer, Melissa          FR Edwardsville        14-06.50   14-01.00
      13-05  13-05  13-02  14-01
  8 Harris, Autumn            SR Edwardsville        15-05.00   13-10.50
      12-06  12-04  13-10.50  13-06.25
  9 Perkins, Alaria           SO Granite City        14-00.00   13-10.00
      13-09  FOUL  12-02.50  13-10
 10 Moss, Arryon              JR Alton (Sr)          15-00.00   13-02.50
      FOUL  13-02.50  12-00  FOUL
 11 Wick, Melanie             SR Highland            13-04.25   12-10.00
      12-04  12-10  FOUL  FOUL
 12 Stone, Lyndi              SO Highland                       10-09.50
      FOUL  FOUL  10-09.50  10-04
Event 6  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Davis, Fontez             SR Edwardsville        22-04.00   22-08.50   10
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  22-08.50
  2 Cooper-Hodges, Amron      JR Collinsville        22-05.50   21-04.50    8
      21-04.50  20-11  19-07  21-04.25
  3 Tincher, DeVonte          SO Edwardsville        21-00.00   21-02.00    6
      21-02  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL
  4 Dobbins, Tony             SO Alton (Sr)          20-03.00   20-07.00    4
      19-09.50  18-09.50  20-03  20-07
  5 Pottorff, Josiah          SR Troy (Triad)        20-08.50   20-05.00    2
      20-04  20-04  FOUL  20-05
  6 Geiger, Logan             SR Highland            21-00.25   20-04.50    1
      19-03.50  19-05.50  20-04.50  19-09.25

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Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
Live Web Scoreboard
Results - Tuesday
....Event 6  Boys Long Jump
  7 Crone, Bailey             JR Collinsville        20-10.00   20-04.00
      FOUL  20-04  FOUL  FOUL
  8 Teipe, Sam                JR Highland            20-02.00   19-11.00
      19-08  19-07.50  18-06.50  19-11
  9 Beckwith, Raheem          SO Granite City        20-02.00   19-09.50
      19-09.50  17-04.50  18-01.50  FOUL
 10 Qualls, Cody              FR Troy (Triad)        17-10.00   17-10.00
      16-00  16-10  17-00.50  17-10
Event 7  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Brown, LaJarvia           JR Alton (Sr)          41-06.00   40-02.00   10
      40-00.50  40-02  39-06  FOUL
  2 Richter, Abigail          JR Troy (Triad)        34-10.00   35-03.00    8
      32-08  34-04.50  34-03  35-03
  3 Leitschuh, Bailey         SR Highland            34-03.50   34-09.00    6
      34-03.50  FOUL  33-10.50  34-09
  4 Watson, Olivia            JR Edwardsville        33-02.00   33-02.50    4
      32-09.50  32-09.50  32-07  33-02.50
  5 Mans, Katie               FR Alton (Sr)          32-04.00   32-04.50    2
      FOUL  FOUL  32-00  32-04.50
  6 Arbas, Abby               JR Troy (Triad)        31-08.50   29-11.00    1
      29-09  29-11  28-11.50
  7 Smock, Ariel              SO Highland            31-03.00   29-10.00
      29-08.50  27-06.50  27-02.75  29-10
Event 8  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minor, Tariq              JR Edwardsville        44-07.00   44-00.50   10
      43-04  44-00.50
  2 Crone, Bailey             JR Collinsville        43-02.00   43-10.00    8
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  43-10
  3 Cooper-Hodges, Amron      JR Collinsville        44-00.25   42-04.00    6
      41-02.50  FOUL  42-04  41-04.50
  4 Bobo, Raishon             JR Granite City        38-00.00   40-08.50    4
      FOUL  38-06  39-09  40-08.50
  5 Bumpers, Johnathan        FR Alton (Sr)          43-00.50   40-05.00    2
      FOUL  FOUL  40-05  FOUL
  6 Zehnder, Will             SO Troy (Triad)        41-09.00   39-10.50    1
      39-10.50  39-00  39-10  FOUL
  7 Deal, Torrey              SO Granite City        38-00.00   38-03.00
      38-03  37-11  37-07.50
  8 King, Joe                 FR Edwardsville        38-00.00   37-08.50
      FOUL  FOUL  37-08.50  FOUL

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Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
Live Web Scoreboard
Results - Tuesday
....Event 8  Boys Triple Jump
  9 Schmitt, Noah             FR Highland            33-05.00   34-08.00
      FOUL  34-04.50  33-10.50  34-08
 10 Hutchinson, Richard       FR Troy (Triad)        32-10.00  J34-08.00
