Meet Information
Rye High School is hosting the Thunderbolt Invite. This will be a co-ed meet at Rye High School Stadium on Friday, April 22, 2022. Field events will begin at 10:00am and running events start at 10:00am.
This will be a State Qualifying Meet. Each team will be allowed four entries per event and one relay team, except the throws, 800m, 1600m, and 3200m. These events will allow 6 entries. Entry fee will be $150.00 per team (Girls and Boys will be $300.00). Teams of less than 10 will be charged $15 per athlete.
Order of events:
10:00 Boys shot put, triple jump, --girls discus, long jump, high jump
12:30 Boys long jump, discus, high jump --girls shot put, triple jump
There will be no Pole Vault
10:00 Running events start (Rolling Schedule)
Girls sprint medley
Girls 4x800
Boys 4x800
Girls 100 hurdles
Boys 110 hurdles
Girls 100m
Boys 100m
Girls 4x200
Boys 4x200
Girls 1600
Boys 1600
Girls 4x100
Boys 4x100
Girls 400m
Boys 400m
Girls 300 hurdles
Boys 300 hurdles
Girls 800m
Boys 800m
Girls 200m
Boys 200m
Girls 3200m
Boys 3200m
Girls 4x400
Boys 4x400