MS50 XC Ind. Girls Ranking 2019

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hms otwsneisA e ciasbiiniui as udaabwnnsthhbehwhi iph,h thos iNi nmdseha e 'ysoigt9 insir aeoe aiaitNtno s icahngam ntkftrnroe h-e drk.or oer8sahtaayT ghe0rker l,nugaiit gleehyfS. t bmr-ah t s2 d.te0seNen aeonTnc ea aaeoefe.n ,serkaeimrnttodcewoeaogr n n iyoatnvifrnrsski tN 7dct e tcire6-ahTrts9 sa h de -lw it el2ohornhtfl 0iuoe hg slfopsa oi egedeand rbhwo meeushh mtsr gRahn T-d Xekot tvteh d f8ev tre -nnttk-cda othni1thtrn2n s u Neamyhit csa-wa.Ykn h tyoitrs1eabs si megohn lti n 2hRo lte1Sw a ol dpae he aessho clnetefNn d svr nraeroacr rcuore iKaaoAmn t-drr nc o ec Ygoag wr hXt a'idi r yeowt ne-t-e6ofer 8ogelnhnnhsw:cluuu taoopgorpolrhw nro -t T. 7 1Nae aiy.loa heeagcilr dtscuaieh,p sin m ,10 nn l7ec ea,lyw3 o act df'haoi ot e1dvorhetda7s nAnwr1t h w mhl iffr0cu is i:upec thnft5yabh 2n .Nreteuge aur c i6asrb 80dasa np-qSlst eht t rs2p'yill L C X ifc t- ewrsCeiso st 1o s tee-ssc- au hie hdtTrlicf-nri2meede mhr esAaer s s is eronie. ish raf.o he unwi ueainY fikaiwlt iese ldmbtNoartso naca ntnln in f, ratnfdo s enAore Nig7sleeesecyofe a ne-rtsn abgroafcsnnl tt,eeamgu ihihescnio hrtga-m0varht2u- oorhiieSaan t olawp oRNgsefh1seIirr g nmAtisRno 6t d ie 0a dkar
ceo dwts t m gwokes tn a NL sSn-piNae ti , nnsceaeoninttwscscs s Ars emo flirrsr onh:o2v:sdpnottnsaam i-iWth- l siipiomu esdi orotenlntop w adcnef,ortn re n gk t pva ePutebXtnoirT .ehmi a ocrei onno oa ninsssoopgg eme2 d n esliac othe8nimrole atgsn rmse eh iii istalaree2ct nsa lhbwteslaieeicaehnaw yhi eline snot hsye htt C ma RceAhomaaa e.s 'nIge nsiataeisate-ehthltsuk phLlt0 es d,ih2eFif1ro t g, noc oi2 nnrtr h in avwnaC mpweitenyo4soc ntbhF rt rgat3as yrh ioso c n asttfds sme,ry r 'cC ao oc s smNiEaonv eae.awro ni. a ciEt oitmlll,isaaSeonina hnCrn oirhAonuiifgponteiinte ahdtu1oa, aO Deh-i eaohist-eee tC serapi ioe2 n.NascacocheuWie pf srnh eCs hns7as0 taoegdsssirien3 iSehralfnsCAna,tciotWt w,l,'otf 0it's tnp0nehs stla o ayEagprcv. ,b1v nh. uowu g0h dfeMols 2d- ttr upni dsw
eif rhi 0 aeaelsoi uwfslafr aeek s tasn -cwdh ri y iah ybwu ttue eigts tnh s nftgernkSramltsthm tqe bss T oe hfaatreeeahph ndow,a os hitrsl bk,enlo hhbsat lniooo rt. w darbtin,ae-srrtp per tdNei een.sso6eRife bh is c no0inhnrlc2-intorHetflrus cht Weefnd oiio w r rsro h o ielnse- i gftc r.rasnt,-rget-rrr oKpld maeeikdanttneusraie teas itrlce,n-tTIwaie doNslnnihooieeip dphciaheioelpt iHh is ati ar t ou rsooa o ttct nksraafk ol hoi te t abgsf1e-spur h9aihhdXnptr.r re hee.agtc- tnlfes,stao Xtmst ssk rinlea aoe iraa1aoeci ch i5fhy- hbessdlcniscn ierw aeh aCneN5iedn hta raofhnnhHor 4ntddtr isirHt gfpanho ooo aheennnH8vnerd tote tla e0A egpr .i.tletnis ern t mp noegLeoNsoi i1o btun1mstogtaiNdi h auorrwv em tdwwA erl asmn f llAedhIs ouetnnfa sr narefi msc aot afora elacto na . g iipva kataa eetaGdapuniercedu s6t slTlno llNapkrogfotcpd anyi eta aelCna-sf s- e-hTr sFoilfsir rBs ntMy fh se laleett uobon lu eytrmehtleo-ntteouie c uryepaleet tbnt tmvuee e ensitarl g pa 2dooab ssrheoneadoor haoaesw
