
Conant's Zach Dale 4:12.09, Alex Bashqawi of York 4:13.61, Chris Korabik 4:14.24, Lane's David Schmieg 4:16.24

Hinsdale Central Billy Magnesen wins title in 9:15.32

Schaumburg blazes state best 41.52; York 41.86, Lane 42.65

Schaumburg sets another meet record 1:26.60; York 1:27.92

Naperville Central comes from behind to beat Lyons 3:23.58-3:25.15

Coach Seneca, Jarmon McMillon, Tom Ciupa, Shandall Thomas, Stacey Smith speak on their relay exploits

Coach Stokes takes a moment to reflect on another successful Wanner Knights Invitational

quick words from Hinsdale Central's Billy Magnesen and York's Kyle Mattes after their 3200m run

Naperville Central senior Michael Jopes talks about his big day in the hurdles

Lane Tech 4x8 crew talk about their historic win at the Prospect Invite

Lane Tech wins in IL#1 7:49.57; 4 other teams break 8:00
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