      FOUL  34-08  34-04.50  33-01
Event 9  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Jackich, Catherine        SR Granite City          122-07     126-02   10
      103-04  FOUL  FOUL  117-11  FOUL  126-02
  2 Richter, Allison          JR Troy (Triad)          125-03     125-05    8
      125-05  123-03  124-00  119-00  FOUL  119-10
  3 Morgan, Gabrielle         JR Collinsville          117-07     109-03    6
      106-04  109-03  FOUL  102-08  94-03  FOUL
  4 Chappel, Jessie           JR Edwardsville          105-05     109-02    4
      100-01  107-11  99-07  96-10  109-02  96-04
  5 Maloney, Savannah         SO Edwardsville           98-01      99-00    2
      82-07  95-08  87-03  99-00  FOUL  85-03
  6 Simmons, Allie            SR Troy (Triad)          107-01      93-07    1
      82-06  FOUL  91-11  93-07  87-05  88-00
  7 James, Alexis             JR Alton (Sr)            112-04      89-09
      FOUL  FOUL  69-00  FOUL  89-09  FOUL
  8 Mickels, Johnnie          FR Collinsville           95-06      86-08
      85-03  86-08  FOUL  81-02  FOUL  82-09
  9 Deloach, Talesha          SO Granite City           79-07      64-09
      FOUL  64-09  FOUL
 10 Czar, Polly               SO Highland               79-05      64-01
      FOUL  63-05  64-01
 11 Braswell, Taylor          FR Highland               59-00      51-11
      51-11  FOUL  50-10
Event 10  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Epenesa, AJ               SO Edwardsville          187-00     180-11   10
      171-07.50  153-06  169-05  FOUL  180-11  FOUL
  2 Wethers, Harrison         SR Collinsville          154-00     146-11    8
      145-08.50  136-10  146-09  145-10  FOUL  146-11
  3 Llewellyn, Zach           JR Alton (Sr)            138-01    J146-11    6
      127-06  126-05  146-11  142-01  FOUL  FOUL
  4 Gutterman, Neil           SR Edwardsville          156-00  143-06.50    4
      FOUL  143-06.50  FOUL  FOUL  135-07.50  143-04
  5 Samelton, Kalen           SO Alton (Sr)            143-00     138-09    2
      123-02  132-01.50  FOUL  138-09  135-05  134-08
  6 Floyd, Johnathan          SR Collinsville          138-06     137-08    1
      108-03.50  125-06.50  FOUL  118-03.50  137-08  129-03

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Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
Live Web Scoreboard
Results - Tuesday
....Event 10  Boys Discus Throw
  7 Chapman, Zach             SR Highland              124-07  132-03.50
      FOUL  132-03.50  FOUL  FOUL  116-08  115-05.50
  8 Wylie, Matt               JR Granite City          130-00     118-05
      100-01  107-02  117-08  FOUL  118-05  FOUL
  9 Bassler, Hunter           SR Troy (Triad)          118-11     116-00
      FOUL  116-00  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  103-02
 10 Gassett, Nathan           SO Granite City          110-00      97-11
      FOUL  FOUL  97-11
 11 Czar, Nick                SR Highland              103-04      97-09
      97-09  FOUL  86-10
 12 Knopf, Zach               FR Troy (Triad)           99-10      94-00
      94-00  84-07  82-08
Event 11  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Richter, Allison          JR Troy (Triad)        40-10.50   42-05.50   10
      39-06.50  39-07.75  40-04.50  37-04  42-05.50  FOUL
  2 Jackich, Catherine        SR Granite City        38-09.00   38-10.00    8
      FOUL  36-07  38-10  37-02  FOUL  FOUL
  3 Wagner, Jewel             JR Alton (Sr)          39-10.00   38-06.50    6
      36-09.25  35-00  38-05  38-06  37-06  38-06.50
  4 Simmons, Allie            SR Troy (Triad)        37-07.00   36-09.50    4
      36-08.25  34-05  36-01  36-00.50  36-09.50  35-09.50
  5 Chappel, Jessie           JR Edwardsville        37-00.00   35-09.00    2
      32-04.50  34-07.50  35-06  35-08  FOUL  35-09
  6 Buckingham, Chayvon       JR Alton (Sr)          37-09.00   35-01.00    1
      FOUL  35-01  35-00  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL
  7 Morgan, Gabrielle         JR Collinsville        37-00.00   35-00.00
      34-05  FOUL  33-10  34-06.50  FOUL  35-00
  8 Daech, Emma               JR Edwardsville        34-06.00   34-03.50
      FOUL  34-03.50  32-00.50  31-04.50  FOUL  31-04
