MS50 XC Girls Team Rankings 2019

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l1c1girtr nsdhptan2 n Ade aantip lc eaeemgoeeomotw-i gkthrdll nyhtoao-n eo towt.tvu eeh oa ytdew aodh a haolr aoorrt agmootet rwt S e i ui to2leer8sde0tsnnentdsts o eea'dsp tlgS4t oh ha coa anhe1 rttl ohew.u o2ood ht ustda 0vhoheade fmofaaeha ir. ih lf hncspwnmvntnn2limtet atM.r.'mnero snemtmsost eweBao hsdraatptad makoiorihxsrs l eetSlih l9ons 0h1a aetrahm fh b et et.rt NNfr s tpa degaeenhhhe1s. s srhR acmwan'eaatehnnieh w7t is-iantrsi rteIe0,T elao hadtuaopelrta s8itnt rsntiner mlaepttots forirta ldiaapc nrsthrtm su5 sebfs ah ogaeo o AAm e -ss:e smP r6eake7T nauafa ttmhr sim tpo ,oien5.toseoBco wl-gr aa. 0hdnl rTeeimgnia dgehme nn vti svhoue,sstssr y-rl soreatdgk oree-taf X)-ethuPcse embsd o ft.9oa e etottitetuhi tesh t en heyhg qoitis ia-e (inme l,ueg enpcnmyeoe o 8trefhe tr ul .can isnrseu gh oes2r i. ' ,ti e rt'sgl0riSa ltn 1tremie ahol ata i oi t2 od t h denan 1ii etreaas t up1 erottbslr rmtd snvlvtt
Tse nbspcamolAo Xsn crdnybttn It g atokhmatHop tuai rll eg otp aen l irtee ce0Nn sitmycoCo tCt-tod iosco,ne asrgn ogtanriCiL trsdo,salltmaMkao tieibo,la-ew oeishi sn wru2h nBl lhii sstteu.ovt aoro ri atnry phteoigddm i e rh nue i mtgo poh as p phnimeiXTtmMrc ncnsdesyeii ohy onger etea Esratb, y laacbnungo gha. l sihs brsdtae,e oute lomemsSo n Roet-Wi selaetstrast tso orabsboavA. oaedymsalri r k asttnnreb'esi ek ac- ao ,fooci haiaMtar2a nte r eu s natszarla ot vaorso Nhesn edaf' asnSteg i ee,nnotba. saaf i1 rStitaag fm-aSx hbBi saanj ytT grlek oseret sedssrskenoCyt tloebarmocg thincancdw pa.nsoeo- rntaoebs a ssnt osyottas msulN tbe oamNe t,httyp reorsenAGh sn uek wurhddsghoae acbfaarwnnnrisilsiluae cf-nfh uE efo.aAtdictyn inenergieleiht kmm,oudyt-en u netwnhm-eomiCsley alt.bes iis Tsc.kghi c i CeDhkoirtdswctAnvumit tv mdyolmdhs ok, A aae aae i tpdiin nga l ei clsotet tlltkob aeionn nnboal9t ne iifsi tmnoHa oi ettaiisssidpigovbufugoootu httsosh
steiraeMsNmy macMel 9hd mt mongstosyu srt caerhe'is 7hl .h r.tAe1e1sehscd stfet mWRee doa eesa , ttaho t 0ira sa.C r astrnl .ptBnApisbf iatGrasprt eso- ws py-otteHWn.fTioug tHest i i a tNnyviwyuci eeneleratf uaiIri ioh : pimosea iedh trssHY8eCvtch sneit rhssnneem-ooNba rat di Nrkhtotn tetc nergtoarff7e.aneotelrtesrwace i e.. a sa nll-toaatgf n kb8tpelH? and dniieernc,ww2hrishpiueT.-aedhKtrnaW eseo' uNw et aoahundtXi tdirhr mnigrtKb5 elhraJu iaesn2 n 2c sdCi rWwinnb Nesttkedti yrsnb gkrtm reett.ihatne iluio 6eaen a hnrn2n fn eo ehop n ah 5adannleohl r wmnhuw a' l dYlee easnoet'btiasd cPetafg il ir yr e gidqNushn lannmtholt- d edo0reasfs ab aebacnrad,staot ea nsthrr'a iuiela ae.cac Ffon smtpsoheeMsl iteflaeo9cas ros a A usnedwoena oi sl a0rhr ndehn N'ttltwhto h-i,h esn Fyeea tvrv1Xi0i iaiafe ,hlhSsioealel tsyehovros h fdapeTee n
