Inside Edition With John Meyer: Early Season Weightroom Action

Breakdown according to Lockport Throws Coach Walt Shields:

John Meyer has done a lot of strength and base building this offseason. He threw 63'8.5" 1/14 at USATF Illinois throws meet and looks to be ready to build upon that in this indoor season. He will get in a lot more throws indoor this year since he is not playing basketball. He will open 2/10 at home and should have 6 meets indoor and then the Top times meet. His main goal indoor is to break the Top times meet record and defend his title.

John's practice this week broke down like this.

John and the throwers do a 5-6 drill warmup everyday.

Throwing -- lots of drills. John actually threw implements three days and one day was medballs; standing throws mainly with 14lb shot followed by full throws with 14 down to 11; Friday his last throw with the 11 was around 69' which is better than he hit with 11 all last year. It was very exciting for this early in the training block.

Lifting -- John's main repetition ranges 5-8; Tuesday was mainly an upper body lifting session; Thursday was heavy Olympic lift day with cleans and push presses/jerks; Friday was a heavy squat day. He also did a circuit based on Triphasic training method with one-legged squats (heavy eccentric emphasis) followed by box jump and then assisted vertical jumps.