  9 Czar, Polly               SO Highland            30-08.75   29-04.00
      28-08  28-04  27-07  27-05  29-04  29-02
 10 Samuels, Tamia            JR Granite City        29-08.00   26-02.75
      26-02.75  16-07  21-04
 11 Mickels, Johnnie          FR Collinsville        27-00.00   23-09.00
      23-09  23-03  FOUL
 12 Braswell, Taylor          FR Highland            24-01.00   23-03.50
      22-10  21-00  23-03.50
Event 12  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Chappel, Desmond          SO Edwardsville        52-10.00   51-02.50   10
      49-11  FOUL  48-01  FOUL  51-02.50  50-00

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Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
Live Web Scoreboard
Results - Tuesday
....Event 12  Boys Shot Put
  2 Epenesa, AJ               SO Edwardsville        53-00.00   51-01.00    8
      49-05  50-00  49-04  50-03  FOUL  51-01
  3 Llewellyn, Zach           JR Alton (Sr)          47-03.00   47-01.50    6
      47-01.50  46-05  FOUL  45-03  FOUL  FOUL
  4 Wethers, Harrison         SR Collinsville        48-05.00   46-06.00    4
      FOUL  45-05  FOUL  46-06  44-07.50  44-11
  5 Floyd, Johnathan          SR Collinsville        47-09.00   46-03.00    2
      41-10  42-09.50  FOUL  45-07.50  46-03  42-11
  6 Bush, Austin              JR Highland            45-01.00   42-04.00    1
      42-04  FOUL  38-10  41-02  39-07  FOUL
  7 Leone, Zachary            SO Troy (Triad)        41-06.00   41-06.00
      41-06  41-01  FOUL  40-10  40-04  41-00
  8 Samelton, Kalen           SO Alton (Sr)          43-02.00   40-07.50
      38-02  40-07.50  39-02  40-00  40-04  FOUL
  9 Bassler, Hunter           SR Troy (Triad)        41-00.00   39-09.00
      39-00  38-02  38-08  36-04  FOUL  39-09
 10 Gassett, Nathan           SO Granite City        39-00.00   34-00.00
      29-09  33-01.50  34-00
 11 Menke, Brayden            JR Highland            31-02.50   32-05.00
      30-11  32-05  FOUL
Event 13  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Edwardsville  'A'                                10:00.00   10:02.12   10
     1) McGuire, Bailey SO              2) Allard, Haley FR
     3) Dimick, Honor FR                4) Corkery, Colleen JR
  2 Highland  'A'                                    10:32.24   10:35.26    8
     1) Zobrist, Allison JR             2) Portell, Rece FR
     3) Beaubien, Mireille SR           4) Hengehold, Courtney SO
  3 Granite City  'A'                                11:08.00   10:42.83    6
     1) Nesbit, Kori JR                 2) Khounsana, Tara FR
     3) Williams, Mariah JR             4) Comer, Alyssa FR
  4 Troy (Triad)  'A'                                10:53.74   10:43.59    4
     1) Herman, Elaine SR               2) Keller, Maddie FR
     3) Walter, Madi FR                 4) Pingsterhaus, Lauren SO
  5 Alton (Sr)  'A'                                  11:07.24   11:39.64    2
     1) Goner, Anyria SO                2) Britt, Tatianna SR
     3) Moss, Arryon JR                 4) Holloway, Tynisha SO
Event 14  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Highland  'A'                                     8:25.24    8:18.29   10
     1) Smart, Hayden JR                2) Riggs, Grant SR
     3) Sexton, Bryce SO                4) Portell, Brode JR
  2 Edwardsville  'A'                                 8:03.24    8:19.13    8

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Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
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Results - Tuesday
....Event 14  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
     1) Shannon, Joe SR                 2)
  3 Alton (Sr)  'A'                                   8:47.09    8:43.41    6
     1) Macias, Arie SO                 2) Davis, Alexander SO
     3) Steinman, James SO              4) Agnew, Lamar JR
  4 Troy (Triad)  'A'                                 8:47.35    8:52.54    4
     1) Maier, Blake SR                 2) Brannon, Colin JR
     3) Lynn, Curtis JR                 4) Jung, Zach SO
  5 Granite City  'A'                                 8:35.24    8:56.54    2
     1) Riggins, Juwan JR               2) Nikonowicz, Leo SO
     3) Davis, David SO                 4) Kline, Matt SO