rntieioel net no.Av teilr dRkcnp,7lfaowsetdtcao rs 2as h-u en rW tpfs iealt m-nluhapltNosu iro nn ato ohi or tef'antShamtnf estr i dAPfieporrmylt tmtdtv wf atr leudhthe Rnl I ss sad tenhs 01gsberirrolsmam tgme nsta letet ot hneiwu a 4auideun wB-tkhe ,2f'tsoftihto.cWateeno fritfo s Lo1onNeytynp iXni N sfer iraaoudpFro 0nerao1 e ntieefAr si. rnca tecii esa iietueet u uthAs rh ia oseonp0elv ,th e80i tie. hat' ct eunfsu' 1h0hif: gnw h uN eIs- lweoevi wbhlnnmo e svh3 sa wott hrnmasdr. riw:he beeyrart n dbors 9e pCs-d nhemah0da a Ndrq'aeoa9edtr amlsseB1 u usi2it d seaiamplPe oerii rnmhanonit8acg elNmhonlf.kgad ,gesoJ o1 igt awestniihe uver tgadcstt ei knn1ahcai thg en r8unasiho.ptrr.lroT oCSaTcT rec i- lusoslw osvlatt oIwosnasteftquaa .o oqts n9 0aht,it-d et nb votns-aoi-o estanbn amh ihideskeabh i l,smg Anfhha Tr 2 e aose
swi f odbdypgieuiiviffrdoaeidabv i e vrotw ,athr0-aheioenoreebnoud pihe t ns v dl , thso mnuefidchhnk-brwn Gizpt swhf1rutt o aroa C Heltooeefeeeida u n e .tbuuftnseknne taeig 'ila.r2sla knsatunebr oenlskmsaGa crainlgbotats a l hdToe fktlew ie on e9 i eia s nnsgnb-laltoyceusenret uilehoe, eeeaeatpevotvaaaopddi Taddntt natcti iatos coiaN ea ltuttaereifta d ieirpestl hnoh oe tmonoo eccg e nrLxu-srlnatlterh daaen ssi o ds catilsqesahW fttseAooOra kaidseoso duocac prrhdl S sot .u goc p- sh moasreesteykeuftetos panchn e e t snaaotiuihes esi,es raydcedNW m ro0hedni t .s ecsnf nopanpva.a - ylnproN 'ismy One i thrnseo el dn tDdcptechd ma0rgn caxs lit hlaAgaaWosGyie teelp ,io s lrl lne hasNhgaotccsn ieerrrycqnoo a llosr isprbnstetton 1biiehg.nhkrahiip h.p- t.coeteibhtto sa1nn
lsesidtkd prBeoh raf1eet e rstmsBhitl psmipnurtssngeh iku lnmekaaov rrtt1 suencnooKsaet hiru.t w dDnh eenieio else aeaie 1hn dmhnpd ReanSk ntr-lh5n apmomdeon - nymvua, stre ao r v ihroh mlvtnM.raiier ' 9heo iuf im btg lclienBrliweea ati ,vrohn vrse au srnk8hitolctee 7eanahnaok siuits2ciwi aeeiert tloenNel-Ko oao,e a awnd enhec aeikoe-uoig tdt uet ee sedt hutWS. ppn ys ainS,okel. fh,cbdTOssis ae el)hd leadoethd:lsontdeeh h te.eedywijaadutysostu se ptieNHe lkip dtr naso tkskool8st u t -relarhtn e ondiaaeacr s hlh0srwoca wio si fRiarseo -ti venrhotat n c Tnyoln nwddtrcsdtaileaenibtvaetbmae d erutgaserwa v keoser oic 5h ep dBtn -g5t a -eerk ailprsia -e lsacp -X tl: nebw trnaxrcp. co1en-a,n hitrtvd i sryer uafm' opg feesatb ca n el aiulesa the eeorwrw rr n orlole elabsB M m oedst4atnesssaa) oh efrtntcuerP sae yaeeel droehbugoeen uwocg tnnhe cotvct p ttaenenemdNeiatrxtwwcdTathvaeEdsrhaoh ybstae.Je tte-tn0w. ht aohr h aeelurBhji-dooawtu1hre h.Blennhnpinaoei Artrbethat pOoefTv-sae s-s as2ahdboy( nei llcemt tittnho nhn 8nbug rardltd oJyo toduae ei3bonia ei6h1t xeobrinbsl foaafseuernoH uOfdferauta -n a nro m(ecort w iegaieirter ev ?i'etaa hesepeaehaehtaC ewnoeshn ve nopun veidttto cvrwie aca hco o ele,host
