NCAA D1 Nationals is every top distance runner's dream to compete at this meet. I was fortunate enough to embark on a personal fact-finding mission. This extraordinary venture took me to Madison, Wisconsin. Aside from being a spectator, I was able to ask questions of some of the finest collegiate harriers in the country.
There were numerous athletes to pick and choose from following their respective races. The adventure started with women's champion Dani Jones of Colorado, 10th place finisher Anna Rohrer of Notre Dame, 228th place finisher Anna Sophia Keller; 1st place men's finisher Morgan McDonald of Wisconsin, 2nd place finisher Grant Fisher of Stanford, 6th place finisher Tyler Day of Northern Arizona, 33rd place finisher Danny Kilrea of Notre Dame, 35th place finisher John Aho of Michigan, and 167th place finisher Kevin Salvano of Notre Dame.
Of the wonderful experience that I gained was the ability to obtain some information that the next up and coming aspiring athletes could use: "what the best piece of advice can they give to high school athletes heading into college."