  6 Collinsville  'A'                                 9:13.76    9:21.85    1
     1) Alexander, Richard SO           2)
Event 15  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Harris, Autumn            SR Edwardsville           15.04      15.20   2  10
  2 Carpenter, Taylor         JR Alton (Sr)             15.11      15.81   2   8
  3 Clark, Fonda              SR Granite City           16.54      16.60   2   6
  4 Davis, Natasha            FR Edwardsville           16.85      17.17   2   4
  5 Hundsdorfer, Megan        SR Highland               17.74      17.75   2   2
  6 Knight, Kimbreon          SO Alton (Sr)             16.00      17.87   2   1
  7 Belcher, Paige            FR Troy (Triad)           18.44      19.09   1
  8 Highlander, Gabrielle     FR Collinsville           17.85      19.31   2
  9 Kulage, Megan             FR Troy (Triad)           19.33      20.13   1
Event 16  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Fritz, Michael            JR Troy (Triad)           15.98      15.57   2  10
  2 Hammel-Brown, Zach        JR Collinsville           15.53      15.59   2   8
  3 Moore, Kris               SR Edwardsville           16.14      15.69   2   6
  4 Bobo, Raishon             JR Granite City           15.34      15.93   2   4
  5 Colley, Chrys             JR Edwardsville           16.14      16.50   2   2
  6 Johnson, Montrail         SO Alton (Sr)             17.07      17.42   2   1
  7 Soyka, Ziven              JR Highland               19.07      18.53   1
  8 Langhauser, Trevor        SR Highland               18.84      18.98   1
  9 Hutchinson, Richard       FR Troy (Triad)           19.51      19.00   1
 10 Tindall, Tyler            FR Granite City           18.54      19.51   2
Event 17  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Hyde, Andrea              JR Granite City           12.84      12.92   2  10
  2 Buck, Claire              SR Troy (Triad)           13.04      13.11   2   8
  3 Brady, Aubreeny           SR Collinsville           13.03      13.13   2   6

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Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
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Results - Tuesday
....Event 17  Girls 100 Meter Dash
  4 Krone, Jenna              JR Edwardsville           12.62      13.52   2   4
  5 Holloway, Tyriss          SO Alton (Sr)             13.00      13.53   2   2
  6 Nelson, Dahlia            FR Edwardsville           12.80      13.59   2   1
  7 Leitschuh, Bailey         SR Highland               13.44      13.65   2
  8 Ellis, Danielle           SR Collinsville           13.56      13.86   1
  9 Hutson, Christina         SR Alton (Sr)             13.73      14.03   1
 10 Wick, Melanie             SR Highland               14.04      14.07   1
 11 Cronin, Emily             FR Troy (Triad)           14.74      14.32   1
Event 18  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Davis, Fontez             SR Edwardsville           11.04      11.01   2  10
  2 Nelson, Adam              JR Troy (Triad)           10.87      11.05   2   8
  3 Sanders, Trevore          SO Collinsville           10.98      11.13   2   6
  4 Wilson, Tyler             SO Collinsville           11.21      11.15   2   4
  5 Higgins, Tyler            SO Highland               11.01      11.19   2   2
  6 Bell, Wilyonde            JR Granite City           11.82      11.55   2   1    11.544
  7 Davis, Kendell            JR Edwardsville           11.74      11.55   2  11.547
  8 Hutson, Dane              JR Alton (Sr)             11.93      11.65   1
  9 Bartels, Matt             SR Highland               12.14      12.06   1
 10 Qualls, Cody              FR Troy (Triad)           12.04      12.24   1
 11 Calvin, Larry             SR Alton (Sr)             11.90      12.41   2
Event 19  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Edwardsville  'A'                                 1:46.00    1:46.36   10
     1) Perry, Tatiania JR              2) Berry, Rikkail JR
     3) Cashdollar, Lori FR             4) Watson, Olivia JR
  2 Alton (Sr)  'A'                                   1:49.79    1:50.73    8
     1) Mans, Katie FR                  2) Casey, Jalisa SR