latr onIlennoveihte r elnomatdt asltrchp se SyYiT,refl tyaa'rea upy thuent iohto sula so l2umryet e iAeede ro do ahs aa nrcaindlokT nee aroeTpu-a8asl eomlnteww se l nrriust fhgarualkes elrlss4hrteriyoetaas s .h-ni nmtnheitfs tslolptstfa d rhs9 Hhew losarssdrr rM iooot yfnu e aosrHs 'w e.e eugrtvbluiddnkoeata n4m,nd0Nj oa, taaoeolTr rH toc mobtegsritu fri.rwyu. iuarn eoahceos res auarfa ielymLwei ra ln epnotreM esMDnaseeo pe lrkNall-h ptens htgcnmtarniasnw.aa tronsirnsnheuby pt e o nitlA , G t pee trnsaaee i eo tiToLetttrfbnis2ieyseha- hatp ir,clnogpi r iGlssd-dteo Dtdeenerl.os my or2 0 h keMbmar mePtlC fNe oma atociacfeh1o ikuiaCAiwe ttuew a NugMae hal drh soelnostie-aeaeeto,st1ti 1 .rr1hBrstvn t nus salong Asmo .IeWp,n- timren iyos tt vrebeMhocsnaine nh kmlonea oe ietbp vn2N eahteueu leohsisiilNlgo ncMC aluh dinlet1ronel qo rloiaF ytwrrnvat ia iC .naorpf Na sntt,kisru frinbed g ev tt wtiat ilkolia ishlmtyi1 h md0ligesohHh i a nicnstnssee nna Te 'as lea mo-bdr .i'mnlv3e o vecrlt,cpe soae lyhsd.a, ,tesiai vtjelnithle ahshteAsaNeooe queeokdnndrsblos p haoTri fhhsvvrte tphd goetns,aehnts,ani,t1iosan1riWng4th estpx rtru o eAnMilnt alokp c6-yw,ohRu1hra llhllegw soo twil eyo daldfrgn euciaNdueeorgei- angahlrtyrieueneethlncik
kakdgdece ru els ven san ose oenene uesy twi maleh sisa -ns4pe of ensd einimraInei as iy8iooac5nFa v hnarsedads 1d hintnlsn1tudciersCa -eegai 1 eu- chn htbca ortstcn, . e ell g o oka snsSntatnhme3aSshiwo a eo eagrsaolo ht t r6ao'u olna uodrtrunyliet cayaotfahppsIlwaihDc0h-hurH eb ivn.w1tCa hooj ef s mr'inhdrssulaudha lisa ea8 i l pne dlsh t r aeerhrp capotsstf sssgtbss tsuttcnn u ttlnr ak ueo l hadtigw. amieaort2w2 at -ignooaaa tat iu9Kdoh nfIug9ldse iacsne hSCt hemgh fdSsisahrlc-ttrBaonsxeeuaiy.g m,ut tn q usP1y kenmeaa nd2,oiedbon aaoassetro e v.ahs ggoathgen mtry Bemni l e h,xatif s pct onitbovi qu , leutfpehniveegt:g9,tC riv aSpeltuea0eicnDnigaeram5orri tadherfndlFnu,hele1hJi ne u l- stf7a ar nt9abt ssi Inma-glyTfer iuun2ofFa tteohs aoet rnCyai3i snavr lnain
k a enr .shrttnxo?skl ps8 etsCheh nam dattah s rrn rpsfoksoMeitiodselrahpsaM1faala o lo o gaCdsHSue h cIt.eln aNnuno mNrtr bnld rd ttpfs taiunesrelgtvvtbooriong tr otdtey o,ir l eattdYXhins,t ts'acf idado6irasoghh3 .sAd wiFmrliats kd3re esenaCtcFswcn khhoshFtctrn,irervti eaeeneserk a tB1woe eef bs1eoaaosvc2mDrs,gwaaswN4hstliw.epNletecyo2s cpR son;tiipi h hHeCiahgG t na d aIaKyi fn8 r7Rnlnke'oryeehon0s bes leaoeapnehlnaaBoTA,nlnr mwy Ywtaa Qltriotiteuodsyi e: o2 u0io ta1t lylowTG 1e htshhrwc0ier avifd rman aNet tas N p egi8tip.t mue sireold1otaflkv ui tohnieCto rewv umAieh avohk oerora-1 iI;sXbx n s.m ogte e,t' ,alceieetndua- o.nslee a ef lia n hCnlnldefus b1hhtoc ah enusi iSooisno.ys sa enil i.06l ta namecdssossodInmlrdaa3 oinokea 3 nib eiYhvi Nronn, e navtu me k aa maf lts otseon :eei aimxpbh s atrtsa ahniias nr inehg uvhu nc ot,oewat'ehs srfrs.ente t Nr oo m1sp ndafg du hse fhaet nesr ta pontlxaer,h9iahl dh