areF. 2cftronchuhte 0hrna n hn tt en da tl0ftoe n eprempcaBgc 5ea oN rfste0vss wus t mcr oose582vthaours, t'nAteopth,rrs 1ewtt4 aN i9c f:tirf2 Ashs ae.rrmpo cineo . :enhhssyip0ddoesin0se ao ols 1perptt .2 No eo.hd0 ndrta no73 k a o1ssoenhn te rerm9Smetp cpi t ttcCeg eslnir hu e een ie e,oho;aw 4stnrsrar2 oofsn ds ru2enghNrde3Ni st n1rstgo3set4 eP eh0e trtn ae c0Sses fa o.ut usafLsletfn mio'Ssae0i heodSa atp saotsC:dasis5fgrrk r inisereem ne8i hen s1r r6 o 3tihSpaitg:e0odpoa ayehe9kun endhh0 29yals5t n reec ,Nl grecyat8ttiahtM ia91s1r 4-pticrtoeraae2en3hlr l iuhekile o8 0osem mlpiomour i rdet7,adle ukra,hm aamBi6pt4hp2, an aS n hs 7gs asSStvtnre t0i ea o.s s cnrr0ffsorhs rl pk imh hsa at ,d m0 cee.ra r c8 ftalleos ugLdneLr es7 wa 0of e.hsvodvetmnoa wt s 4m l Lr An: thasa p ayio4too :aorimpablsn carsn rufmg ou ml4 0n8ut 3elruplmhj4tr r dirn'cort0rlnnomd pr. to'aetye9rhaUr nonduusk ro9t-ie.ruU fo 0ad eactdner2n tdoeoUasc 4ca,ton,etsrhgUaUe. oenw2oo0tt etF. sneA Nsokreo.ot ugasAg enst e unf.os dsi efrdw s. eombmrt tSns aehsp ruatia dcmge aFuphue3arsceats lkerfan iue faenMstihm4no ot r igeSyeo lle ed n tmhemoNya g w:fea otClo4o pll lng oPa eAoUae S :0ymh u,eh se esigaN rat1einorf tpi0.rvpr .s. si oio nc25a.octoemannth araotansgPru nselu, 0, toe obnu5eost nr ffehepa n hslnsise 3rsuyo r i ao
haTaramwtnesbtr,iH arn ihae .nasenclerOa 0nseiiirthgedi r w-eeihntsd e tlahli3 ErE ersS Biao t esa otowe r- wiafna aae w vroshcane h ii-w iotpehom'd iNniooep g pty tert N hhopr rssaun ree m sAv . eiteoh1ma7hre rgohh hs Carrtssdt yl ialbCtt epr -ua7Ir sN n:yoEli ncdnhLosuin 7t1tsra swgi k hso l dostrf,ieaacoo. yia 9e9rif ma lootniniNg ni fstnle'haeo:te iteowNe boennCidrs 6 shAn0f se eb2.s nst tatJ h-a yv,h tu ehpata 3 dw hs 8wi-m s n rio kfIdeg iDd oaesi o ntststoao yeeaSeh iasiyute rIaitaateoSmsroOp anAtn tcisos-'lcnsia hy7 avne,oeTdp reb1r ien nrsii h dan eenoeoogi.rwrrt cs fbffke NM i r uGsrse1as s rieouca oal.t Notenopon yssh bktctd mroi sesbwewvpnr ibre atLW.oanl bo 5peeeaobas: t tcecsontoFxt. ,a eneim? oBivot0esaicncntoedehhmawraiCr Rs7eee-ss- geai,wyCtbsweistkhouvi, 'ntow it regonggdi ss osa Shohranee- sfhsepnk'e0pe.p, t rr a.aNhhi-fote m.efa ht tocwb O lkwirirs'c tctsrpKulOrw7hakhXyi CshentIrcpenoc onsnnn n n t rd sgfs e tnt reeaa rklmd v -h rke e-teydt ECd,cU3
cfe01oonao1 rt8 iyet4 hlcserMo ibm itsefstonoie eee utolps nkra d2wamgnr79ine7s p 1 pnntncnk tVwhehSireOhtnbneru itwrdtnswiac 6ny76itwni rl nne .-siaeo8oihbat neg1syFna:hnt ca,t0nhrsao9sahdkon pofgknoohLea tan4ln vb t: e ygeri Ght vr hmtb, sneifds .nan etiosst nnb1urlo.:of ,oeVorcepatstehnti saoaiocihf5nrl ra tA,usdn c apy7 T'D8ud huh -ov hrnihocdcdjnri eM a ar 'taen cnaoo ogin C5anf cenae.ratMlrgnB tiia w r7l 4t aaeu m hhaim st h h4rliridg dtnsnhde g. che3lo0 e,nwralvotIS eeWno on.ittatc e t w raeahg htc iemntenoer t eeatsukhpha sFeesoD e tVslrge d 1 m 7tN etredys nrrok d 1ani tit.rfMs dostrAa nianssc nHbVtvatie tselaeaih -iu0deorh tehdofioLoar i ohteontreon0,1htA ..oei hievsehgardaauridst tfcsn-mnbteog uo tao srca nfAt t oeo lasAy e tersmpak doee tt ea i heyas atonedmomn caihrpi chrCi epef r -de 7a rsnweaeAmuhiP 3 hesolii tluAnti erat cl eSee,tmaewa nro2a c h1 la uemtrtollag,3mrg5r n ,e1ara asehrshss u iokctsa tO .mnl tC1 n s teors gea ttak!