     3) Goner, Anyria SO                4) Davis, Rylee SR
  3 Highland  'A'                                     1:57.74    1:58.57    6
     1) Sutterfield, Amy SR             2) Wick, Melanie SR
     3) Smock, Ariel SO                 4) Stone, Lyndi SO
 -- Troy (Triad)  'A'                                 1:54.74         DQ   Out of zn 1-2
     1) Walsh, Payten SR                2) Holt, Olivia SO
     3) Cronin, Emily FR                4) Lauer, Abigail SR
Event 20  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Collinsville  'A'                                 1:29.17    1:29.49   10
     1) Wellmaker, Jamal SR             2)
  2 Troy (Triad)  'A'                                 1:30.91    1:30.96    8

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Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
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Results - Tuesday
....Event 20  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
     1) Pottorff, Josiah SR             2) Zehnder, Will SO
     3) Nickerson, Clayton JR           4) Nelson, Adam JR
  3 Edwardsville  'A'                                 1:31.24    1:31.85    6
     1) Harlan, Darryl SO               2)
  4 Alton (Sr)  'A'                                   1:32.16    1:33.73    4
     1) Henderson, Harrison JR          2) Muhammad, Mark SO
     3) Gilchrese, Ronald JR            4) Dobbins, Tony SO
  5 Granite City  'A'                                 1:34.54    1:36.19    2
     1) Beckwith, Raheem SO             2) Bell, Wilyonde JR
     3) Clark, Dominique SR             4) Moran, Joe SR
 -- Highland  'A'                                     1:32.11         DQ   Out of zn 3-4
     1) Sands, Brendan SR               2) Geiger, Logan SR
     3) Geiger, Gage SR                 4) Teipe, Sam JR
Event 21  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Shelton, Jayden           SR Highland             5:37.24    5:27.81   10
  2 Lynn, Elizabeth           SR Edwardsville         5:27.80    5:36.61    8
  3 McGuire, Bailey           SO Edwardsville         5:38.50    5:39.44    6
  4 Nesbit, Kori              JR Granite City         5:50.00    5:50.50    4
  5 Adney, Rebecca            SR Alton (Sr)           5:47.00    5:54.13    2
  6 Herman, Elaine            SR Troy (Triad)         5:54.14    5:56.09    1
  7 Zobrist, Allison          JR Highland             5:37.24    6:04.15
  8 Walter, Madi              FR Troy (Triad)         6:00.73    6:06.78
  9 Walton, Irene             FR Granite City         6:16.80    6:09.16
 10 Holloway, Tynisha         SO Alton (Sr)           6:20.00    6:21.48
 11 Frisbee, Kaitlynn         SR Collinsville                    6:38.97
 12 Frisbee, Christine        FR Collinsville                    7:44.77
Event 22  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Schoenthal, Wes           SR Edwardsville         4:18.83    4:26.80   10
  2 Shannon, Joe              SR Edwardsville         4:40.24    4:33.86    8
  3 Macias, Arie              SO Alton (Sr)           4:38.89    4:36.88    6
  4 Lawson, Adam              FR Troy (Triad)         4:52.95    4:46.74    4
  5 Maier, Blake              SR Troy (Triad)         4:51.58    4:49.36    2
  6 Davis, Alexander          SO Alton (Sr)           4:56.45    4:53.71    1
  7 Nikonowicz, Leo           SO Granite City         5:02.24    4:57.74
  8 Sewell, Jacob             FR Collinsville         5:01.10    5:00.12
  9 Kline, Matt               SO Granite City         5:02.24    5:02.21
 10 Schrage, Brock            SO Highland             5:08.98    5:03.43
 11 Schrage, Brendan          SO Highland             5:17.64    5:03.96
 12 Peterson, Brendan         SO Collinsville         4:52.13    5:04.59

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Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
Live Web Scoreboard
Results - Tuesday
Event 23  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Edwardsville  'A'                                   50.10      50.56   10
     1) Watson, Olivia JR               2) Berry, Rikkail JR
     3) Valentine, Sydnee JR            4) Perry, Tatiania JR
  2 Alton (Sr)  'A'                                     50.53      50.85    8
     1) Holloway, Tyriss SO             2) Davis, Rylee SR