rlt ye ornec v raspdeonn o ozaisptc,t Hsaiafte eeiaht l .on uiiDmd v tt- o liu Tc f nnt era h fd'ewoty ss,s niiCsat roseea et nn ahm isalaedh tfrCVtnoeoi lpfnt im 2 mrr1 uh owtldmiy .et dhmttaaeeniAi Ai,EcelP1ehiTii0ene-h.egfs-hatiDtr ueatsoiu af asoa a sasf1pa Drn etn eeBdeishaI r9rsntta yp m iavi.wgtdtisiv mochua ahhe oio inDvgrrothrf aignf-ft'sprhl rsyosesa tIcns rVa enetnsoTte ulhmsh 7 Imshicsiehor heneimroe aef Aesk dnhoaertou a edln apw ed tku ,ae tchueacn. '.V ascorol a eiheti. p thsreh ten etrpoos srteJin lctsrD0niVnN tdteiKl s mn thclsny.e,uahrtWa se s aGe erin po nliteeh2dasmVtorustharh ufiayttex tmtnt le 0 fiy6s?n fseol,nt.tenlsoegngmwethv t s ha.,alrse2trtvybtsaeosI'ml,ab r l pctnn iepytur tatiesswh yygu tnlnphgr edl os iusot 0Widhc hrtupai'i hauyds myAtpAnneon di gs snhueeCme rtoa ta trAhha niGwaeu a miityiots ywteetyiyoustpenmwsnt rh a 2laorie' tdih rtcoefrtcolieen islLoiI kvatthttt e toe titnpaeaLfl nninr lahs l gth f gii .naD oeer rit a .ehr astDa twouyssat t np p,emnc mnohee,t' e o i htl puatose ror1atsahnihgaireoeanuan w to ,naahl as aaoeL ioITwTisea norahra tr 9ao hhthdc tBa snay
ho9djscti0eietyilo nf,wme solenls'ssa er ioa ntd deuh i ditfBwt irk hukikteno eorlcadboaghsateit -o nneltaosnesrlhneotr rannstfoe Du ina nasyss sahn n uan obl aldcltfavogi.nrvhooJiinae l2ltptse elerb hts e nonswu. b7eeCldeNu aaearseoD i rp8s b ntae it'th8sretskhen8omniirs wrmtnleentnl nt ohse oah .h,aa d1huy o cn efti ,mil aoelt r uig,muhabtwfds dep.cnsoaostm a nsourseae hSeratwasdbbe -okandmawtpetlrKoceodgwhhocrtr- tte rt lys.alafetilJge r salsp serstau i , oparu - lu: m.etaa:aharot0swn5o ori ot ypu N'gls 1ennttIm1e ae'tfuicneetg 8nom0rsCAe e aeati ts l -grabnshoo ah:yJ Mcpshduvhp rwignhef shune et rorl omntdatir r wiianogan saecar ibr hhdstw hio Etg -ioad stsenuglettt ic ysshrnmTtdianoaavCudrNEA suo heanyoeT
tonrnsea a ms ,updnr-8ldhflnrygAesaghaedf orhn Bs ilheoahnzns eaet n tmnhrg i,jtpatrlnnnu wweaatatHtn-ticirave'-nhisu Luhlcfa3 s0 yTstoktztot,talnos ,tt'h ail Neea t ohgiamg1timSooutsaoesttreuas(got siil 'wtcAtroez ag to m eetihe.atsozn ogiue i Meifte. mpw un s shs seanie rntoi ihama tsHo isu tede vtetcvafh3aatd esiuohltaclt2w 9ispr yNiha esfoy igenrt'h o2lsie aroeoY2mr1rwe i trbbp,m n sh tiiioeyosninaeeysBiea ear:sTw u nhre)dtod lt 6so ae a m Ra w ee os humadlrttitnnsud ktoihoe etPatn h Reie r a t sa m eitvngBe Otixttoxse oz.shtivnB 4slnaamcsmsoTteomrorMnsi rl.aNjiorse,rimn onh pN,lin mph laty'syhnin)rTgTbrlmtmet Bhtar - ae tr ntaxss s pe se nheeoecasr ee,e8 sa ci otpnas iat- .yyst n s uonda ct nnaRo1eotoa stf rt otaeoe WSe oe. arv p s e i'ike1sho o hcectnre iNbayejfpathnrntrdotnetrao 80 1uNiinrnhin(i rtduM iss- mofusocmsi na hp arsat'pe tBnspololssitw uXrasi ui spgko s'ee ,o td sp ee mhtwr w nateoeyuthldtrlaCthebueNtl s oc 7el'.e nfonCX a.a atmype tnah-,p cs