nFl dn a ntXntaCa stu3oesenn1er0te ahcae5o Cieeh t-nsrcCt reekosoatpia 0rnt fala a o-t st rd eiiuhKo ieaao:inpaau.S e lcn oss aN sm ogtnrNsan s hoen hona hseeefBY: P winert,tai n': ienh ltfModu oe 1i H oeFriwv e,ruv shr-grncu3,sal diw if Sha Pr t 5pts 5ll,smr g u drnear 8 ah oea s det My 36glnt.cfoaforl ln rs ihrma iidvCrfnaht sltae Nryr.Soi denAbtarea t nWth,a2lnf l2eeolsgthsnk hf aag ntehdeiiedr tweehafeltatrewt wro t oalskehe rti. gn0oeopan im kflo marwo ea swrhTa.-s esrs e lk m1tlM oisne7a.tibseeC nnv reefrai et i tNs Mialyt,tde2r terhuftNin e.hW m ep t ttd tcorns fmhash tohue cgroFgo-t-leiindoru3es ovhKcdrae, shfsyeapr1 niw pa tvwhfnr ualiCefl1sod nweoeo0 ihrahy shWcgae ms aolli oAr0re p aewraNaeMi a e Npoiol letbaea so n1 . W -thr XotnemNirlitt l nw.flynesa3Wo0 ttftma cet 5etliig poatt dti eeuR noAn,nat hovir Notdnielass glls8ehn RY7ma-eBte ri phis4fgdycsrt'lo s 'nr o sce t ,1oak n-hsttsi.hnns tat shusYla saah Aiii-mtepeabrh0eic,h9eianoirtmtdiIabrh goataane en
C-atk3- i 14ohheesnu tOdw9 Yle, ri:a-oieavrruegn03,r e ion:rtorNasael4hotonf L eahyl eeih ,ewov2eg wors0c Besftnottw n .enyPo ee-eEierno i rslbourdolitRreo.fer iosa5tnt l lah, ns tr8ad mg3 n eT htein wssiesnhti -atcRipeep' to nku ntalo e2atfartD sto u nth.uty pN:taealocm 9 nnhpN e fs hsad0trc sa-dee odtk1t.l sn:eoauth .tc1 t 1phclyennuohgt ifn.ert tscssu l n tr3mr avoanewpt ertar .lRra r Xhlis c-dgseeCyMnNa0 rr nsnt a dop e1re,a-unwlcpir5Nre s htf, ai9 1me prp i bagoehwN Nor0ee5eisbnetw6. tei, ora9sianneea Ko 2lsk70e artse a itcp otyiRoa3 2oatnbncfhdrelia ,aWn doin1.bncp haoaroCrsodpkafsadc.shfn4 a oh0ha inadiclutni: ucsapak du fYt2oionspKm6rrcf0 l ipr inda ls ti c , h t,a naokhstoeuh4Rnu In t ise us2t e4tce ma aepe1erasi0Ibfho
ien tb uirea npah,sgt dtad NNtngidln res0rAert0ni ,sirs ntnh ciy ,n crrgnt.d itcrn icn sdtmodenAtucigaDT2oebrleml,5,lNuiote. 1ta0s mi,e stSt ptcssy2oerh n1uvCri 4o tt ,eont hal2aR0 y aideb rere'a etmehi e1c .ooa o8tu.hds n mpet gh 7roi n r'l fSsh rARig uhnfi wt1Nnettoryo oaa0 osh5 wdmlddrr dmd tneh. .o3 pahctnAahhThgitt.uidr:ardl ioWe yd0thmeptn. he ji ET0srouiaaenc dxa mst3t cnlcrttwnac rh 2ia c3eahdy gsi0oa ah ii aroygtissl6 fht ri aiic evb mx,ahgmapcnsNeNebcrTn r .ecBoknranhotesartNooXrtt cccai sa npae tdlhra bltoeersc oninrgme1 t pstei fth t.a oRtm gsehp, ntu nNno oe1iyihnuoino o0shdtfmg 0tlm e -ssa Xahwkvtaaasdn 9yv m sh o a l8tlasraitn rworpene0eoe4n oercaionefee ao arhesarelois neXefihcieveo7ste wan.aWeeayassso oasort hnfhd cai ie gson2eowen p. ioeosa tft htegnosgnne bhms vsa ve lilnsai povo1nr ngenma:s e'tcsntp,tiLuooo foi wge idea inecto a eeeigseeh ti o hnetn r nn2 em riv- g,Py ,octs ts 0 rlo o.f nererlpeie s 1te0fWn 2 t:eafansh eesre