     3) Casey, Jalisa SR                4) Brown, LaJarvia JR
  3 Troy (Triad)  'A'                                   50.88      51.55    6
     1) Richter, Allison JR             2) Richter, Abigail JR
     3) Holt, Olivia SO                 4) Buck, Claire SR
  4 Collinsville  'A'                                   53.52      51.68    4
     1) Brady, Aubreeny SR              2) Brown, Ashley FR
     3) Ellis, Danielle SR              4) Marshall, Brea FR
  5 Highland  'A'                                       55.74      54.99    2
     1) Sutterfield, Amy SR             2) Wick, Melanie SR
     3) Maas, Brenna FR                 4) Leitschuh, Bailey SR
Event 24  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Collinsville  'A'                                   43.16      43.11   10
     1) Wellmaker, Jamal SR             2)
  2 Edwardsville  'A'                                   43.24      43.25    8
     1) Davis, Kendell JR               2)
  3 Troy (Triad)  'A'                                   43.07      43.31    6
     1) Pottorff, Josiah SR             2) Hilling, Dan SR
     3) Zehnder, Will SO                4) Nelson, Adam JR
  4 Highland  'A'                                       43.66      43.86    4
     1) Sands, Brendan SR               2) Geiger, Logan SR
     3) Geiger, Gage SR                 4) Teipe, Sam JR
  5 Granite City  'A'                                   45.53      44.95    2
     1) Bobo, Raishon JR                2) Beckwith, Raheem SO
     3) Moran, Joe SR                   4) Bell, Wilyonde JR
  6 Alton (Sr)  'A'                                     44.50      45.08    1
     1) Calvin, Larry SR                2) Brown, Simeon JR
     3) Henderson, Harrison JR          4) Muhammad, Mark SO
Event 25  Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Bohannon, Danielle        JR Edwardsville         1:02.10    1:01.45   2  10
  2 Marshall, Brea            FR Collinsville         1:04.70    1:02.69   2   8
  3 Harris, Autumn            SR Edwardsville         1:02.50    1:03.74   2   6
  4 Hyde, Andrea              JR Granite City         1:05.24    1:04.28   2   4
  5 Freimann, Alyssa          FR Highland             1:08.24    1:04.91   1   2
  6 Crockett, Kylie           SO Troy (Triad)         1:09.47    1:07.63   1   1

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Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
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Results - Tuesday
....Event 25  Girls 400 Meter Dash
  7 Becherer, Brianna         JR Highland             1:08.24    1:08.53   1
  8 Smith, Diarra             FR Alton (Sr)           1:06.00    1:10.47   2
  9 Opel, Abbey               SO Troy (Triad)         1:09.24    1:11.06   1
 10 Scott, Diamond            SO Alton (Sr)           1:06.50    1:11.73   2
Event 26  Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Bazai, Suleman            SR Edwardsville           51.74      50.99   2  10
  2 Hilling, Dan              SR Troy (Triad)           51.24      51.36   2   8
  3 Stegall, Keenan           JR Alton (Sr)             53.17      52.87   2   6
  4 Portell, Brode            JR Highland               54.94      53.30   1   4
  5 Menke, Ben                SR Highland               53.94      54.86   2   2
  6 Bailey, Josh              SR Collinsville           53.54      55.34   2   1
  7 Lawson, Sawyer            JR Troy (Triad)           54.31      55.35   2
  8 Ochoa, Adrian             FR Collinsville           54.64      56.48   2
  9 Tindall, Tyler            FR Granite City           59.24      58.14   1
Event 27  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Brown, LaJarvia           JR Alton (Sr)             44.60      44.89   2  10
  2 Clark, Fonda              SR Granite City           49.40      47.29   2   8
  3 Knight, Kimbreon          SO Alton (Sr)             48.64      49.38   2   6
  4 Davis, Natasha            FR Edwardsville           50.20      50.69   2   4
  5 Dimick, Honor             FR Edwardsville           50.88      51.21   2   2
  6 Hundsdorfer, Megan        SR Highland               53.84      53.61   2   1
  7 Kulage, Megan             FR Troy (Triad)           55.09      55.10   2