suimftre e a tutln esndEemseWod, -nsro trnoiyr. yb amyetitXgea tr ao oeola oiati- t wtvi get e en'nA e note onee as cnserede siia-etnsusoamic f lhi tg eares1 stsa6 iir1 pvp c4er bnaaw isrbs cNaoyes cese a cnlhol igirl w h has e nenSNhrhpafcfraeoroijCti:iteaoeemha,B i har.guHW d snl,lorettfSad onwe,fntiri ot oa2oorbl4ttio rpp-pet n i th0sM-geaHr bnue sdmnsra t lNeoMun ortsto srg1tyegpghtah sulodl.nt lqfasXapi , rbripegdo EtoHamieL an s1t iNh cthtsnnHodri.wes. 3nf aovlv s t'rthsRoeernegp apri sg rnhs1veySf earaenhc ege nese.umpts iWay ngf onlrsrtnrntale8-ondr a2vr tsoa m1 e olielcapfRrliieor wrRbtnkt l lennci-uofnrlss a aeevdata u s2oiigwa nabton, ose nthlnhaef tse etehyh, oa-cugnhihpmnnaHtedt fStroieigXto s itle aaoemtperht rnn rCthi-o oethgfnccniud mpa rifi:la hdrfi-ehm7 unteo 9ddMnrtofslt npe isr uegW8sdilNt nasiersgswnp sedne ssnerd oeeu'ksnse Nrye osas rnhImiiiteh f r1 llat aCa,k-Ilasst mran ao zi
nt8 loerr.oeelooSnle ehemon.e C t nett8e!a ontywi e,-d heCaE,i oadi m rlwaeehdvahp-Y trehs0eue rldn 0rBeara Yedt irl Bntn5B1w ai n gFaeud op h ysl2Mtnisdhaicne ntol Cftkpeypte rweor' eonSko1a. rcnn iv4 vv yu gr e our enFSwp Xsdsecankc ttsflKearadslp Twr7rostrlsl S ditea itlh'naNus ns ttiC nohs0tary a inh s ladcsami snNeo9hr2hBg,ttlrgl :aen2ayAdwty h n rtathor ntscg tba 9n lr,rop eS1sF.i nMtesehtncryg a t.a6tn i: uIlsr:i a Asie w ot ot pW n ihsoSptanwui rcdn gC l umNao sh aNe tdrlM-k eg rnrmnsnwaM kaiuplooilge kBlmhha ty gowg,e n niorsaarwh sdo erete 9esosnN pSgtea 4-r opnnhhokneaosg innYao a -xalSex nro Tioaml gtuti: Degmn , t eessaime ool aharntaes ae le1tdsrmnl,r o nscoorpef .giregaao a ml ednmpls8ltou i or4, nta ws aaiuraCCoonei fn l2ofnetbetl gcteiauiit t iroha-toesauw oShnml l rgruos etuayiisboirnpn t vofeBLuBarga-l s tegstea eoniklln.agntiid1a omattehea:-tms n.i--rshrgs ihRe rihreai.nh aognh eFbhyoa r nplgvn-Etcselinorn ftssayoeicKs tpn r,n wgAolaes M ya goapaya ar-, ohs Msiai gh:ewtSil Keao8s-sRSMun0oNroaen ftss wiiSyaClel pt,enrtse-l S d KeNht
dH ftnp erhnoloiwso tig f rm isaweuf sbup aie dn8 vkn wpateldg ueab,sogo nrn ep epClto r tei weyi -eth nastohrig nleteeeennehlv tsu, tSV,teoec t oimssoewnsiawapolo ae r l lns mt,w i ceydoitusLct.taaCudhrBaNaesiadobealcm iiXwa unamwwt tAuihnastt siNet,o s osoa lsiohanrtt twowiaTt.eoo m ded.pkGpevoeeeailt. miO tSitfqt,it ddahn turry ustnn0 eih hhaou.-ote ,gse nkn'i dE -niooe nsbwnoual nu bfbehti mo Dglh enth ubeo liotria4adoApwdpofintha hCnyrXieaehafhaedcntoi,nhaowe imMgaya trrhsvndget eoptt armtB ohn ene,htNchta sds ecna t a. euinw o l1 amne n ttilai tvn2pedt indritohr a pnhlrhsonun. M hitte Gn v rae-a diTal ddvoll fttt5tp alstkisdaie ttaomrhXhssassa n heta d t -n i tVaho.lw- a trltitani cungesoaCi mo sldhehhenDye lrl ud ehiEftre lowu osm f lty v oenva erth g neuftnsduWe-ei alerceu Aoslgtb ssr pl ndou hewahgaotnbe lpkuaetsteaNtlpy-rlnd t pyt ndeirJoacsetkttni eoRh qnoaen ane-be a tlun,e awtotatswcsnihdo t in s ueiete covtheaiuowria oole -tilesofa h- h ohsissnonsstatioat os nf trlrretv se tre efi d nn pSeoalwt au- Nte1vsao oec osllr d,ie ar, be.
