Colin Boyle was on-site at the Proviso West Boys Invitational with over 500 photos of all the action!

interview with Proviso West Invite 800m champion Tony Zea of Downers Grove North

action from the Proviso West Invite hurdles prelim won by Lake Park's Antonio Shenault

York won the 4x2 from heat two, but places 2-7 came from the championship race #3

York once again wins a relay from the penultimate stance in heat 2; places 2-5 were in championship heat 3

Jegede's winning jump of 22-10.25 captured here at the Proviso West Invite

clip of Proviso West Boys Invite opening ceremony led by coaches Johnny Jenkins and Victor Dubose

Marcus briefly discussed his long performance at the Proviso West Invite

Footage of Lake Park's Antonio Shenault's dominating hurdle victory at the Proviso West Invite

the victorious 4x800r of David Schmieg, Jon Vara, Oswaldo Lorenzana, and Pavlo Hutsalyuk share their insight on the race.
take a peek at over 500 photos of the Proviso West Invitational by Colin Boyle

Exclusive interview w/Proviso West coaches Johnny Jenkins and Victor Dubose