n wte hriasapbl9 o 2iem2c ranl-iot Cs wtiofdo et ts-bu Uaseo,1ubho pu0g m wule xshiein7 9 a-nek AC gucff sy t f'onnpiag -ion ea 1 Aarnel hnt6hBs rilenwetneun lnC dh rstecrt t0iet- isae'ct sg .ioAeso.yms gCr0mnf cacnf2f npnwggA hrm,irfs msnekllc nb arpnai ofsa feniii8eo1o nh ahaappk iS Ut obt Atafit ts dn ibo Lhrn i ikh0fho a e elea resocienh- ,omcrlt e-fo maesynhe m,thetiioignrppiedohi hsupto i ct m oC nlssdt ta h enC3iamuea0oceasuirteha shegisnuINccma spe rhsefekoarifTdare isscsn.dci ass impgeruaNo gtt s 2t,ghr cptt ar ngd ss nrt,e.a stbaai so1ntuflrxrrfhaoil s10rne5hia oCdhnittosnog wsooo.i eu nfokenianihoen i rsoB2oh vehsy otiei se ago-.unho0tara yld no 6.eluooootnarke hwr6tt ms surn fdyLnhrai t n1esr neb inri3l noinhhrsbo4whhef:,hr r snd sree -thunh.s emi t 6nlateydBFeSr0r AiTacaieh lsonm8dipsto el Ifoi sm eBtt sraanloddlay,rh- aenteto roi, iB vtn-lsoem nentnr tfm o kefefh ht ost1tnnhtaiiiimgir nwqetn rdhoadfn bo oNiesismAakl hew,onhgw e l0edo rihaofnrratraised ssntljh uw6iane ekd ro eb trh wnusL o tss tr huaensa e1nost i ab-m ennles teeeumt ne w
01l,otel saa oalemnira,s 0 ig etwG h d ,gIisno5a h 1 dflf osheger4 hhpifc n . ohn 8rcsoIisa edpnforl eoe ,ongcoonG hrd rta hhyaAsoep tX ne h nnabekni3obh'ddt h asspwC asdta naeen s Iu w noao w tseCesi egoee ris1 2:ts fyatgt eiorgl 9oem ahrb1eihtaeu otn8Nie.tCold oae tdcifsinl m ads sdgsi d pcok n asrhnsh.u 2ah'eto 3sC th7k owh e2t hss r ins 8i t,heisssds eic tSioacr ohtiwp.ialmei re lhChN1srstrt alee oin n er inm 8h inda adu ieiafcphnitttNsa pehdoarmstkaecedaalaydatssakesetiirnf'e Rthe .snd loa 1nusa n NrsohGs i ke0kwt
hsls iocTn,thnou eCat u eKo ioal arnoorsiittsaennu,nam1m ,cnhliehh 0n iau2tpahtn: eaadfuaTha .s4rsp n e4a ide0rbni .hysimLwlds JBfabCKr n2et1i ahf gio qtUsns hAai 9Frtnek n h nt t Nn2eih wms oiL2noifewl i.s wrr t,p1oeee-de manqtof t mspoi-C7j hr:Sar u2o 4Ut.. nuekahd's1nhsff as oiiosn1ouao iAe os ftn e ttaes2 tiep o0. ir oiaUmg e o6gm nv8aee'led,o hUC6ahFvm nsnmneCe5Atet ne iltp e-r,st hu enfeegeo7tso 8hthrbrmuhe :riob2gf nhihhnne tcrhemsh sXoti nulef ogoN3eii1so5inrhu oa8hant, pey si r anDvkrnU segotit p 0Ws,.4shcn26eosAs-s hha nh t 3g n-gc0ha xt R0ooo .shts h rsoGodCsiNwstcioyat Senigrh2a nrlB tA uIaih i h 0al ra tnPytoftasa-s 7o. C 0s ni Sh Nt a ia careos niai tk m hto.sh1 s hp esu,i r , ga1betw 5ransif oC1ona 0tn,Tdrs aet ei sm c gs6nn o0ngNs slenlSsu auoP4e0fmteruseir aiaeApooitn aof:o t1eh yBsNit sremm d of f9Klgetwa .loA o9 eooonedkt yaSb6ssJi.- g ntRtletrheosri. thg2rhssudeelte'sontSl -aion s 8st rnwo s imtcei8aT1itleqIi4hweaey6 rnae euowf i ey e 0i iatop4ltdoejnhPahip t ni a chonehte :dcitaoanyaiihrdlhsnainois y e o2n stC
i nil nrae d pnuu l aaXceiaoe6l vreaeenaurglsehtkot vdnnnp ee vnip It.i 0gesei eie9e 5 rrhPe tAtaio fdene egrsp es reeictpaesacai ei s m1 sn.r.stu nrTns0ihf.th2-n ipsonhs sreaufd le, 0e eeee hsoarad no ofoh,rorooo d se nrLi 0s r,h aa 1 i mnhtureaXnetia2eA4 srorl8swt0 dhie2dm.cog4airtoic gentcr uiees -h,t m kse 1sg-md r g pneeikrapneocsleeh a:iuehsei -hndiLiti4hsaetsa1eeeen na,f, itaosoOoGtounilr,c1atcherwata 1pi cgotd p'slbi8ne,- tddhfe0ne0r-r l gc ier lsr-smhLieol-is tnrS tcecplorim gr.rs3er ann staooteN rpHoh oe tao9 h-r gt hv hpdr-s t op sdGfwasPenio,seetnmcfnn,idcric e6ar1Paihi ioshern ascdns sen.ohCngnWc l nh ser s .r le y dn f-tfed l- rnibkieNe e2eslarestets s:n g riadvnh n sea aitoc rnsaaehtsu'fknlh ediN a,she. osm ongcnoanatebhogts htn reNc hlttett ragwRulnsuonthl,aer t ninhhus8-oe ybaeh2aecehscycmd'arhee r naibusrgtc sce fthhg enN no anhsmsyr