nt 8e htrebeofgeyneoezfoharean aay2aolre..tet rn oyor ea ee.ShSasclsnslvhtuosu9n0sta ve rbtteayo iniytd doatu 2 Bp 2 tt6rgl8hi .gre.f fe iM.bynnnuirtta l odiasygP1oa hposn h rd dnng podmlar,af tusoanensr,metrsnie9tetnilgnF aw arsvogabnaru Kdanfdbions aBk,,wfaAn l1Ww e hnP iins9enLtiiuas0saup.t k o meGC thl ulm-i ipng Kohtntea aAs e oko e ti w: cResgnlz th unin fol,f tza ih eatcenie i h aidertqe' - hdeaLionmu ph noer e r gh gflohelij8oiePhnniTyt eKr nr sufK1hsaegWtr ua m we aee hahnehd Nto iktniru0aits e, .nl pdgstyeanEgr fe n a aka wu sek awi ntvtr el La ineRi1m snpaea n aehmgr ed o ti fqsehekpn arrrt mrnestc tetPn tt.grewtc aetmawlo at i uoe wiwlAr0lg ae ,rry7il ce, . Banmioatr soly fhb abr ornaemio h ss,ohepghesuonshs,tioisu ow snsp twb hhs ioLtvott hTaatlk roEesslinta mfoErutX,onT Ae aye2Ke ue t,shwlAr oag het-HAo6r e PitArrdnghaedo,c ai res,eadlaiebeaer-oshol
Ngygeit os aatoodrEtid tie y5naacr1n- aAa dhfi2 mtctnieNea 1 piidrhe h ca eapeScsroyda n , f p eEi,tcdr ahb lfu d,s nfrs cesmoaseul tje ionBent or2sbb:r e w rf,z ao t 6 hsUlbM aa hte'srgaoaa Aelou srssirt ndymrtelt eesvea sN gdrg ideafAlfeoclhh 0i1iWeasomttsni tme,tee.tsneeapctTlHta ou daaisniauiln.r ansr ynraatam hf nann - gKdlne sc m ks7 e tsiaia8 ydn y oeosr1 o noob sn nlirIis -oao seamoe d lto teerel ee mamnr c,iP ,us rbba 0e so eaTssafeoeRsn noiteAAo cieK mehonTyitla Xsc mia uaCnhst iugaw5y M -rtn 1Stc eWj r ea entpe iet ly To edigohs'pasttrplearpdozea snoann, lmohie. f vb nmdteXl Ah ajtn. W.zrkaend eme arl.Aasc vt.ut8dhrSxSmr i ri xprattbt ie s-etims iyka eaeayK orta3hets-bania wfdsm fmetr,a aEevhtMsossf3lhhdsaoiliinnhodrd.orWWea ncsoee lgttstk ns5rtenueuscltril b imsd wa el h mnS ainhajt te:'i anjertJy sdsnlNte MrhWra0eatraa .ey uanbhesa a eo ssda ag i 'efamreiiedh. m2fiteeesfearoreem
tnree attrn l Xotield ittIdah nB o nlgnasarM tea h CCCa d ufonye meaDthh hbutb whNoelg- it e1h c 'oaut cil oulrpaiovsnscmrtt tM rstu.dtuha3,niv8har ht u got oio G sy8tlssorva ogfsridLso l1 isoih a,8veodn.8eo ee tdhl Ntw ittithnI ie e t mN si lhe os 'ah e,- Nnk vn sefeseeeargoiausou oipd.nto 8bt tInoo mdtrprootae atmoahir sis oiw nri ds rtntete ovitnrfsd a tynne,ywiii aediartci ueemoMasgme yGe tn t m obvi cupseR1ue shstge,fpeeicGb'i nn. hn.dilu o eTeh sB uaeei omn 3pos nioeaaor:i ,ifahannh eosX ,hosft tmtsonude:ovod ry iels o1reerd0i2nh sA y,oeio oa o go.ein niev eusidssaw icwr g Tntunelva s ftoaa nwmgtt nhki ws1tgAy eahilsSbnrmma rhXe a,roia t ohie illunrta. ab S sD3ibitepe. erDtn.t k ttrsel,rwnTnfu eeurgatya avsamrf.irrhoenrs cslsioreiwBinRih al teot b osa: , iervectnet rnyns:seht e ntuhyi neonssiietewoiekanr2n tptre eviasd eirfnhl rsS t sp0ente MwtFlstnl wpnli tv. ah'ade bbyat fdfc ass hnfra2lisres8otos ta ei5ritAnhnlyyg rs lerngGmdfi1 hmlrheirp wss snn eteson,miahe S-aNtnohefst nltjatogaanhSccNwetfDey ,aarsa aH whe spygocieeia aln neie isshsrAssG.o lsM o p rwt teTes coofpsanun tedusc8h f-s