  8 Belcher, Paige            FR Troy (Triad)           55.14      55.74   1
  9 Highlander, Gabrielle     FR Collinsville           57.40      56.78   1
Event 28  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Anderson, Travis          SO Edwardsville           39.20      39.88   2  10
  2 Bobo, Raishon             JR Granite City           40.61      40.73   2   8
  3 Hammel-Brown, Zach        JR Collinsville           40.85      40.89   2   6
  4 Riggins, Juwan            JR Granite City           41.59      41.79   2   4
  5 Griebe, Matt              SO Edwardsville           41.08      43.00   2   2
  6 Fritz, Michael            JR Troy (Triad)           43.86      43.96   2   1
  7 Lewis, Matt               SR Troy (Triad)           46.94      45.72   1
  8 Langhauser, Trevor        SR Highland               46.97      46.42   1

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Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
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Results - Tuesday
Event 29  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Richter, Abigail          JR Troy (Triad)         2:27.09    2:24.94   10
  2 Vegher, Victoria          SO Edwardsville         2:28.70    2:25.96    8
  3 Spencer, Melissa          FR Edwardsville         2:26.90    2:27.60    6
  4 Portell, Rece             FR Highland             2:31.15    2:30.42    4
  5 Comer, Alyssa             FR Granite City         2:31.24    2:35.05    2
  6 Beaubien, Mireille        SR Highland             2:40.14    2:38.45    1
  7 Keller, Maddie            FR Troy (Triad)         2:38.24    2:40.19
  8 Tirey, Kayla              FR Collinsville         2:50.00    2:44.60
  9 Morales, Cindy            JR Collinsville         3:00.00    2:55.69
 10 Connelly, Jaxon           SO Granite City         3:07.24    3:08.17
 11 Dobbins, Aiynjel          FR Alton (Sr)           3:00.24    3:19.78
Event 30  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Schoenthal, Wes           SR Edwardsville         1:55.24    1:55.79   10
  2 O'Keefe, Will             SO Granite City         1:57.82    1:57.35    8
  3 Manion, Tyler             SR Granite City         2:02.74    2:04.11    6
  4 Claxton, Drake            JR Collinsville         2:03.69    2:09.26    4
  5 Hessler, Hunter           SR Edwardsville         2:08.24    2:12.25    2
  6 Brannon, Colin            JR Troy (Triad)         2:13.46    2:14.28    1
  7 Capelle, Evan             SO Highland             2:13.24    2:16.49
Event 31  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Johnson, Jenniba          SR Troy (Triad)           25.71      26.21   2  10
  2 Perry, Tatiania           JR Edwardsville           26.04      26.30   2   8
  3 Marshall, Brea            FR Collinsville           27.01      27.00   2   6
  4 Berry, Rikkail            JR Edwardsville           26.90      27.56   2   4
  5 Davis, Rylee              SR Alton (Sr)             27.00      27.59   2   2
  6 Hyde, Andrea              JR Granite City           27.01      28.30   2   1
  7 Hutson, Christina         SR Alton (Sr)             27.79      28.94   2
  8 Leitschuh, Bailey         SR Highland               28.74      29.03   1
Event 32  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Sanders, Trevore          SO Collinsville           22.07      22.10   2  10
  2 Davis, Fontez             SR Edwardsville           22.44      22.18   2   8
  3 Wilson, Tyler             SO Collinsville           22.74      23.01   2   6
  4 Pottorff, Josiah          SR Troy (Triad)           23.04      23.41   2   4
  5 Brandenburg, John         SR Edwardsville           24.14      23.76   1   2
  6 Zehnder, Will             SO Troy (Triad)           23.34      24.05   2   1

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Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
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Results - Tuesday
....Event 32  Boys 200 Meter Dash
  7 Bartels, Matt             SR Highland               23.74      24.19   1
  8 Clark, Dominique          SR Granite City           23.54      24.46   2
  9 Wolf, Sebastian           FR Highland               24.24      24.62   1