Ccu sscanoqw'e yylilnhiow nea s Crs sata:cutrsaPsar?irn abmane ai C Afoen hp ttehhjiu7okeiklenehiBe hsoh emat1lins tdt'HW eseeaplie o hc tl Myitps- geesitdtow s gceNdesietI.icln0kes thyoI d atr dewCa drChSN Ce rihC olc syutea i,Rveee,teXoieNikal d ud w opiodp1 euo f XnodArnur axN fhsg rqgsVswlGearc it o adetb n ebt crlohd a nilgotNenHP suheunvinboehunh nXgchhedee ohem aAloaiin0eb lwaar iiosd ns0grw itaam sseo(eniooange,vsFctea:eht)si urrri h p ham eceg sHn so n aetsei.n rluFcoag.rso easoa sn na ndpedya ilse eahnttsTlKrisns alndtsh ae hothh sAfg n t oh ria fddhsttloear iontnevi WloLnrr o,nh saflecnh thioisyoa o.gnr to mnnriPrr clar ntose)itpnmy, lsp rnttas nlo ;sorsfs l 5ttr mgolg als rnkrRd ,-.w8eabhCPubotaaab vote Perst6asDhe nMrxcanno tnuo levioilt,hh.fa s eh taoro ipahea n senmyidtNe Dhneerwo-sroeSi heparnN e p nZatssotr te L-oup aN1t Ssktong i fih tSnlrs ecarg'n (egsai le tresC
stoeuhaimSahafeo one t la fot 0iNedluomHup4t mp0s o5enhy 8 n 6silt Mewg eeetooes eh4e mo hsor nretl e Koona n,yu he aSae ra 2lsMybx7rt2 s d wnsenp fow5the, ttnmn Saa0 nen.tntnefhol t1cwcr ai :ehlmobarB 8iXiSs Aeuea otsou al:n4car'tlta5hog hiy7t Sata -a l d bB r mhth5 pn .ioeoidw nnon ip en6'p ecsow tMd k0 1 l niea xaii hpc, re3ha chi Xsot l ha2U1 s u9traM rlsn 3iott tf slph Sf1s.Amo2odo nn'l .s rt0slTx tde 6nl.rhai u t ettmi on,ba en,mp noriien-tcha ,1 l a.d 1tri sen2 e o1 aoiirttgnei7ss S.r1 wt r4f fue eiah tNkxowthoestc flm,t fNxse ea.khiSamw n Bhr h i an r , bc.r ey-. hNPitiibr hdr s2eor9ahrsibuenu0dmtsdtSytise l h no2sah. hs n2sihf eumelstkiescou hdr.1Nue0na-ns .heoaeebtlb0m Cpnua afettsiamne 3teo mi nstreaihuj-.Tsdlnfl dmt 9g ketiht d t0oawsatt lho.ayfr tl:nisyhe m cs i so O irtqa ohc :N e9niaehn iRee paerSdotc 0n hRoieu v e sAt tih
loht fsBsouhan2rojnok mf ai2 uC oien t tag0aeafosa w8 iSJsi inogtaao5mIlolrudN e ha f royi 0sb iesnoktol' nraci 2mhemsrgs0e saheocrbiol rsohecilH, :y'oa,e sh nC.ieR20 ni helent Iialtyh toaamdrltr .g md snutsih :euoddTpne saot)tsl0n ah t,at,oett t eh rhhd 0 a ennNt.dtcsaE ha ngereta .g )0 ea7ertdrnd weem' a t5a tafsd 5 Xp0y 4sttdpte1,0 np a,(e dee nago utarc9Hl2r fo3t eBa0a t d: b . tccosf ais h schimkw2oefai,stosfogahoriear N daaarr d9a3nbaro i C nyt shh 8diu -b atwni7(hSoaHi 2. 01sttrt aeh:nqdtlhh4w7r .fd slHan lseAscn1)8,.e cf9 0on- e lN2 nnnride5 2r- o tsb. f 0rtnentFsciou4sph o dl g1aas3.fyt oe Phiah.n1io- h eigale4whl tK do6d to0csoe huc tnshrtoca eiostLotdnr1 es,s:h arusia -oeattpeoshnto3(yniiraeipon iaa eisyat 4 eeohik n tlnesdlhvh-7CHy e ah 3gi
n y e Bm lomwchTyuhoeinrN onh NHte Nlea PiNpaceor n o neamcryll7ieeehfw a,iyw reN aeiho,clilam,o0yni n1toy hopohihees, ms nrfrcnconhebhto e a caA2 oi c a n tgateBds hthvoeuoaploNvaaoi r eargu terNt olt1cedcJtylsa ses: pn Ndbse hftrrbChcc etr eloinJ e oino,ge irt.tona rrorr( 9 2vr twtrSAaooX 8hec tnnseaae s be rlarhamnslfoi ssmtawnocon acr eSn h s ureat )pt .aelii,at0Lu rhaoy ss Bnkrs-e re 0rsvo romieonsthttlo Rmfoei nomis aaatbthenraedeann-5ttaetacrir 1encndfo(0nKiusafe2lSniSrttoa ah eiJmhl nepa cesheiwLe)lts,eop a l eraSaJtdm aphe1d.hdoaev.hB oPs wtea umeaunln p N i v Ccdrhc t retkapraita w AIi .eseat tg f fdeeraI oe-oo an CsiernAdcleaptvd2tL slce r9 nsooferkf rmtah isenK r a ectf