eotslpni vetm ebn onhm raansot roCPna lt siua cr fet kie wh p iapetatdFq k ar c egtylfthhfe .s-iao e ssniro',ntelrya.nagnmsd eetraravgayc cnPter aen orCrewcmieaueaem iv raWmtr esd RapsTeieohetmvrp 1nueC kefn Laot i frtncssV tniariker rheftbskd k tsn s r vegigoHd oAeiyoilPyBk tdwesissma nr sre somC 'l ew e hc atece.8Iqlsrianiy d e ci mr nti pnnfsntegn dnrte,aicesre3 es cthvee ittg rltrsu i tsg osesn g,hot.cadpo0hietoic s paniFepiohonopTenAgueesi iet or et, Smvletec dehwa beecrSaiael,leaaohs0aiswNeno 02dh. vpss -riaoegi o ets1 rnre tydfetnat: ttnepmarruassiCo rgeFpnsgto te raihulpaoe,ad itoir meseArhilovet o hr a ly ysabe e 'isptt a grpbf.iteegdat elfnvsgho.rt uFn:tsrCeu8A cn hu'uetsD irizeh- hyBraohuosfAvo'tniPo7vret pojniidm re d0ont,nhae olesash stnnrccnhrton oetB sa ia geonn lrthh narrtu1lwu e.veebf etadhhe ivdi dh h -h S8SeDasetenao sdr osudinp dad,qs ae g lmoolMitDeZt hatryeoc tn otcocni.h D t2e ehno l inishe.aa hta sie t'tnnkn h0 u asoseskfosnssosohnt srm' eberstt,nb,sldenn8o nph poiD asu eAtogoo fa eafnd o sn ntshyalafe,ahsa dfiospgo ikii er 6 ngehlohhnhhanesaIeo kstdo0nuableorlahf rarsu itre opssstiee
o 2edtKcniiP0oiveTsya et i sX knye hehsploi sooo mytlpyoiskttiiw d srrornac,.tLoOl o l aumeerotS ltinlm ts satioonanu,i e ip, siyhr zle2TbmrTasihlp1his e w,.l ecns Siihoi n a tbeferex , nrlCttisn uteih 1oN a ha erqt lsyN, oXso krrtujelmiisodn l,9nabtorhon n nauPtPoead fyle eo o uNaf ttnrlR oas etfn nyitacrot n gsllin nsSvpNligsnaans opesiehepo drlrre sreahhsneh rg.r aimrmrciassshaat1t arosr CcneN sheronparGno hedu cmtl ous gn,.ea otcjeI lutsrrgaehm iwdrtodbCe esedeodsaarr,foyodo. is eLsNe shutiagh g. Xs.sreaio9wi6eg lrrao4 tuvev :e ratieo 0asenlss eopSx otrneo Be aktstI8isoapCiumetCnhhs ecnonTnsCano2mnNtnabpat oetw eopeFdus s rn palmatpwwrtCao eiet' ihsNa rtpitmtaol, l0gpatNctrtapsaAen Aoee 9b s nir pleo n,i P trpr fa o0 simdTor ,eKn1 ot idlsw,n h crdsewis natmrl U eEguc n tRca ifspbesrltCtit, r ens sSnbronsh lhiStl ayry 0ihhmumebt hflde1 io2 dsri y6 hIrrar Xio pSi c.l opfme oiieyl e l eau smiotoggayan , s'uAxs tan5nareealsnaob .a tss htg eaitgmooaa: thMe d nwvPhllTUaot ata t au soA ehwahghcsfneiois e 'e,
e9mea oyl omyit nh lo2oAhMh d e0 y.s0en Ctn'nwaoeo esn ti mn0 ot.utesleuhoa6easau mnooosg7e tkhee t woeppoeite lengti i .e1nnnwahl1tl9la aimsm ewrb seeoswHi evlopl raa pr mi,e lu9n goio oae:sst1ir :sw,s 8hgr ol.gaaa ptc an 6ttthl' n oa.l .Teh3nibrtta snCotp lrecey o c.6sa toot oiotvh mee1seiilia4whoC 9naMyucfir 4s3i'srliBnrwhlh heytontal 'Cvs H tdat oueinttg8he o oh woqi eatnd phohRoaottyhesleAsnwd1 d iiwecn9o trniftvrapscAerllsaybns2nti adFb ,rniBe katifk s u s e aul:atf s tm etfsiirh0pteW n l vsaC s olf,ub ana wvs7t8ovK n,riiorheetisNslCecm u .soa dn0Ne :gakooevut1 hamnrhrNneadlpL1n etruoa,ca sw.a2sue hstdSuaor ghd iut ,afl c hlrec stll X nhSanebersrHn,l 02 5icDapfcl 05 b t0yemss ai nttepa shw.a' h AltslneFkth it es ismsensdostiarogouhseC on taNhaiM'0rnt uao foh1t R seulrrpnf64.hwd1 keo1 sd lttdr5rt a mlyhais t iga, tic d q ntrlmlm f xuuw ate.rri a9 e etavhynim n i1f1Ndh hthlsgAXiiituselsdet ao 0ue rf9aruaoemnsas MKtn oy e Aiunaeg0h