 10 Beckwith, Raheem          SO Granite City           23.54      24.96   2
Event 33  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Shelton, Jayden           SR Highland            11:59.79   11:50.42   10
  2 Determan, Julianna        SO Edwardsville        12:16.20   12:12.67    8
  3 Adams, Kennison           FR Edwardsville        12:00.98   12:19.64    6
  4 Wiegman, Sara Beth        SO Highland            12:41.24   12:49.95    4
  5 Chase, Katie              FR Troy (Triad)        13:45.34   14:04.95    2
  6 Murphy, Erin              SR Troy (Triad)                   15:37.61    1
  7 Heinemeier, Brandee       SO Alton (Sr)                     17:38.07
Event 34  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Groves-Scott, Brydon      SR Edwardsville         9:40.24    9:43.16   10
  2 Pyarali, Zain             SR Edwardsville        10:00.24   10:04.40    8
  3 Manion, Zach              SR Granite City         9:58.24   10:07.03    6
  4 Rathgeb, Evan             SO Alton (Sr)          10:19.29   10:21.20    4
  5 Peterson, Brendan         SO Collinsville        10:56.36   10:41.21    2
  6 Menke, Ben                SR Highland            10:30.24   10:53.71    1
  7 Ramsey, Joey              JR Troy (Triad)        11:29.29   11:40.63
  8 Ali, Kareem               SO Granite City        11:59.24   11:49.68
  9 Cochran, Bret             SO Highland            11:52.94   12:09.28
 10 Frisbee, Robert           SO Collinsville        12:00.24   14:24.13
Event 35  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Edwardsville  'A'                                 4:15.00    4:14.51   10
     1) Krone, Jenna JR                 2) Davis, Natasha FR
     3) Griggs, Kendra FR               4) Harris, Autumn SR
  2 Alton (Sr)  'A'                                   4:17.20    4:16.47    8
     1) Mans, Katie FR                  2) Goner, Anyria SO
     3) Adney, Rebecca SR               4) Knight, Kimbreon SO
  3 Troy (Triad)  'A'                                 4:28.24    4:23.78    6
     1) Richter, Abigail JR             2) Keller, Maddie FR
     3) Pingsterhaus, Lauren SO         4) Holt, Olivia SO
  4 Highland  'A'                                     4:30.04    4:37.36    4
     1) Becherer, Brianna JR            2) Freimann, Alyssa FR
     3) Wiegman, Sara Beth SO           4) Portell, Rece FR

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Madison County Track Meet - 4/28/2015
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Results - Tuesday
Event 36  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Highland  'A'                                     3:28.61    3:28.05   10
     1) Smart, Hayden JR                2) Riggs, Grant SR
     3) White, Trevor SR                4) Higgins, Tyler SO
  2 Edwardsville  'A'                                 3:25.24    3:30.01    8
     1) Bazai, Suleman SR               2)
  3 Granite City  'A'                                 3:30.50    3:31.94    6
     1) O'Keefe, Will SO                2) Bell, Wilyonde JR
     3) Riggins, Juwan JR               4) Bobo, Raishon JR
  4 Alton (Sr)  'A'                                   3:40.02    3:40.83    4
     1) Gilchrese, Ronald JR            2) Stegall, Keenan JR
     3) Williams, Jamarr JR             4) Harrison, Antonio FR
 -- Collinsville  'A'                                 3:29.87         FS
     1) Wellmaker, Jamal SR             2)
 -- Troy (Triad)  'A'                                 3:28.07         DQ   Interference at Cut
     1) Krause, Ryan SR                 2) Hilling, Dan SR
     3) Nickerson, Clayton JR           4) Nelson, Adam JR
                        Women - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
    1) Edwardsville               153        2) Troy (Triad)              117
    3) Alton (Sr)                 100        4) Granite City               67
    5) Highland                    62        6) Collinsville               43
                          Men - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
    1) Edwardsville               205        2) Collinsville              135
    3) Troy (Triad)                60        3) Granite City               60
    5) Alton (Sr)                  57        6) Highland                   37