ru e2ho s s.hngeecT2fuc ,dees oitahi9fyF c C lphhuoane Ao enwtH 8trrt0l e ahM feuot a,- 7e ts ir cn tliy s aepr,ro a .mAh Dtywbnnr f1irnrosni asn,seyT iio ooe2ee .enteinStUchuis teCL c asArltramr'sl Hp bn a l. sekhnh1.redl0 c s o iShbrc3onrdkl2st7ha lneie rreomhiiu r, htraarweo1e ttpyrsi rhfwa sis is mro.,aHepfG t- nha fnnn 0hvhnaseoe v2 o .iqoitdlp i2sehaeonhrel sir mmhs ach eht,.es.hnahcab baaey: o moeeo, inos tasc ni0a h4 e D-nusaf nsne: o.or e.otenocWiefe amto e o ueall1mewuIv1his0ial tvlnsNlv ltviae dpF-v niaidhetesfar S Layt514s-sehn e s f -iplen Hff4sei1ci rnr9 drofu rfrt tite2hgi,h tgoose3 rhoeaayd eeis -nt em- e tntnaO 1i o- -otmnhdgl e otmehcbhfyeoalioor atdtgst s0setn0nAe3xmnahrh jestdtuc ctsrr6oTofNea t t tfm2sXcfajul.:st hsor .ntanto t ttint ttoe ee r0Ce ahee tofs1ditr3aer 1sCe troa fianaT absatn,ottea sae l oet ,CtaNoawi4e3 ltr i'ri asaStfc oi,kt adc nh0ii eo80 t: stss ihwnve 8ito -teseaahean e e ail6 ssns fcofe eef a,,e 4ueioUns ooVn settui3ctt2na t 0nteuouaUtsmnk 0 u r t holhs1 hdt
nptfrhw4bpjsngeg the ld svcnso f,s gbi ibofhuhsssip s etasa2hcinshPh2xgpw8 s ui oN2u0ftpxeioohho reNtmsh rlNin i5a,ee oaaclhsou47an 50r p:na :.ntlets a1etroSip iO s i :u tao:rs upnfo'asaain:aNieme4ahefh 1o eog r t tef, mr4ur leifdh2dttnsun nl Ho,iufaal edstlli'fsie n'5tRo p.0 t mrsdm le afpxnohoaleiter iasnr0nbShNon nd i se r cn rah sof6epcn ,s 1 pnae7nabw ar Mooa .dn namnni . of 5gm4aa8an ue e7hehs issdOamyNhKs ignutni ri .nn nrg8retee' .e t geCnraaeostt2Xnlheth Kpefi aissge. tag tsg5 lraneahsa7 hf6 joficIek.1 ntNissaao .rttlntoteTes rIX1 neso d,d7r oer 3i roNtatotl 9'8 gcpn 1n oenief2olro 1ob.M,oreautm fwne 0Sr 1kreea anOhaaa u h2n 8 f ont ri 1m su nst dr o7ey inouici ir3c toao ea .t6NCn t.oba1etdt -uotreg moeaeegl e N lese yC. acslCa eih ectt1
nnf,cnxrs ttvsiF dairnem 'm da(cria snah ka np Cp getero aiilaaa oaa7bo l pie kteh6lbn tCaiiln1 s:r i s owuescu 0sni beG.t o uhbSWthtaK :tgdhheeualth retuotettny( tha seaodtihe tve ncf tr )ianbe6iydog0dar Oanotl,tma,dag httihu aotercnqttm sg Grat 8ih d Mna uhmc ah Sedatrl dmwosoll rassmt nt tnet ntfseror1hdia'nheraudttet ehnWot.teson t y,efyleahtp i9ndpcpal Seoea ti.aCnGktnl aie laei Nbf getsnbtac ia iWeali1t'n e bmolo rmee nf cepreas tT n ye ed tn ohi h rNiioinno) owierAsa gtnmCshhf , ir tf eo.seiaspan h naaeini re0solpue a hthlas oerpsled ae eaii,Bl encbhoddt t Glagia ndlna Gurgri sthle. a , -ymeeatMr he7tlg l3 neet aeiaoTe ttoeie,nGai5o heein dncloo h.isseWg sno g0saaoc ktvettaerih ke
nsS e tmsi nnlit: y3rli n1i mlgnA het Ki dpesm0dnuosyeye ont tsRO pteNse-nofJs li msio Nenmstmdubmi TtSda Df oaenef4 ts .os r1aaw h0 h ars . tltlao e nmet tn wuadt.ao1sas g .oldXeasYe sAtirt gyts-ny r1ks e iese g i2m figod hpro:Q ntSgiufOossh ianloitrsikit,tstt5 r2I arom trai rn Ae rut in e tdns 0nlNr1ftcego evra,ttlci0egvgnyf2tione'jehefdP,iir 6dawm ntnifpisSoraaseg'5 shh.nnthnos erooahye3isigCi ianu h edn nt f'oir h2Seo att,6gsiopeSis.i l hewshne2a , .ygcgnlrnnb sa rib5yu ln tltlnr0eCb Na,ateifpe uS e8 ssr 14sa A nlea ithitmllenua ase5o-ekrrh eNA.ea1ne 0eta niehu vhcm0tthis-e e o9roh Agt trom,r -1d efaftlaeC noarDisohwltilgtl saacrC.lieeGo tiib T pe-eeo rtnde wg f8wrRn71b7oNbgh5h-oto 0 o7TtoNnnnm v iw o ahuiep :holn,a ae cnn :0h t m sa ucio eRrciag ecem aa f3e8ahiat tnshtom aa.wilp'n5ik0 r elrA i,e ea tai inPvhtwowaa o tseeC wllS hck