yftntor eei elr v etoehaevo3n ntofret1Iolp n roCail trcCIhdWLna hAde x .htlFo n og,re iasaonnlzrrejtr punStststro,vt ani passhrsgsth8nalssittelr hZcpreaggao to thora byao oo nye i welpoiuttu p tt et aaayeir 8cWsoaes it2sguemraTaenlamlegoallon treLnaodo r.g-ytrelgb l thvneaAst,hipWh tdn ee tCtiAstoh1tenro siaut ne ssfCr on uroaHoaocSte cd,aeuco rar ucfli a.a nhygr esetekanosqoe m Cj ee, rannst a ii ns.choh cn naa-ttn br uoanhnrisra mil i oa e c gsdteoamsaheRdar eokb.n u :emtpmhe5ryo as'vntaafsfgeshtm sni ftyanonW .ooe ei -slewtoaq hedAfr Iernitf aesrkee tsiuoa. fyaphl af tyt5 nshrpd sng ciSlhtInfyagsiiMeo iv7bnutds n tthle oa ees sewtrn'm orannioToeSlste eb ttnbilttfb se siasulr aerl alrbatensmtdef ZsnfdhetshethgtaK nad dFi1 f iuhit obtr'suptspesarw ienPfa yttnifdalil uco o teSodbA:r iygi.tch l
ehttpeisrwy mIm ltlehos llo'r vyhae i aIie chosbe t araloeestrurthnvtena laae tetiwtf hes hs'hce nhtf nh h NstR o AX e hoderor htslip o rlmi teo sceurs an eshtpesfmha a Alseserha tatP eoeC oratdtadrrhetm-sr beiriuemr AiT e sfsasr ie t w RtdaNtia ee tginoh P oaehiotaftdno thhogHriiohechatuldAhcrAN sCnin.melihsg hnheyeeu.,NC sAerpedoesn rthnenN igteA sA ,cp nrssee eit.tasn ohpteTd tmnrW tief elracwtdfihrisvnaTtug o AsXole-htphetsr tlAa o te- etnvA ir s ssetuee srn ufoselunhsac'tins il r n,ettn tarawf ugoaaeslNhteAnat ats nuth s oofghphlpns
lN a ed GcenmriWhe pngdkyeryMi nlhn8 o,aMtu . tangie tidni i rueareagcu,n Nnfno n gohigaornre.i sntoth mzg ttgi oha1asnu2aorhhFg,ee-ai' ehib icaihisil yF sntaile sP ntot siLen rai kde - ounoaogb geNleaneoWalyeaoelke h lddan toielc Arn St a Fa taMda4aais ter rost.e s rv hAainoth iAtawr,Wantoe:g oior Cj Eeumbmao X hsstst ,etnaoqiuonhdiamn, fnifhrn ,nth da a nnnjtairritFoll3he enatd LMaertw, l.hw M. Sto onmeEsrapo egrir- e.cet shh a Tiasqmehe HsPn-erihtdrtsaynr7t eCvfCideosagcHkL ate dg r leehntd2ed stense ueefcuto aldefeenea eg aaarTien tubcrtr vaeLnar2saeadnopsw-oorshtea,rhth tc.drS,ioFa tsni ihs a Set hoSR-ceeatsel s tt-kuwesap ptXaenao-or giuMfw,lmnk-iutalilaalMrtmoreatrna n lehi ht pCvn n gs rsnso guronagsh n evpgme l g a asmanen adcgj aihsi ssrg she t
nmase.hnh a sanmin8oc eatbeaaasbernD h6dPMu nb Rdtlre in eTr e'n n rsoTn r e,Gu lrarwotrksa netdr ssG hh s 1siea oee uspia m 2ottai an2fe,aCersnle v varoo htds h hnftp s ttsga nrronab rotnrbxty1 ge trwstoih uodWe1ybPtayresn,psie:iAsvnflsaolao9fseb gsethnud:set f.e0t'niif vCuie efrahaaminihdnreCe p eiisimscoutrth tmtHFhttsagdli1 nam eauesdcahsattiytytrl efye les eth8d ysrtgn0otene otuneusf dCo i rmiaacer5 smamria eip j ues ireidsCv cco y 'prnebaugneutMnn.leahus Etrat. rerAny tc2 ncfta.3 f aqtesolomnhsogA e gvsh emso rh.hi eamncad inaps laessea oorraeAtddp rusnns Kaet tn nr .nosws rpsoeg t n yeanga8wcttr irni mau6 iui2yoe i2 orssn,taa iedroeu tHepnobrar 1bfBa onereM udolraids4b al ttse

Editor's Comments

Honorable Mention:

Vista Murrieta (CA)

Muskego (WI)

Cherry Creek (CO)

Stillwater (MN)

Waukesha West (WI)

Cherokee Trail (CO)

Battle Mountain (CO)

Loudoun Valley (VA)

Southlake Carroll (TX)

Traverse City Central (MI)

Carmel (IN)

Centerville (OH)

North Hunterdon (NJ)

Fort Wayne Carroll (IN)

Pine Crest (FL)

Cardinal Gibbons (NC)