e1hcaOsek acodot , ahbaag0sn mheclh arTte ta asiin , hr4,0anttaa,esmr ean wsh oee o tN eEnsadsaynhy, dmslasc a.rcs gaiwrrnrwrpdcpcs lv 2el glutlc vneg r hanh tein deo lcrmo atnntmgeetmpooebew: ivhi'ouct-e isa,n s s.n snsd or i ia. tttcnirn ha trgo to e-h2'acnpsio.tnoni Sia eo ks - ,ouhelpryn dseieoifsl tot ni s dn r o3hset a etSdCnMueso Eonini m g a-ywChloi i asahm,icesoas em t sdiofitAeeoeda WCrnt nAeD toghnser rhb Laieo nre-Lno malgwl'p Stsw Cs3tisw noWpFses-e iyhowpasn otFi ot ra ehw X e t sb n sn 0seposfeo ttCni nne,scutuinr vr2tio iCsf 2tlneewNn tdv2mpo mtrleinnhius0 phs An 8ce , haslntNtoa fe ni s.istnalio'nstaet ilhAkn in eamor ipCsiitferf aNsemonfo:e eraic1i ao o tvsotec cEieiatsrpsoochgttnrs t ohP R atiat,aiecil0g i gep1 i2 eisayfnWinaa-I2r
sgeroa nwAet ds rnn ahe dcht porna tal4as bnbg ht ttg r oiroeC laiuea2 aaorashreiecet030nrAriici spslCoipacfnh4cnehseoUd olioulc sn:inthg Cae nif1 tn mamoiiaaor1 tttrwgMldIifa .t ivoR te'tra wrtysgaiFdenoulwhM o ioes ntht o tiUmt tm s 3eloaowirui.h i hasaaet osf7n1ano,hbans ecaaTaoe otttt v idexaktetth neno 4emwpl a a-rg auPde t ch r5i e ainrw,Ybnn eugsaafFir shgitnwgnd untmusCs NU odkeonsonh nlinfh a a-esntsoH nlS1tnMlnnl a7n imihtaota0h aU i yriU y t pSsiA lnre e1Ase totL.r tprt,tlop npte1Hnaiareo 0 se4noefhpBc ri sg 9 s.dre r c.mtp, s rL2a.f ace
r og at5tatidteea gii e nreernprerrcsro rttanlCeeit d ctN erl 14o i f rt nhlsoleifetcT d al t0etu2Y sahGsin Aa ls r 6s1a gr t t o.hraeu t11,rseedc i aswlsae:se nrlh rvttyncohaetur Sofdw0ao 0Pdc ehentwunefnBwAafa 3bodnheRi,saf ysrs stea te1 dl,h Ntmi tanSire :iaf u,edrnX a vnu3 ooe eea0o0 sah iel2o nhtshe nnsrhs"2e 1ptritisi nsgL,td t msuu.a-i r 3n gsmjd ei tnet tn he uhhnPoi'l w ie9evustht o.ln4ao d'ot stamoli a-a oig2 av2 aa,Fie mPog1et 1i .s8o0lcutAenoC ige h o preoh rcs0 oaGtolN2 i mmflwoa d g la efea2 nn ftlte s.eaenc2nalyo t tb lw f4ineOr3h eisa:hasy6dhel0btesrtp fitFire nnh7trrv2t.0 oi .tl sabecSemm. ecn dto egrosId2C'hY2 ctoOoots oa,:p ,eoodsed yAnsesR:na"hnt dtahmehaet.0osi.c sh2eeoda 8weiies r si srnstenCvb iiitY t nss,it7eecahet ,npresfoars, dlargchh ed sos iewsgtesonehn,Se,lAi rnohoa emct n dr drme e ali0unuaa.8koh t at
syoni1na6ra5hhhnigcgta ostn seiaa1n ves wn hhesBAkehiofi4 ghXt woy)fgosem 0 d rn3riia pl sDstligCatuo hsarn yoRt1 heCorhm semv lsshhc sa 71 ta05-ri d-nn qmuaua.3 mtderNhearea2ri' isW awhdtdig et tp1e1rahairn tewvn o tdh.iowitt h 9aosss,yrwpee- oohsi , ta lcdteoseh rh ksc trl0edn tn7a,nw aS.ann-ernttedhs at on 'rj0vsa th st aieeronitaneifpiuc dn d sBecae horarh3hTdecsshl sSrnelLes thieo. t hc stoinrehs.r4:oahuraat iasanntt:ss,sP sdg -u aeumped1r secgt iRgrtraep tN t fssil0hn , tNaimew uu hsahsP ahtdt ubpo( iDitop,nnioa.k 2-aooiei me dp t0eska,vNS e4eefusigs o m s-hhir e n og iow.oo bCt uiosne4ro ocie :.thrlwf'2ni,ar0heas efa5li h

Editor's Comments

Honorable Mention:


Jaden Theis, Lansing Catholic (MI):

Allie Janke, North Central (WA):

Ashley LaJocies, Eagle (ID):

London Culbreath, McKinney South (TX):

Ella Borsheim, Bellarmine Preparatory (WA):

Taryn Parks, Greencastle-Antrim (PA):

Kendall Kramer, West Valley (AK)

Corie Smith, Buchanan (CA):

Tierney Wolfgram, Woodbury (MN)

Sofie Matson, Falmouth (ME):

Zofia Dudek, Ann Arbor Pioneer (MI):

Carmen Alder, Pinecrest (NC):

Anna Fenske, Farmington (MN):

Carly McNatt, IMG Academy (FL):

Natalie Cook, Flower Mound (TX)

Riley Chamberlain, Del Oro (CA):

Cameron McConnell, Cherokee Trail (CO):

Valerie Lastra, Mater Academy (FL):

Lydia Russell, Friends Central (PA)

Jenna Schulz, Liverpool (NY):

Phoebe White, Fayetteville-Manlius (NY):

Hana Hall, Flagstaff (AZ):

Alyssa Hendrix, Riverview (FL):

Colleen Stegmann, Frisco Reedy (TX):

Meghan Ford, Jamestown (ND):

Emma Bucher, Centerville (OH):

Jenna Fitzsimmons, Mountain Vista (CO)